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Wednesday 14 January 2009

Ozone and mortality

Ground-level ozone, an air pollutant that is monitored by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), damages human health by irritating the respiratory system, reducing lung function, damaging lung cells, and aggravating asthma and other chronic conditions. In March 2008, the EPA strengthened ozone standards by lowering acceptable limits from 84 parts per billion to 75 parts per billion.

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Earth System Modeling Framework (ESMF):  Events at Fall AGU

thumbnailThe Earth System Modeling Framework (ESMF), a community infrastructure project based in CISL, will be hosting several events at the Fall AGU Meeting in San Francisco, CA. On the morning of December 16, an AGU poster session entitled "The Science of Coupling with the ESMF" will be held at the Moscone Center South.

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Supercomputing 08: NCAR to showcase high-end technologies that enable scientific discovery

thumbnailA series of presentations by National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) scientists will describe current research results on topics such as global climate change, forecasting hurricane intensity and position, and astrophysical turbulence. The central theme will be how large-scale simulation efforts and emerging technologies and new tools are improving our ability to understand our planet. All presenters will be available for questions and answers.

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Building resolving large-eddy simulations and comparison with wind tunnel experiments

thumbnail image We perform large-eddy simulations (LES) of the flow past a scale model of a complex building. Calculations are accomplished using two different methods to represent the edifice.

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  • Press Release: Climate Change Threat: Developing Countries Lack Means to Acquire More Efficient Technologies [read more]

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Scientists try to mitigate climate change effects (Poznan, Poland)

Associated Press (09 December 2008)

Scientists studying the changing nature of the global climate say they have completed one crucial task — proving beyond a doubt that global warming is real.  Now they have to figure out what to do about it.  "The skeptics are doing a good job because they are making us present ironclad proof," said Lawrence E. Buja, a climate change researcher for the U.S. National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado.  But since that battle is over, he said scientists need to move on and look at the detailed impact of climate change. [read more]

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