US Forest Service
Coconino National Forest  



About the Coconino



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Coconino National Forest
1824 S. Thompson St.
Flagstaff, AZ 86001


[graphic] US Forest Service Logo

[graphic] Link to website


About Us

[graphic] Executive order establishing the Coconino Forest. Click for .pdf file of the actual document  

Coconino National Forest Celebrates 100 Years

This year marked the 100th anniversary of the proclamation signed on July 2, 1908 by President Theodore Roosevelt, consolidating all the San Francisco Mountains National Forest, parts of the Black Mesa and Tonto National Forest, all of the Grand Canyon National Forest south and east of the Colorado River, into the Coconino National Forest.



[photo] West Fork of Oak Creek

[photo] Lake Mary

[photo] Cathedral Rock

[photo] Knoll Lake

The Coconino National Forest is one of six National Forests in Arizona. National Forests are America's "Great Outdoors". There is a lot for people to enjoy... in a wide variety of ways.

To see our office locations or how to contact us by mail, phone, fax or e-mail, visit on the Contact Us page.

If this is your first visit to the Coconino Forest and/or you have some general questions, you should take a look at the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page. Just click on FAQ's.

For links to other state and federal government web sites (including other state and regional Forest Service sites), as well as sites for road conditions, environmental education and more, visit the "Local Links" Page.

Enjoy your visit to the Coconino National Forest web site!



Helpful "ABOUT US" Links

Arizona Map showing
National Forest Land

[graphic] Map of Arizona showing National Forest land

Caring for the Land and Serving People

The US Forest Service is charged with the care of the nation's forests and rangelands. We serve the needs of the people of the nation, the owners of the forest. The Forest Service is a leader in conservation and cooperates with individual states to assist private landowners in applying good forest practices on their own lands. We are also involved in research to find better ways to manage the nation's natural resources.


  • Acreage: 1,821,495
  • Elevation: 2,600' to 12,633'
  • Pine-covered plateau cut by deep canyons and bordered on the south by the spectacular Mogollon Rim, a 1,000-foot cliff running for miles across central Arizona.
  • San Francisco Peaks, including Humphreys Peak (12,633'), highest in the state, and Fairfield Snow Bowl Winter Sports Area.
  • Outstanding scenery in Oak Creek Canyon and the Red Rocks country surrounding Sedona.
  • Forest flanked on the southwest by the Verde River.
  • Trout fishing in several lakes and streams.
  • All or portions of ten wilderness areas.
  • Horseback riding.
  • Boating on Lake Mary
  • Hunting for elk, deer, antelope, and turkey.
  • Scenic drives include "Around the Peaks", Lake Mary-Long Valley Road, Oak Creek Canyon and the Mogollon Rim Road.
  • On the plateau (7,000' for higher), nights are very cool, even in summer. Frequent afternoon showers, July-August.
  • Nearby towns include Flagstaff, Camp Verde, Clarkdale, Sedona, Williams and Winslow.
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U.S. Forest Service - Coconino National Forest
Last Modified: Friday, 02 January 2009