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TOC\ Web Developer References\ Programming Languages\ < ColdFusion >\ <CF_Fusebox Version 2.0> 

FB2-01: Fusebox Version 2.0 - Large Scale Fusebox Applications ***** - Fusebox applications are modeled around an electrical Fusebox in a House: The Fusebox Model, Circuit Application, Home Application, How to tie Circuit Applications together with the Home Application, The Display Block Concept, The Queries directory, Dealing with Multiple Sites on one Server. Written by Steve Nelson - March 10, 1999.   URL:
FB2-02: Introducing the Fuseaction  - The Fuseaction - A Fusebox application begins with the user. The user wants to do some "action" or they wouldn't be using the application in the first place. The web allows us to transfers information to the server through URL, Form and cookie variables. One page (from the user's perspective) of an application could possibly do one or more different "actions". We need to send this action to the server with each user's page request we will need to pass this "action" in either Form or URL variables, because they are the only variables that are specific to each page.   URL:
FB2-03: Introducing the "Fuse"  - Adding functionality to a ColdFusion page is as easy as including a ColdFusion tag within your CFML document and giving that tag the attributes it needs. Suddenly that page has the new functionality of the added CFML file. ColdFusion 3.0+ allows a developer to take a CF file and turn that file into a ColdFusion tag, essentially adding new functionality to the language itself. There are five different types of "Fuses" (Cold Fusion files) in a Fusebox application. <B>Application Files</B> (app_locals.cfm or app_globals.cfm), <B>Display Files</B> (dsp_yourfilename.cfm), <B>Action Files</B> (act_yourfilename.cfm), <B>Query Files</B> (qry_yourfilename.cfm), and <B>ColdFusion CFXs</B>.   URL:
FB2-04: Introducing the "Box" - Index.cfm  - Now that we know what the "Fuse" in Fusebox is, now let's take a look at what the "Box" is. A bunch of fuses in a pile don't really help anyone, but when they are all neatly tied together in a "Fusebox" they can manage the power in an entire house or a large building for that matter. To manage our Fuses we will use a file named "Index.cfm". All requests for an application will go through the "index.cfm" file. This file has one task, that task is: Determine what ColdFusion code is necessary to do the "FuseAction" the user needs to do.   URL:
FB2-05: Basic Fusebox Techniques  - In a nutshell a Fusebox application is a Cold Fusion application made up of multiple CF files and multiple function but can be called as either a "Tag" or as a "Standalone" application. The other papers described why we wanted to acheive that goal, this paper will explain our research for the best techniques we found for doing so. These techniques have been in use by hundreds of developers for almost a year now. They are proven methods. Here you go.   URL:
FB2-06: Complex Fusebox Techniques  - While the other papers described why we wanted to acheive that goal, this paper explains our research for the best techniques we have found for creating complex web applications. These techniques are designed for the advanced CF developer. Be sure to read and attempt the techniques in the " Simple Fusebox Application Framework Techniques" before you read this, otherwise these techniques may not make sense. We have tried a number of different ways of getting to these goals and the techniques outlined here allow for some amazing added functionality that few people are aware of. These are by no means the only ways of accomplishing these goals of creating multiple file <CF_tags>. As you play with Fusebox more and more and you find new techniques, PLEASE share your ideas with the Fusebox forum and mailing list.   URL:
FB2-07: Final Thoughts about Fusebox  - I've been developing Fusebox applications for almost a year, and I find that it makes developing applications infinitely faster. One thing that I've found is that when I build an application, I no longer have to think about how the structure of the application will be laid out. I can focus my attention on the task I'm trying to solve instead of how to solve building a web application. No one is expecting you to stop everything you're doing and begin building your CF applications to the Fusebox style. Nor is it possible that everyone's "Fusebox" application will be built to spec. Making standards of coding is probably just wishful thinking. That's not what Fusebox is for. Fusebox is made up of the best practices of many top ColdFusion developers, if you try any of the Fusebox techniques you'll learn to love them. Fusebox style will make you a better programmer, because you can focus on what you're doing instead of how you're going about it. March 10, 1999 - Written by Steve Nelson.   URL:
Fusebox 2.0 - Print Version  - One long page containing FB-01/FB-07 for printing.   URL:
FuseBox Custom CF_Tags  - Here are some Tags that will assist you in your Fusebox application development. CF_BODYCONTENT, CF_DEFAULTCASE, CF_FORMURL2ATTRIBUTES, CF_FUSETOKEN, CF_MAXID, CF_RETURNFUSEACTION, CF_REUSEFORM.   URL:

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