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110th Congress                                                   Report
                        HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
 2d Session                                                     110-548



   March 11, 2008.--Referred to the House Calendar and ordered to be 


   Mr. McGovern, from the Committee on Rules, submitted the following

                              R E P O R T

                      [To accompany H. Res. 1036]

    The Committee on Rules, having had under consideration 
House Resolution 1036, by a nonrecord vote, report the same to 
the House with the recommendation that the resolution be 


    The resolution provides for consideration of H. Con Res. 
312, the Concurrent Resolution on the Budget for FY 2009, under 
a structured rule. The rule provides a total of four hours of 
general debate, three hours to be equally divided and 
controlled by the chairman and ranking minority member of the 
Committee on the Budget and one hour on the subject of economic 
goals and policies to be equally divided and controlled by 
Representative Maloney of New York and Representative Saxton of 
New Jersey or their designees. The rule waives all points of 
order against consideration of the concurrent resolution and 
provides that the concurrent resolution shall be considered as 
    The rule makes in order only those amendments printed in 
this report. The amendments made in order may be offered only 
in the order printed in the report, may be offered only by a 
Member designated in the report, shall be considered as read, 
shall be debatable for the time specified in the report equally 
divided and controlled by the proponent and an opponent, and 
shall not be subject to amendment. All points of order against 
the amendments are waived except that the adoption of an 
amendment in the nature of a substitute shall constitute the 
conclusion of consideration of the concurrent resolution for 
amendment. The rule permits the Chairman of the Budget 
Committee to offer amendments in the House to achieve 
mathematical consistency. The rule provides that the concurrent 
resolution shall not be subject to a demand for division of the 
question of its adoption. The rule provides that after the 
motion that the Committee rise has been rejected on a 
legislative day, the Chair may entertain another such motion on 
that day only if offered by the Chairman of the Committee on 
the Budget or the Majority Leader and that after a motion to 
strike out the enacting words of the bill has been rejected, 
the Chair may not entertain another such motion during further 
consideration of the bill. The rule provides that the Chair may 
postpone further consideration of the concurrent resolution to 
a time designated by the Speaker. Finally, the rule provides 
for a motion to take the Senate concurrent resolution on the 
budget from the table, strike all after the resolving clause, 
and to insert in lieu thereof the provisions of House 
Concurrent Resolution 312 as adopted by the House.

                         EXPLANATION OF WAIVERS

    Although the rule waives all points of order against 
consideration of the concurrent resolution, the Committee is 
not aware of any specific points of order. The waiver of all 
points of order against consideration of the concurrent 
resolution is prophylactic in nature.

                            COMMITTEE VOTES

    The results of each record vote on an amendment or motion 
to report, together with the names of those voting for and 
against, are printed below:

Rules Committee record vote No. 452

    Date: March 11, 2008.
    Measure: H. Con. Res. 312.
    Motion by: Mr. Dreier.
    Summary of motion: To make in order and provide appropriate 
waivers for an amendment by Rep. Kingston (GA), #4, which 
establishes a bicameral, bipartisan joint select committee that 
would make a full study of all practices of the House, Senate, 
and Executive Branch regarding earmarks in authorizing, 
appropriation, tax, and tariff measures. While the Joint Select 
Committee conducts its study, there would be a moratorium on 
all earmarks.
    Results: Defeated 2-6.
    Vote by Members: McGovern--Nay; Cardoza--Nay; Welch--Nay; 
Arcuri--Nay; Sutton--Nay; Dreier--Yea; Hastings (WA)--Yea; 

Rules Committee record vote No. 453

    Date: March 11, 2008.
    Measure: H. Con. Res. 312.
    Motion by: Mr. Dreier.
    Summary of motion: To make in order and provide appropriate 
waivers for an amendment by Rep. Conaway (TX), #6, which adds a 
Sense of Congress that funding for troops in Operations Iraqi 
and Enduring Freedom should be provided in a timely manner so 
as not to hinder their performance or place them in harm's way.
    Results: Defeated 2-6.
    Vote by Members: McGovern--Nay; Cardoza--Nay; Welch--Nay; 
Arcuri--Nay; Sutton--Nay; Dreier--Yea; Hastings (WA)--Yea; 

Rules Committee record vote No. 454

    Date: March 11, 2008.
    Measure: H. Con. Res. 312.
    Motion by: Mr. Dreier.
    Summary of motion: To make in order and provide appropriate 
waivers for an amendment by Rep. Murphy (PA) and Rep. Heller 
(NV), #19, which inserts reconciliation instructions for the 
Ways and Means Committee into the budget resolution to protect 
the child tax credit and ensure it will be extended beyond 
    Results: Defeated 2-6.
    Vote by Members: McGovern--Nay; Cardoza--Nay; Welch--Nay; 
Arcuri--Nay; Sutton--Nay; Dreier--Yea; Hastings (WA)--Yea; 

Rules Committee record vote No. 455

    Date: March 11, 2008.
    Measure: H. Con. Res. 312.
    Motion by: Mr. Hastings (WA).
    Summary of motion: To make in order and provide appropriate 
waivers for an amendment by Rep. Brown-Waite (FL), #17, a 
substitute amendment which removes $4 billion from the 
International Affairs category in Sec. 102 for Fiscal Year 
2009. The $4 billion is then added to the Veterans Benefits and 
Services category in Sec. 102 for Fiscal Year 2009.
    Results: Defeated 2-8.
    Vote by Members: McGovern--Nay; Hastings (FL)--Nay; 
Cardoza--Nay; Welch--Nay; Castor--Nay; Arcuri--Nay; Sutton--
Nay; Dreier--Yea; Hastings (WA)--Yea; Slaughter--Nay.

