United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Center of Excellence on Implementing Evidence Based Practice

Research Investigators

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Matthew J. Bair, MD, MS
Matt Bair, MD, MS




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Dr. Matthew J. Bair is a HSR&D Investigator for the Roudebush VAMC Health Services Research and Development (HSR&D) Center of Excellence in Implementing Evidence-Based Practice (CIEBP) and an Assistant Professor of Medicine and Geriatrics at the Indiana University School of Medicine. His specific program of research is in Improving Pain Management in Primary Care. Dr. Bair recently received a HSR&D Career Development Transitional Award (CDTA). His long-term research objective is to develop and test interventions that combine pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic treatments that address some of the barriers to effective pain management that can be practicably applied in VA primary care settings.

Additionally, Dr. Bair is working with VACO’s Center for Medication Safety and the Substance Use Disorder QUERI on a project to evaluate mortality rates among veterans prescribed methadone and other long-acting opioids.

Dr. Bair completed residency training in Internal Medicine at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, followed by fellowship training in health services research at the Regenstrief Institute. He then completed a one-year VA fellowship in Medical Informatics at the Roudebush VA Medical Center. Dr. Bair chair the VA Pain in Primary Care Working Group, is a member of the National VA Pain Management Coordinating Committee, the National Employee Education Service Pain Management Workgroup, and the American Pain Society Clinical Practice Guidelines Committee.

Dawn M. Bravata, MD

Dr. Bravata

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Dr. Dawn M. Bravata is an Associate Professor of Medicine at the Indiana University School of Medicine and an investigator in the VA HSR&D Center on Implementing Evidence-based Practice (CIEBP). She is the Clinical Coordinator of the VA HSR&D Stroke Quality Enhancement Research Initiative (QUERI).

Dr. Bravata conducts health services research in cerebrovascular disease. The fundamental goal of her research is to improve the quality of care for patients with cerebrovascular disease. She is interested in three topics within this larger domain: the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions for patients with acute ischemic stroke and transient ischemic attack (TIA), the quality of care received by patients with stroke and TIA, and the identification and treatment of medical co-morbidities in patients with cerebrovascular disease.

Dr. Bravata received a VA Health Services Research & Development (HSR&D) Advanced Career Development Award for her current work entitled “The Quality Evaluation in Stroke and Transient Ischemic Attack (QUEST) Project” which evaluates the quality of care received by veterans and non-veterans with a stroke or TIA. She received the Robert Wood Johnson Generalist Physician Faculty Scholars Program Award for her research entitled: “The Diagnosis and Treatment of Sleep-Disordered Breathing in the Home of Patients with Transient Ischemic Attack.”

Neale R. Chumbler, PhD
Dr. Neale ChumblerCo_Principal Investigator
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Dr. Neale R. Chumbler is the Co-Principal Investigator of the Center of Excellence on Implementing Evidence-based Practice (CIEBP) at the Roudebush VAMC in Indianapolis, IN. At the CIEBP, Dr. Chumbler directs the interdisciplinary fellowship program in health services research, medical informatics, and patient safety. He is also a Professor of Sociology in the Indiana University School of Liberal Arts at Indiana University Purdue University-Indianapolis and a Regenstrief Institute Scientist, Indiana University Center for Health Services and Outcomes Research, Indianapolis, IN.

Dr. Chumbler earned a PhD in sociology in 1994 from Case Western Reserve University and in 1996 completed a two-year postdoctoral fellowship in Health Services Research at the HSR&D Center for Mental Health and Outcomes Research and the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, AR.

