For Nov. 10, 1999

Moderating the discussion is Dr. Robert Wittes, director of NCI's Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis. He is joined by guest discussant Dr. Christine Cassel, of Mount Sinai Medical Center.

Dr. Wittes earned undergraduate and medical degrees at Harvard, followed by an internship and residency in internal medicine at Beth Israel Hospital.

He came to NIH in 1970 as a research associate in NCI's Laboratory of Biochemistry. After two years there, he spent more than a decade working at Memorial Hospital. He was assistant chief of the Solid Tumor Service there before he returned to NCI as associate director of the Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program. He took his present position in 1995, and in 1997 was appointed NCI's deputy director for extramural science as well.

Our guest discussant, Dr. Christine Cassel, chairs the Department of Geriatrics and Adult Development of Mount Sinai Medical Center, and is a professor of geriatrics and medicine there.

Dr. Cassel earned her undergraduate degree in humanities at the University of Chicago, and her medical degree at the University of Massachusetts. She traveled to San Francisco to train in internal medicine at Children's Hospital and at the University of California. She followed that with fellowships in bioethics and geriatrics at the University of California and the University of Oregon.

Dr. Cassel joined Mount Sinai in 1995 after 10 years as chief of General Internal Medicine at the University of Chicago, where she also held a number of other leadership positions.

Dr. Cassel's work has brought together the biomedical, ethical, and policy issues in internal medicine and geriatrics, and she has authored several books on aging and end-of-life issues.

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