Rules Committee record vote No. 456

    Date: March 11, 2008.
    Measure: H. Con. Res. 312.
    Motion by: Mr. Hastings (WA).
    Summary of motion: To make in order and provide appropriate 
waivers for an amendment by Rep. Reichert (WA), #18, which 
provides for no less than a 2.5% increase for IDEA Part B 
Grants to States and calls on Congress to fully fund the 
authorized level by 2019.
    Results: Defeated 2-8.
    Vote by Members: McGovern--Nay; Hastings (FL)--Nay; 
Cardoza--Nay; Welch--Nay; Castor--Nay; Arcuri--Nay; Sutton--
Nay; Dreier--Yea; Hastings (WA)--Yea; Slaughter--Nay.

Rules Committee record vote No. 457

    Date: March 11, 2008.
    Measure: H. Con. Res. 312.
    Motion by: Mr. Hastings (WA).
    Summary of motion: To make in order and provide appropriate 
waivers for an amendment by Rep. Brady (TX), #7, which adds a 
Sense of Congress that the State sales tax deduction should be 
extended through the end of 2008, and another amendment by Rep. 
Brady (TX), #8, which adds a Sense of Congress that the State 
sales tax deduction should be made permanent.
    Results: Defeated 2-8.
    Vote by Members: McGovern--Nay; Hastings (FL)--Nay; 
Cardoza--Nay; Welch--Nay; Castor--Nay; Arcuri--Nay; Sutton--
Nay; Dreier--Yea; Hastings (WA)--Yea; Slaughter--Nay.

Rules Committee record vote No. 458

    Date: March 11, 2008.
    Measure: H. Con. Res. 312.
    Motion by: Mr. Hastings (WA).
    Summary of motion: To make in order and provide appropriate 
waivers for an amendment by Rep. Campbell (CA), #20, which 
states that the policies, functional levels, and aggregates 
included in this concurrent resolution on the budget assume 
enactment of legislation implementing the policy proposal 
related to health care proposed by Senator Hillary Rodham 
Clinton--termed the ``American Health Choices Plan.''
    Results: Defeated 2-8.
    Vote by Members: McGovern--Nay; Hastings (FL)--Nay; 
Cardoza--Nay; Welch--Nay; Castor--Nay; Arcuri--Nay; Sutton--
Nay; Dreier--Yea; Hastings (WA)--Yea; Slaughter--Nay.

Rules Committee record vote No. 459

    Date: March 11, 2008.
    Measure: H. Con. Res. 312.
    Motion by: Mr. Hastings (WA).
    Summary of motion: To make in order and provide appropriate 
waivers for an amendment by Rep. Campbell (CA), #21, which 
states that the policies, functional levels, and aggregates 
included in this concurrent resolution on the budget assume 
enactment of legislation implementing the policy proposal 
related to health care proposed by Senator Barack Obama--termed 
``Barack Obama's Plan for a Healthy America.''
    Results: Defeated 2-8.
    Vote by Members: McGovern--Nay; Hastings (FL)--Nay; 
Cardoza--Nay; Welch--Nay; Castor--Nay; Arcuri--Nay; Sutton--
Nay; Dreier--Yea; Hastings (WA)--Yea; Slaughter--Nay.


    (Summaries derived from information provided by sponsors.)
    1. Kilpatrick (MI)/Scott, Robert (VA): Amendment in the 
Nature of a Substitute. The substitute amendment, submitted on 
behalf of the Congressional Black Caucus, seeks an alternative 
budget that balances the budget in FY 2012. The CBC budget 
funds programs and services in the areas of health care, 
education, veterans benefits and services for low-income 
families. It also provides for additional services for the 
administration of justice and funds the recommendations of the 
House Committee on Homeland Security. (60 minutes)
    2. Lee (CA): Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute. The 
substitute amendment from the Congressional Progressive Caucus 
provides at least $551.7 billion for domestic, non-military 
discretionary spending in FY09; provides a $118.9 billion 
economic stimulus package; extends unemployment insurance, food 
stamp benefits, and Medicaid payments to states; and, spends 
$468.3 billion on defense. The Progressive Caucus budget 
balances by FY12 and rebalances again in FY18, upon completion 
of our Reinvest and Rebuild America Initiative. (60 minutes)
    3. Ryan, Paul (WI): Amendment in the Nature of a 
Substitute. The Republican substitute amendment balances by 
2012, retains provisions enacted in 2001/2003, prevents 
expansion of the AMT for the next 3 years, and achieves full 
repeal in 2013. Provides total discretionary budget authority 
of $1.04 trillion in fiscal year 2009, a 4.3-percent increase 
from 2008 enacted level. It imposes a moratorium on 
congressional earmarks for the balance of the 110th Congress; 
requires a separate vote on increasing the public debt; 
requires cost estimates on conference reports and unreported 
bills; prohibits domestic add-ons to emergency war spending 
bills; limits long-term spending commitments; prevents use of 
reconciliation to increase spending; limits ``advance 
appropriations'' to $23.565 billion in 2010; provides a $7.3-
billion domestic emergency reserve fund; provides for 
contingency war funds; incorporates bipartisan Legislative Line 
Item Veto. Calls for 1 percent decrease in entitlement program 
spending. (60 minutes)

                                THE RULE

1. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Kilpatrick of Michigan, 
               or Her Designee, Debatable for 60 Minutes

  Strike all after the resolving clause and insert the 


  The Congress determines and declares that the concurrent 
resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2009, including 
appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2010 through 