Teresa M. Damush, PhD
Teresa M. Damush, PhD
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Dr. Teresa M. Damush is Research Psychologist with the VA Health Services Research and Development (HSR&D) Center of Excellence in Implementing Evidence-Based Practice (CIEBP). She is also Center Scientist with the Indiana University Center for Aging Research* and the Regenstrief Institute, Inc.,* and Assistant Research Scientist in the Division of General Internal Medicine and Geriatrics* of Indiana University School of Medicine.*

Dr. Damush earned her doctorate in Social and Personality Psychology at UC Riverside. She completed a postdoctoral fellowship in Health Policy at UC San Francisco. Her research focuses on the development and implementation of chronic disease management interventions in primary and specialty care, specifically the translation of guidelines into practice and the evaluation of implementation strategies to change practice. Dr. Damush serves as the Implementation Research Coordinator for the VA Stroke QUERI, dedicated to translating the latest research in stroke care into evidence-based practice. She is PI of a newly-funded VA HSR&D study to develop systematic measures for secondary stroke prevention in the VA.

Bradley N. Doebbeling, MD, MSc, FACP
Dr. Bradley N. Doebbeling, MD, MSc, FACP
Principal Investigator
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Dr. Bradley N. Doebbeling is Medicine Department Professor of Health Services Research at IU School of Medicine, Director of the VA HSR&D Center of Excellence on Implementing Evidence-based Practice and the IU Center for Health Services Outcomes Research, one of three programs of the Regenstrief Institute, Inc. Dr. Doebbeling is a health care epidemiologist whose focus on implementation identifies the organizational, provider and patient factors that influence adoption and adherence to health systems interventions. His research then help design and implement health information technology, systems engineering, and process change tools to improve healthcare delivery. This work has resulted in over 130 published articles, 20 book chapters, and mentorship of more than 20 faculty and fellows. His research program is funded by NIH, VA, DoD, AHRQ and foundations. He is PI of the AHRQ Indianapolis ACTION (Accelerating Change and Transformation in Organizations and Networks) Collaborative, which responds to task orders from AHRQ to conduct and evaluate implementation projects.

He is an experienced research methodologist and mentor. A the University of Iowa, he developed the Graduate Training Program in Clinical Investigation, supported by NIH K12 and K30 awards. He serves as Associate Director of the IU NIH K30 Clinical Investigator Training Enhancement (CITE)* program, and directs VA fellowships in health services research, patient safety and informatics.

In 2006, he helped found the Indiana State Patient Safety Center. He has participated in advisory panels for IOM*, NIH*, CDC*, NIOSH*, DoD* and the VA, and today is active on the Quality and Patient Care Board for Clarian Health*, the Indianapolis Coalition for Patient Safety Executive Board, the Indiana Hospital and Health Association Council on Quality and Patient Safety*, Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services Technical Assistance Panel on Health Care Quality Benchmarking, and the National Guidelines Council and Decision Support Committees of the VA.

Richard M. Frankel, PhD
Richard Frankel, PhD
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Dr. Richard M. Frankel is a qualitative health services researcher whose findings and original care delivery models have influenced the mechanics and culture of care in health systems as large as Kaiser Permanente. Dr. Frankel’s research examines patient-physician communication, non-verbal behavior and exam room computing during the medical encounter, health literacy, medical error, and patient safety.

Dr. Frankel is a leader in the Indiana University School of Medicine Relationship-Centered Care Initiative,* a school-wide organizational change effort to reinvent its culture of academic medicine and patient care. He is Professor of Medicine and Geriatrics* with the IU School of Medicine and Senior Research Scientist with the Regenstrief Institute.*

In 2006, Dr. Frankel was named a Pfizer Visiting Professor in Clear Health Communication, as well as a Koppaka Family Foundation Scholar. He is past recipient of the American Academy on Physician and Patients* George Engel Award for outstanding contributions to research and teaching on communication in the medical encounter.

