[Federal Register: December 19, 2008 (Volume 73, Number 245)]
[Page 77739-77743]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



Office of the Secretary

[Docket No. DHS-2008-0154]

Privacy Act of 1974; U.S. Customs and Border Protection--009 
Nonimmigrant Information System

AGENCY: Privacy Office, DHS.

ACTION: Notice of Privacy Act system of records.


SUMMARY: In accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974 and as part of the 
Department of Homeland Security's ongoing effort to review and update 
legacy system of record notices, the Department of Homeland Security 
proposes to update and reissue the following legacy record system, 
Justice/INS-036 Nonimmigrant Information System, January 31, 2003, as a 
Department of Homeland Security system of records notice titled, U.S. 
Customs and Border Protection Nonimmigrant Information System. 
Categories of individuals, categories of records, and the routine uses 
of this legacy system of records notice have

[[Page 77740]]

been reviewed updated to better reflect the Department of Homeland 
Security U.S. Customs and Border Protection Nonimmigrant Information 
System. Concurrent with this System of Records Notice, DHS is issuing a 
notice of proposed rulemaking to exempt this system for certain aspects 
of the Privacy Act. This reissued system will be included in the 
Department of Homeland Security's inventory of record systems.

DATES: Written comments must be submitted on or before January 20, 

ADDRESSES: You may submit comments, identified by docket number DHS-
2008-0154 by one of the following methods:
     Federal e-Rulemaking Portal: http://www.regulations.gov. 
Follow the instructions for submitting comments.
     Fax: 1-866-466-5370.
     Mail: Hugo Teufel III, Chief Privacy Officer, Privacy 
Office, Department of Homeland Security, Washington, DC 20528.
     Instructions: All submissions received must include the 
agency name and docket number for this rulemaking. All comments 
received will be posted without change to http://www.regulations.gov, 
including any personal information provided.
     Docket: For access to the docket to read background 
documents or comments received go to http://www.regulations.gov.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For general questions please contact: 
Laurence E. Castelli (202-325-0280), Chief, Privacy Act Policy and 
Procedures Branch, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Office of 
International Trade, Regulations & Rulings, Mint Annex, 799 Ninth 
Street, NW., Washington, DC 20001-4501. For privacy issues contact: 
Hugo Teufel III (703-235-0780), Chief Privacy Officer, Privacy Office, 
U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Washington, DC 20528.


I. Background

    Pursuant to 6 U.S.C. 552(a)(1), the Department of Homeland Security 
(DHS) and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) have maintained the 
Nonimmigrant Information System (NIIS) in conformance with the terms of 
the previous NIIS SORN, 68 FR 5048.
    As part of its efforts to streamline and consolidate its record 
systems, DHS is updating and reissuing a DHS/CBP system of records 
under the Privacy Act (5 U.S.C. 552a) to reflect CBP's current and 
future practices regarding the processing of foreign nationals entering 
the U.S. CBP inspects all persons applying for admission to the U.S. As 
part of this inspection process, CBP establishes the identity, 
nationality, and admissibility of persons crossing the border and may 
create a border crossing record, which would be covered by DHS/CBP-007 
Border Crossing Information System of Records Notice (73 FR 43457 
published on July 25, 2008), or additional CBP records, which would be 
covered by the TECS System of Records Notice (re-published concurrently 
with this notice) during this process. Similarly, CBP has authority to 
keep records of departures from the U.S.
    In addition to information collected from the alien during the 
inspection process, CBP primarily uses two immigration forms to collect 
information from nonimmigrant aliens as they arrive in the U.S.: The I-
94, Arrival/Departure Record and, for aliens applying for admission 
under the visa waiver program, the I-94W Nonimmigrant Visa Waiver 
Arrival/Departure Form. Separately, Canadian nationals, who travel to 
the U.S. as tourists or for business, and Mexican nationals, who 
possess a nonresident alien Mexican Border Crossing Card, are not 
required to complete an I-94 upon arrival, but their information will 
also be maintained in NIIS. Additionally, DHS/CBP has been implementing 
an Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) to permit 
nationals of VWP countries to submit their biographic and admissibility 
information online in advance of their travel to the U.S. Applicants 
under this program will have access to their accounts so that they may 
check the status of their ESTA and make limited amendments. ESTA is 
covered by privacy documentation including a SORN published on June 10, 
2008, 73 FR 32720.
    In accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974 and as part of DHS's 
ongoing effort to review and update legacy system of record notices, 
DHS/CBP proposes to update and reissue the following legacy record 
system, Justice/INS-036 Nonimmigrant Information System (68 FR 5048 
January 31, 2003), as a DHS/CBP system of records notice titled, U.S. 
Customs and Border Protection Nonimmigrant Information System. 
Categories of individuals and categories of records have been reviewed, 
and the routine uses of this legacy system of records notice have been 
updated to better reflect the DHS/CBP Nonimmigrant Information System. 
Additionally, the exemptions for this legacy system of records notice 
transfer from the system's legacy agency to DHS. This reissued system 
will be included in the DHS's inventory of record systems.