  The following budgetary levels are appropriate for each of 
fiscal years 2009 through 2013:
          (1) Federal revenues.--For purposes of the 
        enforcement of this resolution:
                  (A) The recommended levels of Federal 
                revenues are as follows:
          Fiscal year 2009: $2,113,137,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2010: $2,333,975,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2011: $2,520,860,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2012: $2,736,299,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2013: $2,838,866,000,000.
                  (B) The amounts by which the aggregate levels 
                of Federal revenues should be adjusted are as 
          Fiscal year 2009: $16,013,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2010: $151,111,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2011: $92,835,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2012: $82,984,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2013: $84,126,000,000.
          (2) New budget authority.--For purposes of the 
        enforcement of this resolution, the appropriate levels 
        of total new budget authority are as follows:
          Fiscal year 2009: $2,597,686,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2010: $2,630,042,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2011: $2,761,520,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2012: $2,802,739,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2013: $2,929,212,000,000.
          (3) Budget outlays.--For purposes of the enforcement 
        of this resolution, the appropriate levels of total 
        budget outlays are as follows:
          Fiscal year 2009: $2,596,055,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2010: $2,680,087,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2011: $2,777,894,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2012: $2,790,731,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2013: $2,919,409,000,000.
          (4) Deficits (on-budget).--For purposes of the 
        enforcement of this resolution, the amounts of the 
        deficits (on-budget) are as follows:
          Fiscal year 2009: $482,918,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2010: $346,112,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2011: $257,034,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2012: $54,432,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2013: $80,543,000,000.
          (5) Debt subject to limit.--Pursuant to section 
        301(a)(5) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974, the 
        appropriate levels of the debt subject to limit are as 
          Fiscal year 2009: $10,146,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2010: $10,601,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2011: $10,963,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2012: $11,149,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2013: $11,344,000,000.
          (6) Debt held by the public.--The appropriate levels 
        of debt held by the public are as follows:
          Fiscal year 2009: $5,701,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2010: $5,858,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2011: $5,907,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2012: $5,740,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2013: $5,593,000,000.


  The Congress determines and declares that the appropriate 
levels of new budget authority and outlays for fiscal years 
2009 through 2013 for each major functional category are:
          (1) National Defense (050):
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $573,362,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $560,726,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $560,099,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $556,699,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $568,829,000,000.
          (2) International Affairs (150):
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $37,529,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $39,535,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $40,665,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $41,307,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $41,672,000,000.
          (3) General Science, Space, and Technology (250):
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $28,761,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $30,704,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $32,312,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $33,677,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $34,591,000,000.
          (4) Energy (270):
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $2,423,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $3,354,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $3,983,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $4,370,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $4,684,000,000.
          (5) Natural Resources and Environment (300):
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $37,340,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $38,557,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $39,030,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $39,424,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $40,038,000,000.
          (6) Agriculture (350):
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $21,726,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $21,226,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $21,436,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $21,995,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $22,376,000,000.
          (7) Commerce and Housing Credit (370):
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $4,913,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $7,245,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $3,617,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $3,188,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $3,110,000,000.
          (8) Transportation (400):
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $81,067,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $84,845,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $87,159,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $89,274,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $91,609,000,000.
          (9) Community and Regional Development (450):
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $24,684,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $22,720,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $19,392,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $17,669,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $17,507,000,000.
          (10) Education, Training, Employment, and Social 
        Services (500):
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $96,894,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $118,545,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $123,385,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $124,647,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $123,740,000,000.
          (11) Health (550):
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $310,812,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $337,134,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $359,998,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $383,092,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $408,170,000,000.
          (12) Medicare (570):
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $420,420,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $445,825,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $494,693,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $491,610,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $553,003,000,000.
          (13) Income Security (600):
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $420,166,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $426,298,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $435,414,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $421,056,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $435,944,000,000.
          (14) Social Security (650):
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $21,308,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $23,794,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $27,330,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $30,342,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $33,162,000,000.
          (15) Veterans Benefits and Services (700):
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $96,269,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $99,789,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $105,581,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $102,386,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $108,398,000,000.
          (16) Administration of Justice (750):
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $52,184,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $53,336,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $54,526,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $55,474,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $56,542,000,000.
          (17) General Government (800):
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $24,328,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $20,469,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $20,985,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $21,827,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $22,283,000,000.
          (18) Net Interest (900):
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $333,566,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $367,308,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $401,371,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $421,521,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $429,535,000,000.
          (19) Allowances (920):
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $1,554,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $1,915,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $2,031,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $2,101,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $2,132,000,000.
          (20) Undistributed Offsetting Receipts (950):
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, -$67,060,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, -$70,645,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, -$73,364,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, -$76,104,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, -$79,691,000,000.
          (21) Overseas Deployments and Other Activities (970):
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $74,809,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, $0.
                          (B) Outlays, $47,407,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, $0.
                          (B) Outlays, $18,251,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, $0.
                          (B) Outlays, $5,176,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, $0.
                          (B) Outlays, $1,775,000,000.



  (a) Findings.--The Congress finds that--
          (1) between 2001 and 2007, GAO provided the 
        Department of Defense with 2864 recommendations, many 
        related to improving their business practices and, to 
        date, the Department of Defense has implemented 1389 
        recommendations and closed 215 recommendations without 
        implementation; and
          (2) the GAO estimates that the 1389 implemented 
        recommendations have yielded the Department of Defense 
        a savings of $63.7 billion between fiscal years 2001 
        and 2007.
  (b) Assumption; Report.--
          (1) Assumption.--This resolution assumes $300,000,000 
        to be used by the Department of Defense to implement 
        the remaining 1260 recommendations of the Government 
        Accountability Office.
          (2) Report.--The Secretary of Defense should submit a 
        report to Congress within 90 days that demonstrates how 
        each such recommendation will be implemented, and, in 
        the case of any such recommendation that cannot be 
        implemented, a detailed reason for such inability to 
        implement such recommendation.


