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A Library of Regular Expressions for Form Validation ***** - One example of advanced JavaScript programming is the library of Regular Expressions for form validation.   URL:
Calender Reminder  - Writes a reminder to your browser.   URL:
Crowder Associates - JavaScript  - Active content for your page.   URL:
Detecting Plug-ins  - If only there were some way to tell whether your users have the correct plug-ins. Well, my friends, there is. You can use JavaScript to detect browser-installed plug-ins. Once this has been determined, you can serve users either the desired file or an alternative image or text message.   URL: JavaScript Repository  - The Largest JavaScript Repository on the World Wide Web.   URL:  - Access to a database of at least 2192 FREE JavaScripts. This page uses Cold Fusion to generate it's pages.   URL:
Joust - The Outline Navigation System in JavaScript ***** - Today's Cool Tool, Joust, is a new breed of Web site design tool that goes beyond graphics to adding real structural functionality to your site. Existing as a freely-available set of JavaScript source code, Joust lets you create really, really spiffy JavaScript index menus that function just like Windows Explorer (or Mac Finder) folder hierarchies. Wanna see a major topic? Look at the folders! Wanna see what's down farther? Just click on a folder and watch it expand. No more lost in Cyberspace for you, bucko!   URL:
JScript Primer 3/4 : Regular Expressions  - If you’ve been following this series of articles you know that I’ve been sharing some of my enthusiasm for a very cool scripting language, JScript. Part I covered static variables in JScript and Part II discussed classes in JScript. This third installment examines Regular Expressions in some detail. I will complete this series next Tuesday with a brief discussion of associative arrays and objects (if you can tell them apart) in JScript.   URL:
Sample code for form validation with JavaScript 1.2 Regular Expressions  - Form validation is one of the most common uses for JavaScript. JavaScript is a quick, easy way to check a user's input for mistakes, typos, and the omission of required fields. Because validation takes place on the client machine, there's no delay for contacting a remote server. The user gets quicker responses, and network bandwidth and server processing power are both conserved. Developers will find it easier and more intuitive to do form validation with JavaScript than with CGI scripts.   URL:
Script Search: Javascript *** - Find the Javascript you're looking for and download it!   URL:
String Manipulation and Pattern Testing with Regular Expressions  - Regular expressions constitute a robust notation for describing patterns of text. They have long been a staple of Unix scripting languages, and are an invaluable ally in testing, matching and manipulating strings. Example uses include user input validation and text (re)formatting. This article will focus on the language of regular expressions using JScript. Future articles will cover sample uses of regular expressions with JScript, VB, VBA and VBScript (although it seems that VB-style regular expressions are severely crippled).   URL:
The JavaScript Planet  - The point of this site is to gather all the scripts that are spread over the web and keep them in one place to make it easier for You to find what you want!   URL:
The JavaScript Source **** - The JavaScript Source is an excellent JavaScript resource with tons of "cut & paste" JavaScript examples for your web pages. All for free!   URL:
The Ultimate JavaScript Client Sniffer  - Determining Browser Vendor, Version, And Operating System With JavaScript.   URL:
Using JavaScript's OO Capabilities for Advanced Client-Side Validation  - In this article, I will take you through a few simple steps that are required to give your HTML fields data-type and format properties, and how these can be used to give users the kind of positive feedback with which they are familiar in ordinary desktop applications.   URL:
Validation Made Simple with JScript Regular Expressions  - One of the new and exciting features of Microsoft® JScript® version 3.0 that receives very little attention is the regular expression object. If you know Perl, you’re already familiar with these very powerful and simple objects, designed to make pattern matching easy. Let’s see how to implement them in JScript.   URL:
Webmonkey: Javascript Code_Library **** - The Webmonkey code library is our own collection of code fragments, function packages, and Web editor extensions - a resource containing generalized code, specific workarounds, and good ideas.   URL:
ZDNET d e v h e a d: ScriptLibrary - JavaScript ***** - If want to use a little JavaScript to spice up your Web design on the client side, but don't have time to code, fret no more! ScriptLibrary has literally hundreds of cut and paste JavaScripts waiting for you.   URL:

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