US Forest Service
Coconino National Forest  



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Coconino National Forest
1824 S. Thompson St.
Flagstaff, AZ 86001


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Mormon Lake Ranger District Information

[graphic] Ranger's Corner logoRoads in the Flag Center

April 19, 2005

1. We've had a very wet fall/winter and it has only been in the last couple weeks that we haven't had a good wet soaking of rain or snow (unlike the lower elevations which are pretty much dry now).

2. It has been warm lately but there are still snow patches on/along roads, puddles in roads, and soft roadbeds (ruts) which means road damage will occur if they are traveled on. While the days are warm, the nights are still cool here at 7000+ feet.

3. Traveling off the roadbed to avoid snow, puddles, mud ruts results in unacceptable resource Photo: resource damage on wet forest roadsdamage because it creates new unauthorized roads that are braided or multiple parallel tracks (which further creates confusion to the public who at times can't tell which is the real road)... along with other impacts to vegetation, etc. On an OPEN road where a mud puddle is encountered, the driver needs to either stay on the road and carefully negotiate through the water OR turn around OR park. Please do not go around the puddle and create another route.

4. Many roads are still closed due to mud and snow, but there are other reasons roads are still closed (even if they are dry Photo: mud holes cause widening of roads as travelers  traverse the holefrom where the closure is posted). Heavy rains have caused washouts or slides on roads which need to be fixed with heavy maintenance - our engineering road maintenance crew is hitting these problem areas but there are many of them and it will take weeks, possibly months, to complete. Also, there are trees down on roads and the road crews are cutting those out. What looks dry and passable may not be in a mile or two so closing the road off at a gate or junction will continue.

photo: deep ruts caused by  traveling on wet forest roads5. The Coconino National Forest has lots and lots of roads and limited staffing. As we can, we're checking roads but this is not a daily process but more of a once-aw-week maximum check. Road repairs are being done but it will take time. Roads will remain closed until the major damage is repaired.

6. Many of the roads on the forest are designed to be used with a high clearance, four-wheel drive vehicle. One should plan for this. "Four-wheel-drive" does not mean you should coat your vehicle with mud, which is another resource damage if the driver is damaging the road).

Please visit our "Current Conditions" page frequently. As roads open, we will post the information there.

Click here for District Ranger Gene Waldrip's Comments on Roads.


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US Forest Service - Coconino National Forest
Last Modified: Thursday, 13 March 2008