  It is the sense of the Congress that--
          (1) the war in Iraq should end as safely and quickly 
        as practicable and our troops should be brought home;
          (2) the performance of United States military 
        personnel in Iraq and Afghanistan should be commended, 
        their courage and sacrifice have been exceptional, and 
        when they come home, their service should be recognized 
        appropriately; and
          (3) the purpose of funds made available by this Act 
        should be to transition the mission of United States 
        Armed Forces in Iraq and undertake their redeployment, 
        and not to extend or prolong the war and occupation.

 2. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Lee of California, or 
                 Her Designee, Debatable for 60 minutes

  Strike all after the resolving clause and insert the 


  The Congress determines and declares that the concurrent 
resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2008 is revised and 
replaced and that this is the concurrent resolution on the 
budget for fiscal year 2009, including appropriate budgetary 
levels for fiscal years 2010 through 2018.


  The following budgetary levels are appropriate for each of 
fiscal years 2008 through 2018:
          (1) Federal revenues.--For purposes of the 
        enforcement of this resolution:
                  (A) The recommended levels of Federal 
                revenues are as follows:
          Fiscal year 2008: $1,875,099,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2009: $2,133,180,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2010: $2,325,649,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2011: $2,531,506,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2012: $2,671,192,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2013: $2,772,290,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2014: $2,938,205,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2015: $3,077,843,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2016: $3,229,982,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2017: $3,392,139,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2018: $3,565,088,000,000.
                  (B) The amounts by which the aggregate levels 
                of Federal revenues should be adjusted are as 
          Fiscal year 2008: -$4,441,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2009: $36,056,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2010: $142,785,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2011: $103,481,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2012: $17,877,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2013: $17,550,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2014: $49,669,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2015: $49,578,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2016: $49,647,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2017: $49,781,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2018: $49,781,000,000.
          (2) New budget authority.--For purposes of the 
        enforcement of this resolution, the appropriate levels 
        of total new budget authority are as follows:
          Fiscal year 2008: $2,673,946,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2009: $2,616,978,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2010: $2,715,278,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2011: $2,867,630,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2012: $2,931,558,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2013: $3,115,760,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2014: $3,254,760,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2015: $3,391,086,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2016: $3,574,696,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2017: $3,696,318,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2018: $3,804,202,000,000.
          (3) Budget outlays.--For purposes of the enforcement 
        of this resolution, the appropriate levels of total 
        budget outlays are as follows:
          Fiscal year 2008: $2,555,301,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2009: $2,633,489,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2010: $2,742,901,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2011: $2,868,360,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2012: $2,906,718,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2013: $3,098,022,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2014: $3,237,564,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2015: $3,369,163,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2016: $3,556,338,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2017: $3,672,919,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2018: $3,784,879,000,000.
          (4) Deficits (on-budget).--For purposes of the 
        enforcement of this resolution, the amounts of the 
        deficits (on-budget) are as follows:
          Fiscal year 2008: $680,203,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2009: $500,309,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2010: $417,252,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2011: $336,854,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2012: $235,527,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2013: $325,732,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2014: $299,359,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2015: $291,320,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2016: $326,356,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2017: $280,780,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2018: $219,791,000,000.
          (5) Debt subject to limit.--Pursuant to section 
        301(a)(5) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974, the 
        appropriate levels of the debt subject to limit are as 
          Fiscal year 2008: $9,665,000,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2009: $10,261,000,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2010: $10,786,000,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2011: $11,228,000,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2012: $11,595,000,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2013: $12,035,000,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2014: $12,446,000,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2015: $12,846,000,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2016: $13,259,000,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2017: $13,637,000,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2018: $13,963,000,000,000.
          (6) Debt held by the public.--The appropriate levels 
        of debt held by the public are as follows:
          Fiscal year 2008: $5,494,000,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2009: $5,815,000,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2010: $6,043,000,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2011: $6,172,000,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2012: $6,185,000,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2013: $6,284,000,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2014: $6,351,000,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2015: $6,405,000,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2016: $6,495,000,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2017: $6,541,000,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2018: $6,528,000,000,000.


