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What can school administrators do?  
  1. Learn as much as you can about bullying among children and youth and best practices for addressing bullying.

    Strategies to Address Bullying at School

  2. Visit the Resource Kit to find bullying prevention programs, books, videos, and other materials prepared especially for educators. You might find it helpful to print out our fact sheet on Tips for Selecting Materials from the Resource List.

  3. Help to educate your faculty, staff, and parents about the problem of bullying. Share Campaign materials and other bullying resources with them. Consider:

    • distributing Stop Bullying Now! Campaign fact sheets to faculty, staff, and parents;
    • showing Stop Bullying Now! Campaign Public Service Announcements during parent-teacher gatherings and faculty meetings to stimulate discussion; and
    • publishing an article in your school newsletter or on your website about the issue of bullying. (Use the Sample newsletter article as a model.)

  4. Assess bullying at your school, the level of commitment of your staff to address bullying, and parent interest and concerns. (For more information, read Steps to Address Bullying at Your School.)

  5. Learn about best practices in bullying prevention and take steps to implement effective practices. (Read Best Practices in Bullying Prevention and Intervention and Steps to Address Bullying at Your School.)

If you do not currently have the resources or staff commitment to implement a coordinated bullying prevention program at your school, there still are some important steps that you can take. Read Steps to Address Bullying at Your School for some ideas.

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