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TOC\ Native American Resources\ History 

American Indian History Resources ***** - Listings of and links to: General American Indian History Resources, New England Texts and Native Americans, Bibliographies, Texts and Reviews, Code Talkers, Oral Histories, 19th-Century Native and Non-Native Commentary, The West: A PBS Documentary 1996, Wounded Knee, The Battle of the Little Bighorn: Two Perspectives, Documents, Timelines, Maps, Tribal Histories and Statistics.   URL:
First Nations Histories  - Lee Sultzman, First Nations Historian has done a wonderful job, she is adding a large amount of information on each of the different tribes.   URL:
Index of Native American Archaeology Resources on the Internet **** - Participatory Opportunities, Conferences, Archaeology and Anthropology Resources, Southwest, Great Plains, Southeast & Mississippian, West Coast, Northeast, Canada & Alaska, Mexico, Central America & the Caribbean, South America, Rock Art.   URL:
Index of Native American History Resources on the Internet **** - Links to resources on Oral History, Written History, Northeast, Southeast, Midwest including Northern Plains, Southwest, Great Basin and California, Northwest, Alaska, Canada, Mexico, Timelines, Photographs & Photographic Archives.   URL:
Smithsonian: Native American History and Culture  - Selected links to sites hosted by Smithsonian Institution museums and organizations. Native American Resources, Selected Exhibitions, Recommended Reading.   URL:
Stereotypes of Native Americans **** - We are so used to seeing the Land o'Lakes Indian maiden, the various school mascots, mascots of professional sports teams, etc. that we forget what effect these images have on the ideas we have of the people they represent, or on the personal image of the children of these people as they must learn to live in this society. The portrait on the Indian Head nickel was largely responsible for the fact that Indians could not get jobs in Hollywood to play Indian parts. They did not look Indian enough!   URL:
The National Portrait Gallery: Native Americans  - Tenskwatawa, Ute Treaty-making Delegation of 1868, Geronimo (Goyathlay), Chief Joseph, Billy Bowlegs (Holata Micco, Black Hawk (Makataimeshekiakiak), Little Crow (Tahetan Wakawa Mini), Osceola, Peter Pitchlynn, Lewis Bennett (Deerfoot), Sitting Bull (Tatanka Yotanka), Chief Thundercloud.   URL:
The Native American History Archive  - A New Center for Native American Studies in Internetworked Classrooms.   URL:

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