  The Congress determines and declares that the appropriate 
levels of new budget authority and outlays for fiscal years 
2009 through 2013 for each major functional category are:
          (1) National Defense (050):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $576,173,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $511,354,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $480,072,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $476,871,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $475,791,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $490,585,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2014:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $503,768,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2015:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $518,179,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2016:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $537,546,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2017:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $548,691,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2018:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $559,777,000,000.
          (2) International Affairs (150):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $32,843,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $58,091,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $69,354,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $75,316,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $78,716,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $82,004,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2014:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $83,742,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2015:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $85,752,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2016:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $87,813,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2017:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $89,907,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2018:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $91,849,000,000.
          (3) General Science, Space, and Technology (250):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $26,456,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $27,645,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $28,507,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $29,297,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $29,917,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $30,026,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2014:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $30,417,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2015:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $30,991,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2016:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $31,754,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2017:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $32,288,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2018:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $32,956,000,000.
          (4) Energy (270):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $1,681,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $11,831,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $22,716,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $28,901,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $30,073,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $31,681,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2014:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $31,695,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2015:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $31,850,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2016:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $31,917,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2017:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $32,019,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2018:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $32,167,000,000.
          (5) Natural Resources and Environment (300):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $42,952,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $45,834,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $47,922,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $48,656,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $49,384,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $50,111,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2014:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $46,623,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2015:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $45,838,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2016:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $47,643,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2017:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $49,972,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2018:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $51,603,000,000.
          (6) Agriculture (350):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $21,528,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $21,279,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $20,680,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $20,876,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $21,435,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $21,816,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2014:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $22,180,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2015:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $21,483,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2016:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $21,754,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2017:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $22,136,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2018:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $22,443,000,000.
          (7) Commerce and Housing Credit (370):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $5,381,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $3,998,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $5,886,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $2,197,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $1,742,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $1,651,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2014:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $1,366,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2015:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $985,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2016:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $442,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2017:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $5,249,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2018:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $5,138,000,000.
          (8) Transportation (400):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $87,772,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $98,321,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $97,871,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $98,670,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $103,030,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $108,070,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2014:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $107,880,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2015:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $109,579,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2016:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $112,823,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2017:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $116,645,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2018:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $119,603,000,000.
          (9) Community and Regional Development (450):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $27,819,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $25,473,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $24,372,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $22,173,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $21,076,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $21,109,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2014:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $21,045,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2015:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $21,368,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2016:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $21,726,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2017:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $22,100,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2018:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $22,512,000,000.
          (10) Education, Training, Employment, and Social 
        Services (500):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $93,665,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $114,540,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $154,790,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $160,122,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $162,091,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $161,936,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2014:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $160,666,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2015:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $162,859,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2016:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $165,817,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2017:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $168,982,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2018:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $172,248,000,000.
          (11) Health (550):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $316,688,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $322,038,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $342,678,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $362,827,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $385,634,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $410,734,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2014:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $459,405,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2015:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $488,275,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2016:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $579,484,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2017:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $558,123,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2018:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $595,600,000,000.
          (12) Medicare (570):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $390,454,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $419,880,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $445,247,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $494,084,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $490,999,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $552,389,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2014:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $592,056,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2015:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $634,673,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2016:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $712,180,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2017:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $740,257,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2018:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $767,378,000,000.
          (13) Income Security (600):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $435,150,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $472,869,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $486,209,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $502,945,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $495,754,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $517,057,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2014:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $513,454,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2015:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $545,700,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2016:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $565,806,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2017:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $575,380,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2018:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $585,652,000,000.
          (14) Social Security (650):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $19,378,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $21,220,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $23,696,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $27,226,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $30,236,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $33,053,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2014:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $36,066,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2015:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $39,364,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2016:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $43,054,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2017:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $47,046,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2018:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $51,400,000,000.
          (15) Veterans Benefits and Services (700):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $83,551,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $100,762,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $97,493,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $101,609,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $97,053,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $137,573,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2014:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $139,467,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2015:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $141,300,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2016:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $147,195,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2017:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $145,682,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2018:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $143,814,000,000.
          (16) Administration of Justice (750):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $44,282,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $45,610,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $46,744,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $46,897,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $47,069,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $47,990,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2014:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $49,236,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2015:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $52,875,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2016:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $55,180,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2017:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $56,799,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2018:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $58,413,000,000.
          (17) General Government (800):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $56,920,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $24,171,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $20,289,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $21,008,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $21,856,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $22,301,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2014:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $23,044,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2015:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $23,650,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2016:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $24,444,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2017:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $24,867,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2018:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $25,566,000,000.
          (18) Net Interest (900):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $350,038,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $336,143,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $372,731,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $411,018,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $437,665,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $456,148,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2014:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $478,881,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2015:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $499,189,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2016:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $517,770,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2017:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $533,414,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2018:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $548,262,000,000.
          (19) Allowances (920):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $28,901,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $39,491,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, $0,000,000.
                          (B) Outlays, $26,291,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, $0,000,000.
                          (B) Outlays, $11,032,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, $0,000,000.
                          (B) Outlays, $3,302,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, $0,000,000.
                          (B) Outlays, $1,478,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2014:
                          (A) New budget authority, $0,000,000.
                          (B) Outlays, $805,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2015:
                          (A) New budget authority, $0,000,000.
                          (B) Outlays, $445,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2016:
                          (A) New budget authority, $0,000,000.
                          (B) Outlays, $327,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2017:
                          (A) New budget authority, $0,000,000.
                          (B) Outlays, $302,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2018:
                          (A) New budget authority, $0,000,000.
                          (B) Outlays, $177,000,000.
          (20) Undistributed Offsetting Receipts (950):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, -$86,330,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, -$67,060,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, -$70,645,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, -$73,364,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, -$76,104,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, -$79,691,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2014:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, -$82,234,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2015:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, -$85,193,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2016:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, -$88,338,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2017:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, -$96,941,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2018:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, -$101,681,000,000.
          (21) Overseas Deployments and Other Activities (970):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $__,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $__,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $__,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $__,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $__,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $__,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2014:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $__,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2015:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $__,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2016:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $__,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2017:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $__,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2018:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $__,000,000.

SEC. 4.


 3. An Amendment To Be Offered by Representative Ryan of Wisconsin or 
                 His Designee, Debatable for 60 Minutes

  Strike all after the resolving clause and insert the 


  (a) Declaration.--The Congress determines and declares that 
the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2008 is 
revised and replaced and that this is the concurrent resolution 
on the budget for fiscal year 2009, including appropriate 
budgetary levels for fiscal years 2010 through 2013.
  (b) Table of Contents.--

Sec. 1. Concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2009.


Sec. 101. Recommended levels and amounts.
Sec. 102. Major functional categories.

                        TITLE II--RECONCILIATION

Sec. 201. Reconciliation in the House of Representatives.