II. Privacy Act

    The Privacy Act embodies fair information principles in a statutory 
framework governing the means by which the U.S. Government collects, 
maintains, uses and disseminates individuals' records. The Privacy Act 
applies to information that is maintained in a ``system of records.'' A 
``system of records'' is a group of any records under the control of an 
agency from which information is retrieved by the name of the 
individual or by some identifying number, symbol, or other identifying 
particular assigned to the individual. In the Privacy Act, an 
individual is defined to encompass U.S. citizens and lawful permanent 
residents. As a matter of policy, DHS extends administrative Privacy 
Act protections to all individuals where systems of records maintain 
information on U.S. citizens, lawful permanent residents, and visitors. 
Individuals may request access to their own records that are maintained 
in a system of records in the possession or under the control of DHS by 
complying with DHS Privacy Act regulations, 6 CFR part 5.
    The Privacy Act requires each agency to publish in the Federal 
Register a description denoting the type and character of each system 
of records that the agency maintains, and the routine uses that are 
contained in each system to make agency recordkeeping practices 
transparent, to notify individuals regarding the uses of their records, 
and to assist the individual to more easily find such files within the 
agency. Below is a description of the NIIS System of Records.
    In accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552a(r), a report concerning this 
record system has been sent to the Office of Management and Budget and 
to the Congress.


    U.S. Customs and Border Protection--009 Nonimmigrant Information 


    This computer database is located at the U.S. Customs and Border 
Protection (CBP) National Data Center. Computer terminals are located 
at customhouses, border ports of entry, airport inspection facilities 
under the jurisdiction of the Department of Homeland Security and other 
locations at which DHS authorized personnel may be posted to

[[Page 77741]]

facilitate DHS's mission. Terminals may also be located at appropriate 
facilities for other participating government agencies that have 
obtained system access pursuant to a Memorandum of Understanding.

    Categories of individuals covered by this system are nonimmigrant 
aliens entering and departing the U.S.

    NIIS is a dataset residing on the CBP Information Technology (IT) 
platform and in paper form. It contains arrival and departure 
information collected from foreign nationals entering and departing the 
U.S. on such forms as the I-94, I-94W, or through interviews with CBP 
officers. This information consists of the following data elements, 
where applicable:
     Full Name (first, middle, and last);
     Date of birth;
     E-mail address, as required;
     Travel document type (e.g., passport information, 
permanent resident card, etc.), number, issuance date, expiration date 
and issuing country;
     Country of citizenship;
     Date of crossing both into and out of the U.S.;
     Scanned images linked through the platform;
     Airline and flight number;
     City of embarkation;
     Address while visiting the U.S.;
     Admission number received during entry into the U.S.;
     Whether the individual has a communicable disease, 
physical or mental disorder, or is a drug abuser or addict;
     Whether the individual has been arrested or convicted for 
a moral turpitude crime, drugs, or has been sentenced for a period 
longer than five years;
     Whether the individual has engaged in espionage, sabotage, 
terrorism, or Nazi activity between 1933 and 1945;
     Whether the individual is seeking work in the U.S.;
     Whether the individual has been excluded or deported, or 
attempted to obtain a visa or enter the U.S. by fraud or 
     Whether the individual has ever detained, retained, or 
withheld custody of a child from a U.S. citizen granted custody of the 
     Whether the individual has ever been denied a U.S. visa or 
entry into the U.S., or had a visa cancelled (if yes, when and where);
     Whether the individual has ever asserted immunity from 
prosecution; and
     Any change of address while in the U.S.

    5 U.S.C. 301; the Federal Records Act, 44 U.S.C. 3101; The legal 
authority for NIIS comes from 8 U.S.C. 1103, 8 U.S.C. 1184, 
Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004, Public Law 
108-458, The Immigration and Nationality Act, 8 U.S.C. 1354, and the 
Homeland Security Act of 2002, Public Law 107-296.

    NIIS is a repository of records for persons arriving in or 
departing from the U.S. as nonimmigrant visitors and is used for entry 
screening, admissibility, and benefits purposes. The system provides a 
central repository of contact information for such aliens while in the 
U.S. and also captures arrival and departure information for 
determination of future admissibility.

