US Forest Service
Coconino National Forest  



Recreation - Camping - Cabins - ATVs - Hiking



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Coconino National Forest
1824 S. Thompson St.
Flagstaff, AZ 86001


[graphic] US Forest Service Logo

[graphic] Link to website



Recreation on the Coconino Forest


GPS Coordinates

Many of our Recreation Pages are displaying GPS Coordinates. These locations were determined using arial photographs and therefore may or may not be extremely accurate.

The Coconino Forest Webmaster would like to have all information shown as accurate, so we would appreciate an email indicating any necessary correction, not just about GPS info, but any information displayed herein.

If you put the formula directly into Google Earth, you will need to remove the "-" (minus sign) after the "W".

Send the Webmaster a message at Contact Us.

Thank you.

Lockett Meadow Campground

Lockett Meadow Campground is closed to overnight camping due to the significant amount of hazard trees located at each camp site. You may use this area for day-use during the fall color season.


[Photograph]: A family is gathered around a campfire roasting marshmallows. Their tent is in the background.The Coconino National Forest Welcomes Visitors

Enjoy your National Forests but please remember: FIREWORKS are not allowed on the National Forest... or anywhere in the State of Arizona without a permit.

When camping or picnicking, please keep your site clean; free from trash and food. Otherwise animals and insects are attracted to your site.

Please practice Leave No Trace ethics... Bag your trash and take it home with you. Help us keep our forests clean and green by "Packing It Out!" (Please see " No Deje Rastro" en Español)

Feel free to have a campfire (except on the Red Rock District AND except when fire restrictions are in effect) but ALWAYS be in attendance of your fire; when you leave, PUT IT OUT- COLD OUT! Put lots of water on it (about 5 gallons), mix and stir dirt in, then do it again until you can put your bare hand on the coals and they are cool to the touch! Putting your fire out can take awhile. Please start extinguishing it BEFORE you start packing up.

Human Waste is a big problem when thousands of people converge on the Forest. Please CLICK HERE for detailed instructions on handling this "delicate" situation.

With your help, we can protect our natural resources for future generations.

Thank you.


So Much To Do & See

The Coconino National Forest offers a variety of recreational opportunities... hiking and backpacking, trail riding by horse and bicycle, camping and picnicking, boating and fishing, and don't forget winter activities such as snowshoeing, cross-country and alpine skiing.

The Coconino Forest is made up of a number of distinct environments... each with their own unique flavor. Click on the map to your right or the links below.

Peaks District, high-country mountain forests and meadows.

Mormon Lake District, wide-open spaces, dotted with lakes.

Mogollon Rim District, lush forests on the edge of the Mogollon Rim.

Red Rock District, famous red-rock canyons, Oak Creek and more.



[graphic] Tent camper putting up his tent

[graphic] Camper TrailerDispersed Camping Guidelines


THE FOREST BELONGS TO EVERYONE... however, there are some firm guidelines we must all follow out of respect for everyone who owns the Forest, human and animal. You may camp most anywhere on the Coconino National Forest (unless otherwise posted) according to the guidelines at this link: (Click Here).



[graphic] Rendering of a cabin in the forest

Forest Service Cabin Rentals

The Coconino has three converted employee housing field units to beautiful recreational cabin rentals. Please check out our Room With A View page for rates, reservations, seasons, and photos.

Cabin Rental Briefing Paper (286KB .pdf file)



RV Sanitary Dump Stations in Northern Arizona[graphic] Recreational Vehicle

This list is provided only for your convenience. The Forest Service does not endorse or recommend any commercial enterprise. Click here for list



An Opportunity for you to Share Your Photos

Many of our Recreation Pages lack a nice photo. If you have an appropriate photo taken at one of our campgrounds or day-use areas, or on one of our trails or scenic drives, and would like to share it with us for use on our website, please indicate that in a response on the "Contact Us" page. (Any photo we use on Federal Websites will be considered "Public Domain" and may not be copyrighted. (Credit will be given unless you specify otherwise.)



For Trail Guides,
Developed Campgrounds
Scenic Drives,
Wildnerness Areas


Coconino Map seperated by districts - clickable Peaks Ranger District, northernmost part of the Coconino National Forest Red Rock District, famous red-rock canyons and oak Creek Canyon, desert highlands, recreation oportunities Mormon Lake District, Plateau Country, land of lakes, middle of the Coconino Mogollon Rim District, thick pine forests, famous for hunting


Another source for CAMPGROUNDS on the Coconino National Forest is U.S. National Forest Campground Guide - This link is not affiliated with the Coconino National Forest and will open in a new window.


Off-Highway Vehicles

[graphic] 4-wheel ATV

The OHV information has been moved to its own page. [Click Here]


Researchers Warn Against Using Fire Ring as Garbage Dump

With summer just around the corner, campers are gearing up for weekend getaways and long summer-break vacations. For many, this means packing up the car, reserving a favorite campsite and breaking out the s’mores. For others, summer is the time to stuff a pack and trek out into the wilderness with their favorite freeze-dried foods.

For campers and hikers a common outdoor recreation element is the camp fire. Although most fires consist mainly of woody debris, many recreationists use the fire ring as a garbage disposal. However, some say this practice is harmful not only to the environment but also to those in close contact with the waste and emissions. (Read rest of article by Kaibab's Megan Foucht)

Geocaching on Forest Lands

Concerns and limitations include unauthorized burying or hiking in the alpine tundra, disturbance (digging and trampling) of sensitive soils (microbiotic crust at lower elevations), disturbance of archeological resources, disturbance of TE&S (Threatened and Endangered Species), and unauthorized use of motorized or mechanized equipment in wilderness areas. [More]


Fall Colors on the Coconino

See the Fall Colors page


Fossil Creek Native Fish Restoration

In the fall of 2004, nearly 100 people from around the state worked together to restore Fossil Creek to a native fishery...[graphic] Click this link for more information



Accessibility Guidelines

Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines

Forest Service accessibility guidelines are being developed to provide guidance for the agency to maximize accessibility while at the same time recognizing and protecting the unique characteristics of the natural setting of outdoor developed recreation areas and pedestrian trails. These guidelines will apply only to new or reconstructed areas. (Click here)


Recreation Facility Analysis

[graphic] RFA LogoRFA is an analysis process, used nationally, to assist Forests in creating a sustainable program that aligns recreation sites with visitors' desires, expectations, and use. [More]



[graphic] Tent Camping

[graphic] Camp Trailer or Recreational Vehicle

[graphic] Picnic Table


[graphic] Hiking

[graphic] Horseback Riding

[graphic] Bicycle

[graphic] Pets allowed on leash


[graphic] indicating fishing

[graphic] Boat Ramp

[graphic] Row Boat

[graphic] Canoe

[graphic] Wading

[graphic] Swimming


[graphic] wildlife viewing

[graphic] Deer

[graphic] Photography


[graphic] Automobile

[graphic] motorized vehicle

[graphic] ATV


[graphic] Climbing


[graphic] ATV

[graphic] motorized vehicle


[graphic] Winter Activities

[graphic] Spelunking

[graphic] Snowmobiling

[graphic] Sledding

[graphic] Downhill Skiing

[graphic] Downhill Skiing

[graphic] Snowshoeing

[graphic] Cross-Country Skiing

  [graphic] This Page Is Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional!  


U.S. Forest Service - Coconino National Forest
Last Modified: Friday, 21 November 2008