US Forest Service
Coconino National Forest  






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Coconino National Forest
1824 S. Thompson St.
Flagstaff, AZ 86001


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National Trails Day on the Coconino


Upcoming NTD Events on the Coconino


2008 National Trails Day is Saturday, June 7! Stay tuned for details.



American Hiking Society’s National Trails Day (NTD) is a nation-wide celebration of trails and the outdoors.  Over 1000 events take place each year, hosted by trail and community groups, public agencies, and businesses, providing opportunities for communities to experience and enjoy their public lands.

While the official NTD date is the 1st Saturday in June, warmer climates (such as the Sedona area) often have National Trails Day events earlier in the year to beat the heat!

National Trails Day 15th Anniversary Celebration at Arizona Snowbowl.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Event Achievements:
Thanks to the hard work of approximately 140 volunteers,
we picked up hundreds of pounds of trash,
cleared the parking area and meadow of invasive weeds,
and built approximately 1/2 mile of new trail – the Interpretive Connector Trail of the Arizona Trail, Peaks Segment.

Pictures: Click the thumbnails below for larger view. Look for "next" and "previous" buttons to appear in the top corners of each photo.

[photo] National Trails Day morning gathering. [photo] Volunteer Collection Trash [photo] Largest pieces of trash collected. [photo] Trash pile [photo] young volunteer [photo] Gearing up for Trail Work [photo] trail construction in progress [photo] horseback volunteers [photo] Smokey gives hugs to trail workers [photo] Smokey hand shake [photo] relay races [photo] potato sack races. [photo] Az Trail Interpretive Connector Segment. [photo] AZ Trail Interpretive Connector after NTD work.

Do you have a nice photo from this year's NTD event that you'd like to share? It cannot be copyrighted, but you'll get credit in the photo caption. Use the Contact Us page to send us your photo. Choose "I have a photo to share" as the subject.


Special thanks go to our partners who assisted with this year’s event:
Coconino Rural Environmental Corp (CREC) for assisting with the event planning and recruitment of volunteers and trail crew leaders
Coconino Trail Riders for assisting with event planning and recruitment of the highest number of volunteers
Flagstaff Biking Organization for assisting with the event planning and recruitment in and around Flagstaff
City of Flagstaff Parks and Recreation for the most entertaining booth and games
Coconino County Parks and Recreation for assisting with the event planning and for supplying the tools, tents, tables and chairs
Arizona Snowbowl for assisting with event advertising, logistics and food preparation
Coconino County Sheriff's Search and Rescue for educating participants of their organizations efforts that aid and assist outdoor users
Fratelli Pizza for donating pizza for our trail crew leader meeting and pre-event planning
Our interpretive guide leaders:  Angela Crossley, Todd Sieber, Dale Shewalter, Jane Jackson, and Steve and Lois Hirst
The Flagstaff Hotshot crew
for their help in constructing a large section of trail
Arizona Trails Association for assisting with the event planning and staffing
Our guest speaker, Founder of the Arizona Trail, Mr. Dale Shewalter

Our special guest:  Smoky Bear


Quick Links
Click the icon to visit the website.

[graphic] American Hiking Society, National Trails Day link.


[graphic] American Hiking Society link.


[graphic] Arizona Trail Association link.
Arizona Trail Association

Additional links are available below.

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U.S. Forest Service - Coconino National Forest
Last Modified: Monday, 21 July 2008