    In addition to those disclosures generally permitted under 5 U.S.C. 
552a(b) of the Privacy Act, all or a portion of the records or 
information contained in this system may be disclosed outside DHS as a 
routine use pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552a(b)(3) as follows:
    A. To the Department of Justice or other Federal agency conducting 
litigation or in proceedings before any court, adjudicative or 
administrative body, when it is necessary to the litigation and one of 
the following is a party to the litigation or has an interest in such 
    1. DHS or any component thereof;
    2. Any employee of DHS in his/her official capacity;
    3. Any employee of DHS in his/her individual capacity where DOJ or 
DHS has agreed to represent the employee; or
    4. The U.S. or any agency thereof, is a party to the litigation or 
has an interest in such litigation, and DHS determines that the records 
are both relevant and necessary to the litigation and the use of such 
records is compatible with the purpose for which DHS collected the 
    B. To a congressional office from the record of an individual in 
response to an inquiry from that congressional office made at the 
request of the individual to whom the record pertains.
    C. To the National Archives and Records Administration or other 
Federal government agencies pursuant to records management inspections 
being conducted under the authority of 44 U.S.C. 2904 and 2906.
    D. To an agency, organization, or individual for the purpose of 
performing audit or oversight operations as authorized by law, but only 
such information as is necessary and relevant to such audit or 
oversight function.
    E. To appropriate agencies, entities, and persons when:
    1. DHS suspects or has confirmed that the security or 
confidentiality of information in the system of records has been 
    2. The Department has determined that as a result of the suspected 
or confirmed compromise there is a risk of harm to economic or property 
interests, identity theft or fraud, or harm to the security or 
integrity of this system or other systems or programs (whether 
maintained by DHS or another agency or entity) or harm to the 
individual who relies upon the compromised information; and
    3. The disclosure made to such agencies, entities, and persons is 
reasonably necessary to assist in connection with DHS's efforts to 
respond to the suspected or confirmed compromise and prevent, minimize, 
or remedy such harm.
    F. To contractors and their agents, grantees, experts, consultants, 
and others performing or working on a contract, service, grant, 
cooperative agreement, or other assignment for DHS, when necessary to 
accomplish an agency function related to this system of records. 
Individuals provided information under this routine use are subject to 
the same Privacy Act requirements and limitations on disclosure as are 
applicable to DHS officers and employees.
    G. To appropriate Federal, State, local, tribal, or foreign 
governmental agencies or multilateral governmental organizations 
responsible for investigating or prosecuting the violations of, or for 
enforcing or implementing, a statute, rule, regulation, order, license, 
or treaty where DHS determines that the information would assist in the 
enforcement of civil or criminal laws.
    H. To a court, magistrate, or administrative tribunal in the course 
of presenting evidence, including disclosures to opposing counsel or 
witnesses in the course of civil or criminal discovery, litigation, or 
settlement negotiations, or in response to a subpoena from a court of 
competent jurisdiction.
    I. To third parties during the course of a law enforcement 
investigation to the extent necessary to obtain information pertinent 
to the investigation, provided disclosure is appropriate to the proper 

[[Page 77742]]

of the official duties of the officer making the disclosure.
    J. To an organization or individual in either the public or private 
sector, either foreign or domestic, where there is a reason to believe 
that the recipient is or could become the target of a particular 
terrorist activity or conspiracy, to the extent the information is 
relevant to the protection of life or property and disclosure is 
appropriate to the proper performance of the official duties of the 
person making the disclosure.
    K. To an appropriate Federal, State, local, tribal, foreign, or 
international agency, if the information is relevant and necessary to a 
requesting agency's decision concerning the hiring or retention of an 
individual, or issuance of a security clearance, license, contract, 
grant, or other benefit, or if the information is relevant and 
necessary to a DHS decision concerning the hiring or retention of an 
employee, the issuance of a security clearance, the reporting of an 
investigation of an employee, the letting of a contract, or the 
issuance of a license, grant or other benefit and when disclosure is 
appropriate to the proper performance of the official duties of the 
person making the request.
    L. To appropriate Federal, State, local, tribal, or foreign 
governmental agencies or multilateral governmental organizations, for 
purposes of assisting such agencies or organizations in preventing 
exposure to or transmission of a communicable or quarantinable disease 
or for combating other significant public health threats.
    M. To Federal and foreign government intelligence or 
counterterrorism agencies or components where CBP becomes aware of an 
indication of a threat or potential threat to national or international 
security, or where such use is to assist in anti-terrorism efforts and 
disclosure is appropriate to the proper performance of the official 
duties of the person making the disclosure.
    N. To the news media and the public, with the approval of the Chief 
Privacy Officer in consultation with counsel, when there exists a 
legitimate public interest in the disclosure of the information or when 
disclosure is necessary to preserve confidence in the integrity of DHS 
or is necessary to demonstrate the accountability of DHS's officers, 
employees, or individuals covered by the system, except to the extent 
it is determined that release of the specific information in the 
context of a particular case would constitute an unwarranted invasion 
of personal privacy.
    O. To appropriate Federal, State, local, tribal, or foreign 
governmental agencies or multilateral governmental organizations where 
DHS is aware of a need to utilize relevant data for purposes of testing 
new technology and systems designed to enhance national security or 
identify other violations of law


    The data is stored electronically at the CBP and DHS Data Center 
for current data and offsite at an alternative data storage facility 
for historical logs, system backups and in paper form.