                        TITLE III--EARMARK REFORM

Sec. 301. Moratorium on earmarks.
Sec. 302. Joint select committee on earmark reform.

                      TITLE IV--BUDGET ENFORCEMENT

Sec. 401. Enhance accountability by requiring a separate vote on an 
          increase in the public debt.
Sec. 402. Same-day consideration of reports.
Sec. 403. Two-thirds requirement for certain waivers under the Rules of 
          the House.
Sec. 404. Two-thirds requirement for availability of certain measures on 
          the Internet.
Sec. 405. Cost estimates for conference reports and unreported measures.
Sec. 406. Roll call votes for new spending.
Sec. 407. Nondefense, nonterrorism related spending point of order.
Sec. 408. Limitation on long-term spending proposals.
Sec. 409. Limit on new direct spending in reconciliation legislation.
Sec. 410. Restrictions on advance appropriations.
Sec. 411. Policy statement on hanford and nuclear clean-up.
Sec. 412. Policy statement on war funding.
Sec. 413. Policy statement on medical liability.
Sec. 414. Policy statement on the Medicare ``trigger''.
Sec. 415. Program integrity initiatives.
Sec. 416. Policy statement on the alternative minimum tax.
Sec. 417. Policy statement on health care spending.

                     TITLE V--EMERGENCY RESERVE FUND

Sec. 501. Nondefense reserve fund for emergencies.
Sec. 502. Emergency criteria.
Sec. 503. Development of guidelines for application of emergency 
Sec. 504. Committee notification of emergency legislation.
Sec. 505. Up-to-date tabulations.
Sec. 506. Contingency operations related to the global war on terrorism 
          and for unanticipated defense needs.


Sec. 601. Presidential recommendations.
Sec. 602. Procedures in the United States Congress.
Sec. 603. Identification of targeted tax benefits.
Sec. 604. Additional matters.
Sec. 605. Abuse of proposed cancellations.

                        TITLE VII--PAY-AS-YOU-GO

Sec. 701. Strengthening pay-as-you-go.


Sec. 801. Application and effect of changes in allocations and 
Sec. 802. Adjustments to reflect changes in concepts and definitions.
Sec. 803. Compliance with section 13301 of the Budget Enforcement Act of 
Sec. 804. Exercise of rulemaking powers.



  The following budgetary levels are appropriate for each of 
fiscal years 2008 through 2013:
          (1) Federal revenues.--For purposes of the 
        enforcement of this resolution:
                  (A) The recommended levels of Federal 
                revenues are as follows:
          Fiscal year 2008: $1,873,540,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2009: $2,017,033,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2010: $2,104,764,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2011: $2,198,889,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2012: $2,291,296,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2013: $2,352,645,000,000.
                  (B) The amounts by which the aggregate levels 
                of Federal revenues should be adjusted are as 
          Fiscal year 2008: -$6,000,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2009: -$80,091,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2010: -$78,100,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2011: -$229,136,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2012: -$362,019,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2013: -$402,095,000,000.
          (2) New budget authority.--For purposes of the 
        enforcement of this resolution, the appropriate levels 
        of total new budget authority are as follows:
          Fiscal year 2008: $2,546,649,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2009: $2,429,637,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2010: $2,409,712,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2011: $2,514,762,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2012: $2,523,758,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2013: $2,619,267,000,000.
          (3) Budget outlays.--For purposes of the enforcement 
        of this resolution, the appropriate levels of total 
        budget outlays are as follows:
          Fiscal year 2008: $2,461,810,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2009: $2,478,438,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2010: $2,476,911,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2011: $2,523,601,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2012: $2,504,363,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2013: $2,594,191,000,000.
          (4) Deficits (on-budget).--For purposes of the 
        enforcement of this resolution, the amounts of the 
        deficits (on-budget) are as follows:
          Fiscal year 2008: $588,270,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2009: $462,405,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2010: $372,147,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2011: $324,712,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2012: $213,067,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2013: $241,546,000,000.
          (5) Debt subject to limit.--Pursuant to section 
        301(a)(5) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974, the 
        appropriate levels of the debt subject to limit are as 
          Fiscal year 2008: $9,572,826,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2009: $10,179,229,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2010: $10,745,093,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2011: $11,281,763,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2012: $11,746,433,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2013: $12,233,839,000,000.
          (6) Debt held by the public.--The appropriate levels 
        of debt held by the public are as follows:
          Fiscal year 2008: $5,402,148,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2009: $5,733,577,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2010: $6,002,163,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2011: $6,225,463,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2012: $6,337,014,000,000.
          Fiscal year 2013: $6,482,741,000,000.


