House of Fusion
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Home of the ColdFusion Community

Home of the ColdFusion Community

House of Fusion has been supplying quality content to the ColdFusion community for as long as there's been a ColdFusion community. If you have a question, just ask it on the ColdFusion Technical Talk (CF-Talk) list and you're sure to get an answer. If you have a job to offer or need one, the ColdFusion Jobs (CF-Jobs) list is the place for you. There are even more specific Groups / Mailing Lists dealing with topics such as SQL, Adobe Flex 2.0, Regular Expressions and more.

You can even talk directly to the site owner, Michael Dinowitz. He's been doing ColdFusion since before it was released and is more than happy to handle your high end problems or even do some spot training to help you out.

Official ColdFusion IDE announced

Adobe is going to have an eclipse based ColdFusion IDE along with ColdFusion 9. If you want in on testing it, visit the Bolt Page on Labs and sign up. It looks VERY cool!

Adobe loves me that I know because Ben Forta tells me so.

More coming REAL SOON!

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