US Forest Service
Coconino National Forest Coconino National Forest (header)


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Coconino National Forest
1824 S. Thompson St.
Flagstaff, AZ 86001


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Click Here for our Fall Colors Page


Most Frequently Requested Links

Fire Restrictions in effect on the Coconino National Forest

Our offices, hours, addresses & phones. There are two offices open on weekends for "live" help.

Developed campgrounds, camping-on-your-own, trail descriptions and trail maps

Current Conditions: urgent messages about prescribed fires, roads closed and special events on the Forest

OHV USE: Rules and Regulations for use of "off-highway vehicles" on National Forests in Arizona

Bear Aware: Black bears that reside in the Southwest primarily live in the pine forests and chaparral (brush) zones, and occasionally wander into lower elevations.

Mountain Lion Info: Tips for dealing with mountain lions, mountain lion biology, and attacks in North America from Arizona Game and Fish.

Water Quality Hotline: Water is tested daily at Slide Rock State Park. Call before your trip! (602) 542-0202




August 7, 2007


Dear Interested Party:

The Forest Service has been coordinating cadastral survey work in the area immediately adjacent to Mountainaire this spring.  The Coconino National Forest has requested boundary survey be done in this specific location because future management activities are being planned for the area.  It is our policy that National Forest System properties boundaries are surveyed and marked in their true location prior to undertaking land management activities.  Accurate landlines are important for both the protection of private property rights, and sound management of the public’s land.

The survey is being conducted by the Cadastral Survey Branch of the Arizona Office of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).  The BLM has the statutory authority and duty to survey and resurvey all federal boundaries.
Their primary assignment will be to complete a dependant resurvey and subdivision of sections 28 and 29 in T.20N., R.7E.  This survey will mark and re-establish the boundary of the public domain lands in the designated area.  Field survey work was accomplished mid-April though mid-May.

It is believed that due to one or more erroneous private surveys there may be some encroachment of private use and/or physical trespass of improvements on the National Forest.   The Bureau of Land Management survey crew will note such areas of improvements or trespass.  Affected landowners will be notified once the survey information has been finalized.  Options to resolve trespass and encroachments will be considered when the extent and nature of the issue is known.

If you have any questions or would like additional information about the survey efforts please contact Coconino National Forest Public Services staff officer, Mark Sensibaugh, at 928-527-3470.



/s/ Nora B. Rasure


Forest Supervisor



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[photo] Nora Rasure, Forest Supervisor

Nora Rasure,
Forest Supervisor


U.S. Forest Service - Coconino National Forest
Last Modified: Tuesday, 18 March 2008