Dustin D. French, PhD
Dr. Dustin FrenchInvestigator  Search for publications

Dr. Dustin D. French is a VA, Regenstrief Institute Inc., and IU school of Medicine Research Scientist and health economist conducting health services research with extensive experience in medication safety post-marketing studies using national VHA datasets. In 2005, one study of benzodiazepines published in Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety was selected as one of the outstanding papers of the year by the International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology. In 2007, he was invited faculty at Harvard and presented an overview of his work in VHA post-marketing medication safety studies at the 3rd FDA Regulatory and Compliance Symposium. He is an internationally recognized expert publishing on leading edge issues in post-marketing medication surveillance studies using large-scale datasets linking outpatient medication use with healthcare utilization for selected adverse events. Dr. French has also worked with VISN-8 headquarters at Bay Pines, FL. and served on the VISN-8 Executive Leadership Board and the VISN-8 Medication Safety Workgroup. Prior to coming to Indianapolis he was at the VISN-8 Patient Safety Center in Tampa, FL. where he worked on projects related to geriatrics, long-term care, and cost and utilization studies of OEF/OIF veterans with blast related injuries.

David A. Haggstrom, MD, MAS
David Haggstrom,MD,MASInvestigator
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Dr. David A. Haggstrom is a General Internist and Physician Scientist at the Roudebush VAMC Health Services Research and Development (HSR&D) Center of Excellence in Implementing Evidence-Based Practice (CIEBP), a Research Scientist at the Regenstrief Institute,* and Assistant Professor at Indiana University*. Dr. Haggstrom completed Internal Medicine residency training at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center* and served as Ambulatory Care Chief Resident at the Milwaukee VAMC. More recently, he completed research fellowships at the National Cancer Institute* and University of California, San Francisco*, where he also earned a Master's of Advanced Studies in Clinical Research. Dr. Haggstrom's research applies transdisciplinary methods to health care delivery across the cancer continuum. For breast and colorectal cancer, he has studied cancer-screening, treatment, and follow-up care among cancer survivors. His areas of expertise include cancer health services and implementation research, quality improvement and evaluation of the collaborative and chronic care models, health care disparities, and patient-provider communication. Dr. Haggstrom also has applied research interests in medical informatics and personal health records. He is a Staff Physician at the Indianapolis VAMC.

Laura J. Myers, PhD
Laura E. Jones, PhD

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Dr. Laura J. Myers is an epidemiologist and research scientist with the Indianapolis VA Health Services Research and Development (HSR&D) Center of Excellence in Implementing Evidence-Based Practice (CIEBP). Dr. Myers completed postdoctoral training in medical informatics/health services research at the Indianapolis VA CIEBP in 2008. She received her PhD in epidemiology in 2006 from the University of Iowa. She also earned degrees in biostatistics (MSc, 2003, University of Iowa), mathematics (BS, 2001, University of Arkansas), and music (BA, 2001, University of Arkansas).

Dr. Myers’ research involves the use of administrative and clinical databases to (1) investigate healthcare quality in persons with comorbid medical and psychiatric conditions, with a particular emphasis on cancer, diabetes, and depression; (2) examine the quality and delivery of healthcare across the cancer continuum; and (3) develop methodology/algorithms to identify cancer cases. Her related research interests also include database methodology, outcomes research, cancer survivorship research, pharmacoepidemiology, psychiatric epidemiology, methods for database linkages, and testing the validity and reliability of information contained in disease registries.

Erin E. Krebs, MD, MPH
Erin Krebs, MD, MPH
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Dr. Erin E. Krebs is a General Internist, Physician Scientist at the Roudebush VAMC Health Services Research and Development (HSR&D) Center of Excellence in Implementing Evidence-Based Practice (CIEBP) and Regenstrief Institute, and Assistant Professor of Medicine at Indiana University. Along with Center colleagues, Dr. Krebs has been at the forefront of research in chronic pain management in the primary care setting and overlap syndromes, especially pain and PTSD.

Dr. Krebs completed her fellowship as a Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholar at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where she also earned her MPH in Health Care & Prevention. She is committed to strengthening the evidence-based standard of care for pain management and to developing and testing practical, cost-effective pain management tools for primary care. Dr. Krebs’ related research interests include mental health conditions that are commonly comorbid with chronic pain, pain measurement, and women’s health. She is a Staff Physician in the IU Center of Excellence in Women’s Health and Roudebush VA primary care clinics. Dr. Krebs completed Internal Medicine residency training at the University of Minnesota and served as Chief Resident at the Minneapolis VAMC.