  The Congress determines and declares that the appropriate 
levels of new budget authority and outlays for fiscal years 
2008 through 2013 for each major functional category are:
          (1) National Defense (050):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $604,289,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $645,433,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $607,032,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $577,925,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $561,666,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $570,503,000,000.
          (2) International Affairs (150):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $33,588,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $35,763,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $35,808,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $35,327,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $35,274,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $34,967,000,000.
          (3) General Science, Space, and Technology (250):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $26,456,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $27,645,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $28,507,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $29,297,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $29,917,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $30,026,000,000.
          (4) Energy (270):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $1,681,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $1,928,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $2,330,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $2,656,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $2,984,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $3,212,000,000.
          (5) Natural Resources and Environment (300):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $34,440,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $34,424,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $35,328,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $35,729,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $36,169,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $36,896,000,000.
          (6) Agriculture (350):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $21,528,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $21,279,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $20,680,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $20,876,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $21,435,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $21,816,000,000.
          (7) Commerce and Housing Credit (370):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $5,381,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $2,907,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $1,448,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $1,244,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $1,637,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $1,535,000,000.
          (8) Transportation (400):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $77,795,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $80,350,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $83,694,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $85,807,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $87,808,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $90,112,000,000.
          (9) Community and Regional Development (450):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $27,819,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $24,251,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $21,816,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $17,874,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $15,817,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $15,561,000,000.
          (10) Education, Training, Employment, and Social 
        Services (500):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $90,729,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $89,831,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $94,527,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $99,246,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $100,416,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $99,411,000,000.
          (11) Health (550):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $286,688,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $304,946,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $323,300,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $342,746,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $365,286,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $390,267,000,000.
          (12) Medicare (570):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $390,454,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $419,880,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $445,247,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $494,084,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $490,999,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $552,389,000,000.
          (13) Income Security (600):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $394,100,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $412,970,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $416,690,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $425,038,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $410,707,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $426,036,000,000.
          (14) Social Security (650):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $19,378,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $21,308,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $23,794,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $27,330,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $30,342,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $33,162,000,000.
          (15) Veterans Benefits and Services (700):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $83,551,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $92,943,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $96,210,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $101,475,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $98,271,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $104,266,000,000.
          (16) Administration of Justice (750):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $44,282,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $47,520,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $49,384,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $48,912,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $48,887,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $49,540,000,000.
          (17) General Government (800):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $56,920,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $23,408,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $19,449,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $19,938,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $20,753,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $21,194,000,000.
          (18) Net Interest (900):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $349,335,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $333,462,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $367,501,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $403,836,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $429,556,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, 
                          (B) Outlays, $445,455,000,000.
          (19) Allowances (920):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, -
                          (B) Outlays, -$274,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, -
                          (B) Outlays, -$72,700,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, -
                          (B) Outlays, -$124,124,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, -
                          (B) Outlays, -$168,315,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, -
                          (B) Outlays, -$205,425,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, -
                          (B) Outlays, -$246,124,000,000.
          (20) Undistributed Offsetting Receipts (950):
                  Fiscal year 2008:
                          (A) New budget authority, -
                          (B) Outlays, -$86,330,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2009:
                          (A) New budget authority, -
                          (B) Outlays, -$68,110,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2010:
                          (A) New budget authority, -
                          (B) Outlays, -$71,710,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2011:
                          (A) New budget authority, -
                          (B) Outlays, -$77,424,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2012:
                          (A) New budget authority, -
                          (B) Outlays, -$78,136,000,000.
                  Fiscal year 2013:
                          (A) New budget authority, -
                          (B) Outlays, -$86,033,000,000.

                        TITLE II--RECONCILIATION


  (a) Submission to Provide for the Reform of Mandatory 
          (1) In general.--Not later than July 29, 2008, the 
        House committees named in paragraph (2) shall submit 
        their recommendations to the House Committee on the 
        Budget. After receiving those recommendations, the 
        Committee on the Budget shall report to the House a 
        reconciliation bill carrying out all such 
        recommendations without substantive revision.
          (2) Instructions.--
                  (A) Committee on agriculture.--The Committee 
                on Agriculture shall report changes in laws 
                within its jurisdiction sufficient to reduce 
                direct spending $9,321,000,000 for the period 
                of fiscal years 2009 through 2013.
                  (B) Committee on armed services.--The 
                Committee on Armed Services shall report 
                changes in laws within its jurisdiction 
                sufficient to reduce direct spending 
                $1,292,000,000 for the period of fiscal years 
                2009 through 2013.
                  (C) Committee on education and labor.--The 
                Committee on Education and the Labor shall 
                report changes in laws within its jurisdiction 
                sufficient to reduce direct spending 
                $15,926,000,000 for the period of fiscal years 
                2009 through 2013.
                  (D) Committee on energy and commerce.--The 
                Committee on Energy and Commerce shall report 
                changes in laws within its jurisdiction 
                sufficient to reduce direct spending 
                $115,812,000,000 for the period of fiscal years 
                2009 through 2013.
                  (E) Committee on financial services.--The 
                Committee on Financial Services shall report 
                changes in laws within its jurisdiction 
                sufficient to reduce direct spending 
                $73,000,000 for the period of fiscal years 2009 
                through 2013.
                  (F) Committee on foreign affairs.--The 
                Committee on Foreign Relations shall report 
                changes in laws within its jurisdiction 
                sufficient to reduce direct spending 
                $250,000,000 for the period of fiscal years 
                2009 through 2013.
                  (G) Committee on the judiciary.--The 
                Committee on the Judiciary shall report changes 
                in laws within its jurisdiction sufficient to 
                reduce direct spending $3,450,000,000 for the 
                period of fiscal years 2009 through 2013.
                  (H) Committee on natural resources.--The 
                Committee on Natural Resources shall report 
                changes in laws within its jurisdiction 
                sufficient to reduce direct spending 
                $3,721,000,000 for the period of fiscal years 
                2009 through 2013.
                  (I) Committee on oversight and government 
                reform.--The Committee on Oversight and 
                Government Reform shall report changes in laws 
                within its jurisdiction sufficient to reduce 
                direct spending $4,679,000,000 for the period 
                of fiscal years 2009 through 2013.
                  (J) Committee on transportation and 
                infrastructure.--The Committee on 
                Transportation and Infrastructure shall report 
                changes in laws within its jurisdiction 
                sufficient to reduce direct spending 
                $4,672,000,000 for the period of fiscal years 
                2009 through 2013.
                  (K) Committee on ways and means.--The 
                Committee on Ways and Means shall report 
                changes in laws within its jurisdiction 
                sufficient to reduce direct spending 
                $253,204,000,000 for the period of fiscal years 
                2009 through 2013.
  (b) Revenue Reconciliation.--The House Committee on Ways and 
Means shall report a reconciliation bill not later than July 
29, 2008, that consists of changes in laws within its 
jurisdiction sufficient to reduce revenues by not more than 
$1,151,441,000,000 for the period of fiscal years 2009 through 
  (c) Submission of Revised Allocations.--
          (1) Upon the submission to the Committee on the 
        Budget pursuant to subsection (a), or the reporting of 
        a measure pursuant to subsection (b), a recommendation 
        that has complied with its reconciliation instructions 
        pursuant to section 310(c) of the Congressional Budget 
        Act of 1974, the chairman of that committee may file 
        with the House appropriately revised allocations under 
        section 302(a) of such Act and revised functional 
        levels and aggregates.
          (2) Upon the submission to the House of a conference 
        report recommending a reconciliation bill or resolution 
        in which a committee has complied with its 
        reconciliation instructions solely by virtue of this 
        section, the chairman of the Committee on the Budget 
        may file with the House appropriately revised 
        allocations and aggregates under such Act.
          (3) Allocations and aggregates revised pursuant to 
        this subsection shall be considered to be allocations 
        and aggregates established by the concurrent resolution 
        on the budget pursuant to section 301 of such Act.

