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A fix for the infamous document.write() JavaScript bug ***** - I've received a lot of email about the infamous document.write() nested tables bug. So I decided to share a couple of workarounds. If you have yet to encounter this snafu, it occurs in Netscape 2.x and 3.x when you use document.write() within a nested table, or on a page containing a nested table.   URL:
CNET BUILDER.COM - Web Programming - 30 JavaScript tips **** - Even after you've mastered HTML, there is still one more skill you need to develop before you can call yourself a serious Web builder: JavaScript. Mastering JavaScript in a vacuum can be a real challenge. But thanks to the Web you're not on your own--we can all share our knowledge and hard-earned expertise. By Charity Kahn (2/17/98).   URL:
JavaScript Tip of the Week Archive  - The JavaScript Tip of the Week archive is a collection of 30 coding tips with complete source code, working examples, and commentary. Before you re-invent the wheel make sure you check here to see if a script has already been created for your purpose.   URL:

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