Jason J. Saleem, PhD
Dr. Saleem
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Dr. Jason J. Saleem is a Research Scientist with the VA HSR&D Center on Implementing Evidence-based Practice, Roudebush VAMC and Assistant Research Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, IUPUI. His current research involves application of human factors engineering to enhance clinical information systems, including electronic decision support, as well as redesign of healthcare processes for improved safety.

Dr. Saleem received his Ph.D. from the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE) at Virginia Tech in 2003, specializing in human factors. He earned an M.S. degree from Virginia Tech’s ISE Department and a B.S. degree from the University of Pittsburgh’s Department of Industrial Engineering. During his graduate training and post-graduate experience, Dr. Saleem has been involved in the study and design of systems in complex domains such as industry, aviation, and healthcare, and has contributed original human factors investigations to the literature in each of these areas.

Michelle P. Salyers, PhD
Dr. Michelle Salyers 
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Dr. Michelle P. Salyers is a clinical psychologist and mental health services researcher focused specifically on implementing evidence-based practices for psychiatric rehabilitation, quality of care, and illness self-management. She has several federally-funded research and implementation projects, which examine Assertive Community Treatment and Illness Management and Recovery. She is Co-Director of the Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) Center of Indiana*, a state-funded technical assistance program for implementing community-based solutions for adults with severe mental illnesses.

She is Associate Research Professor in the Department of Psychology* of IUPUI. Dr. Salyers completed a clinical internship at Dartmouth Medical School, and was a NASMHPD Research Institute* postdoctoral fellow at the New Hampshire-Dartmouth Psychiatric Research Center. She serves on the Implementation and Management Research review panel for the Scientific Merit Review Board* of the VA Health Services Research and Development Service.

Arlene A. Schmid, PhD, OTR
Arlene Schmid, PhD, OTR
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Dr. Arlene A. Schmid, a rehabilitation scientist, is involved in the VA Stroke QUERI and is interested in stroke rehabilitation and the development of fear of falling after stroke. She was previously funded as both a VA pre-doctoral and post-doctoral fellow. Dr. Schmid has received a VA Career Development Award through RR&D and will be studying changes in social participation and community re-integration after stroke. Additionally, Dr. Schmid is working to develop a fear of falling and balance intervention for veterans who have survived a stroke. 

Dr. Schmid completed her occupational therapy BS/MS degree in Buffalo, NY and has been an occupational therapist for over 11 years. She received her PhD in Rehabilitation Sciences at the University of Florida in 2005. In addition to her roles with the VA, Dr. Schmid is an Assistant Professor in the Indiana University Department of Occupational Therapy and is an affiliated scientist with the Indiana University Center for Aging Research.

Linda S. Williams, MD
Linda S. Williams, MD
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Dr. Linda S. Williams is the Research Coordinator of the VA Stroke QUERI and Chief of Neurology for the Roudebush VAMC. She has developed a national reputation as a neurology health services researcher working to implement evidence to improve stroke care and outcomes.
Dr. Williams has developed the Stroke-Specific Quality of Life Scale (SS-QOL) and has conducted multiple federally-funded studies including a 5-year NINDS-funded study of a case management intervention for patients with post-stroke depression.

As Stroke Coordinator of the VA Stroke QUERI, she is instrumental in developing its research and implementation agenda, and she co-leads the QUERI’s goal group on stroke rehabilitation and recovery. Dr. Williams has received VA HSR&D funding for an implementation study to evaluate the effectiveness of extending the existing primary-care based annual depression screening tool to screen veterans for post-stroke depression. She is also co-PI on a project to examine existing tools to improve post-stroke risk factor management and a project to develop an electronic decision support tool to improve VA inpatient stroke care. Dr. Williams is committed both as a researcher and as a clinician to improving the quality of care for veterans with stroke, and to advancing the science of implementation by testing implementation intervention strategies in real world settings.

