U.S. Department of the Interior
Minerals Management Service
Gulf of Mexico OCS Region

FOR RELEASE: July 28, 1998
Barney Congdon
(504) 736-2595


Caryl Fagot
(504) 736-2590

Minerals Management Service Gulf of Mexico Region
Releases Digital Well Logs in Canadian Log ASCII Standard (LAS) Format

The Minerals Management Service (MMS), Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Region, announces the availability of all releasable digital well log curves stored in the MMS database. Well logs collected under 30 CFR 250.66 were required to be submitted in digital format for all wells spudded on or after December 1, 1995. Releasability of this geoscientific data is in accordance with the Code of Federal Regulations.

Digital well log curves are a new and valuable data format to be used with the latest technology for the exploration and development of hydrocarbons on the Federal Outer Continental Shelf. When incorporated into other databases that use the latest technology, this information provides the geoscientist with a visual representation of hydrocarbon reservoirs, thereby increasing accuracy of interpretation and permitting greater confidence in the resulting drilling recommendations.

Each set of well log curves will be provided on disk or File Transport Protocol (FTP), as requested by the customer. File size for a complete set of curves for each well averages one to two megabytes. These data are to be distributed through the Public Information Office of the Gulf of Mexico Region. The cost of digital well log curves from an exploratory well is $350.00 each and from a development well is $250.00 each.

For more information contact the Public Information Office of the Minerals Management Service by telephone at (504)736-2519 or (800)200-GULF, or by written request to:

Minerals Management Service
Gulf of Mexico OCS Region
Attn: Public Information Office (MS 5034)
1201 Elmwood Park Boulevard
New Orleans, Louisiana 70123-2394
FAX: (504) 736-2620

yearofocean.gif (4519 bytes)The MMS is the Federal agency that manages the Nation’s oil and gas and other mineral resources on the OCS and collects, accounts for and last year disbursed about $6 billion in revenues from Federal offshore leases and Federal and Indian onshore mineral leases.


MMS Internet website address: http://www.mms.gov/
24 hour Fax-on-Demand Service: (202) 219-1703

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