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Allaire Home  - The Allaire Web Site Home Page.   URL:
Allaire Knowledge Base  - The Allaire Knowledge Base contains technical support resource information, problem resolution information, answers to the most frequently asked hotline questions, tips and techniques, and training information.   URL:
New Business Models on the Web: How to get there from here *** - Coined “Affiliate and Syndication Networks”, these models (theoretically) enable any Web site to leverage the assets of other sites and create new value. An example of this was pioneered by, who years ago introduced an “affiliate” program. With this program, any site owner could become an online reseller of merchandise. The site owner simply created an affiliate account with Amazon, then pasted content and links on his site back to Amazon. If endusers clicked through this content and bought a book from Amazon, the site owner got about 20% of the revenue on the sale. It’s Business 101: Share revenue and increase volume using a network of resellers. by Jeremy Allaire.   URL:

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