Dr. Williams completed medical school at Indiana University School of Medicine, and her neurology residency at the University of Rochester. She then completed fellowship training at Indiana University in Cerebrovascular Disease and Health Services Research. In addition to her roles at the VA, Dr. Williams is an Associate Professor of Neurology at Indiana University School of Medicine and a Research Scientist at the Regenstrief Institute, Inc.

Alan Zillich, PharmD
Dr. Alan ZillichInvestigator
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Dr. Alan J. Zillich is a Research Scientist at the Roudebush VA Center for Excellence in Implementing Evidence-Based Practices and Assistant Professor, School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Purdue University. He also holds appointments as Affiliate Research Scientist at the Indiana University Center for Health Services and Outcomes Research and Regenstrief Institute. He earned a bachelor of science in pharmacy and doctor of pharmacy degree from Purdue University. He also completed 2 years of clinical pharmacy residency training with an emphasis in primary care at the University of Kentucky and a two-year outcomes/health services research fellowship at the University of Iowa.

Dr. Zillich’s research interests involve (1) the roles of professional collaborative relationships between pharmacists and other health care providers; and (2) the effectiveness of pharmacy-based services on improved medication prescribing, patient safety, and patient health outcomes, and (3) methods to improve prescribing and utilization of medications. His recent Research Career Development Award will support this work by examining factors associated with evidence-based medication prescribing in VA primary care.


Dr. Lipscomb Elaine R. Lipscomb, PhD


Dr. Elaine R. Lipscomb received her doctorate in nutrition science from Purdue University. She has previous work experience as a Program Coordinator for a CDC-funded, state-based diabetes prevention and control program. Her research interests include primary prevention of obesity-related diseases and diabetes management, and translational and implementation research. She will primarily focus on the Managing Overweight/Obesity in Veterans Everywhere (MOVE) program during her fellowship.

Dr. Alissa L. RussAlissa L. Russ, PhD

Dr. Alissa L. Russ joined the Roudebush VAMC as an Associated Health Postdoctoral Fellow after receiving her doctorate from the Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering at Purdue University in August 2007. During her graduate studies, she investigated the mechanisms behind renal ischemia and received several awards including the Geddes-Laufman-Greatbatch Award, Dimitris N.Chorafas Prize, and National Science Foundation Integrative Graduate Ed Program (NSF-IGERT) Fellowship. In addition, Dr. Russ completed a clinical internship in nephrology/pediatric urology, which motivated her to explore how her expertise could be used to enhance patient care.

As a biomedical engineer, Dr. Russ brings a unique interdisciplinary perspective to the VAMC Health Services Research & Development Center. She is committed to improving healthcare systems and promoting cross-disciplinary research. Her research interests include the following: preventing adverse events associated with high-alert medications; applying human factors engineering to understand and improve medical systems; and developing novel mechanisms to enhance patient safety.

Dr. Rebekah Fox Rebekah Fox, PhD

Dr. Rebekah Fox received her Ph.D. in Rhetorical Studies and Organizational Communication fromPurdue Universityin 2008.  Her research domains include social and environmental movement persuasion, collective rhetoric, narrative theory, Communities of Practice (with specific attention to the nursing community), and high-reliability organizations.  She employs a wide range of methodologies and will be focusing on network and cultural analysis, and MRSA reduction during her time as a fellow. 

Dr. Kathleen AbrahamsonKathleen Abrahamson, RN, PhD

Dr. Kathleen Abrahamson received her Ph.D. in sociology from Purdue University in 2008. She is also a Registered Nurse with eleven years of clinical experience. Dr. Abrahamson’s research interests include psychosocial distress among cancer patients, issues surrounding long term care delivery, and the organization of nursing work. Her fellowship research currently focuses upon the Cancer Care Engineering project, as well as an examination of programs which address the quality of nursing home care.