    These records may be searched on a variety of data elements 
including name, addresses, place and date of entry or departure, or 
country of citizenship as listed in the travel documents used at the 
time of entry to the U.S. An admission number, issued at each entry to 
the U.S. to track the particular admission, may also be used to 
identify a database record.

    All NIIS records are protected from unauthorized access through 
appropriate administrative, physical, and technical safeguards. These 
safeguards include all of the following: restricting access to those 
with a ``need to know''; using locks, alarm devices, and passwords; 
compartmentalizing databases; auditing software; and encrypting data 
    NIIS information is secured in full compliance with the 
requirements of the DHS IT Security Program Handbook. This handbook 
establishes a comprehensive program, consistent with federal law and 
policy, to provide complete information security, including directives 
on roles and responsibilities, management policies, operational 
policies, and application rules, which will be applied to component 
systems, communications between component systems, and at interfaces 
between component systems and external systems.
    One aspect of the DHS comprehensive program to provide information 
security involves the establishment of rules of behavior for each major 
application, including NIIS. These rules of behavior require users to 
be adequately trained regarding the security of their systems. These 
rules also require a periodic assessment of technical, administrative 
and managerial controls to enhance data integrity and accountability. 
System users must sign statements acknowledging that they have been 
trained and understand the security aspects of their systems. System 
users must also complete annual privacy awareness training to maintain 
current access.
    NIIS transactions are tracked and can be monitored. This allows for 
oversight and audit capabilities to ensure that the data is being 
handled consistent with all applicable federal laws and regulations 
regarding privacy and data integrity.

    NIIS data is subject to a retention requirement. The information 
collected and maintained in NIIS is used for entry screening, 
admissibility, and benefits purposes and is retained for seventy five 
(75) years from the date obtained. However, NIIS records that are 
linked to active law enforcement lookout records, CBP matches to 
enforcement activities, and/or investigations or cases will remain 
accessible for the life of the law enforcement activities to which they 
may become related. The current disposition for paper copy is 180 days 
from date of departure.

    Assistant Commissioner, Office of Information Technology, U.S. 
Customs and Border Protection Headquarters, 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, 
NW., Washington, DC 20229.

    Individuals seeking notification of and access to any record 
contained in this system of records, or seeking to contest its content, 
may submit a request in writing to CBP's FOIA Officer, 1300 
Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., Mint Annex, Washington, DC 20229.
    When seeking records about yourself from this system of records or 
any other CBP system of records your request must conform with the 
Privacy Act regulations set forth in 6 CFR part 5. You must first 
verify your identity, meaning that you must provide your full name, 
current address and date and place of birth. You must sign your 
request, and your signature must either be notarized or submitted under 
28 U.S.C. 1746, a law that permits statements to be made under penalty 
of perjury as a substitute for notarization. While no specific form is 
required, you may obtain forms for this purpose from the Director, 
Disclosure and FOIA, http://www.dhs.gov or 1-866-431-0486. In addition 
you should provide the following:

[[Page 77743]]

     An explanation of why you believe the Department would 
have information on you,
     Specify when you believe the records would have been 
     If your request is seeking records pertaining to another 
living individual, you must include a statement from that individual 
certifying his/her agreement for you to access his/her records.
    Without this bulleted information CBP may not be able to conduct an 
effective search, and your request may be denied due to lack of 
specificity or lack of compliance with applicable regulations.

    See ``Notification procedure'' above.

    See ``Notification procedure'' above.

    The system contains certain data received on individuals, 
passengers and crewmembers that arrive in, depart from, or transit 
through the U.S. This system also contains information collected from 
carriers that operate vessels, vehicles, aircraft and/or trains that 
enter or exit the U.S. and from the individuals upon crossing the U.S. 
    Basic information is obtained from individuals, the individual's 
attorney/representative, CBP officials, and other federal, state, 
local, and foreign agencies.

    No exemption shall be asserted with respect to information 
maintained in the system that is collected from a person or submitted 
on behalf of a person, if that person, or his or her agent, seeks 
access or amendment of such information.
    This system, however, may contain information related to an ongoing 
law enforcement investigation because the information regarding a 
person's travel and border crossing was disclosed to appropriate law 
enforcement in conformance with the above routine uses. As such 
pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552 a (j)(2) and (k)(2), DHS will claim exemption 
from (c)(3), (e)(8), and (g) of the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, as 
is necessary and appropriate to protect this information.

    Dated: December 10, 2008.
Hugo Teufel III,
Chief Privacy Officer, Department of Homeland Security.
 [FR Doc. E8-29792 Filed 12-18-08; 8:45 am]