                       TITLE III--EARMARK REFORM


  (a) House.-- In the House, for the remainder of the 110th 
Congress, it shall not be in order to consider a bill, joint 
resolution, or conference report, containing a congressional 
earmark, limited tax benefit, or limited tariff benefit, as 
such terms are defined in clause 9 of rule XXI of the Rules of 
the House of Representatives.
  (b) Senate.--In the Senate, [to be supplied]


  (a) Establishment and Composition.--There is established a 
Joint Select Committee on Earmark Reform. The joint select 
committee shall be composed of 16 members as follows:
          (1) 8 Members of the House of Representatives, 4 
        appointed from the majority by the Speaker of the House 
        and 4 from the minority by the minority leader; and
          (2) 8 Members of the Senate, 4 appointed from the 
        majority by the majority leader of the Senate and 4 
        from the minority by the minority leader. A vacancy in 
        the joint select committee shall not affect the power 
        of the remaining members to execute the functions of 
        the joint select committee, and shall be filled in the 
        same manner as the original selection.
  (b) Study and Report.--
          (1) Study.--The joint select committee shall make a 
        full study of the practices of the House, Senate, and 
        executive branch, regarding earmarks in authorizing, 
        appropriation, tax, and tariff measures. As part of the 
        study, the joint select committee shall consider the 
        efficacy of--
                  (A) the disclosure requirements of clause 9 
                of rule XXI and clause 17 of rule XXIII of the 
                Rules of the House of Representatives, House 
                Resolution 491, and rule XLIV of the Standing 
                Rules of the Senate, and the definitions 
                contained therein;
                  (B) requiring full transparency in the 
                process, with earmarks listed in bills at the 
                outset of the legislative process and 
                continuing throughout consideration;
                  (C) requiring that earmarks not be placed in 
                any bill after initial committee consideration;
                  (D) requiring that Members be permitted to 
                offer amendments to remove earmarks at 
                subcommittee, full committee, floor 
                consideration, and during conference committee 
                  (E) requiring that bill sponsors and majority 
                and minority managers certify the validity of 
                earmarks contained in their bills;
                  (F) recommending changes to earmark requests 
                made by the executive branch through the annual 
                budget submitted to Congress pursuant to 
                section 1105 of title 31, United States Code;
                  (G) requiring that House and Senate 
                amendments meet earmark disclosure 
                requirements, including amendments adopted 
                pursuant to a special order of business;
                  (H) establishing new categories for earmarks, 
                          (i) projects with national scope;
                          (ii) military projects; and
                          (iii) local or provincial projects, 
                        including the level of matching funds 
                        required for such project.
          (2) Report.--
                  (A) the joint select committee shall submit 
                to the House and the Senate a report of its 
                findings and recommendations not later than 6 
                months after adoption of this concurrent 
                  (B) no recommendation shall be made by the 
                joint select committee except upon the majority 
                vote of the members from each House, 
                  (C) notwithstanding any other provision of 
                this resolution, any recommendation with 
                respect to the rules and procedures of one 
                House that only affects matters related solely 
                to that House may only be made and voted on by 
                members of the joint select committee from that 
                House and, upon its adoption by a majority of 
                such members, shall be considered to have been 
                adopted by the full committee as a 
                recommendation of the joint select committee. 
                In conducting the study under paragraph (1), 
                the joint select committee shall hold not fewer 
                than 5 public hearings.
  (c) Resources and Dissolution.--
          (1) The joint select committee may utilize the 
        resources of the House and Senate.
          (2) The joint select committee shall cease to exist 
        30 days after the submission of the report described in 
        subsection (a)(2).
  (d) Definition.--For purposes of this section, the term 
``earmark'' shall include congressional earmarks, 
congressionally directed spending items, limited tax benefits, 
or limited tariff benefits as those terms are defined in clause 
9 of rule XXI of the Rules of the House of Representatives and 
rule XLIV of the Standing Rules of the Senate. Nothing in this 
subsection shall confine the study of the joint select 
committee or otherwise limit its recommendations.

                      TITLE IV--BUDGET ENFORCEMENT

                    INCREASE IN THE PUBLIC DEBT.

  (a) Public Debt Limit.--In the House, a joint resolution 
prepared pursuant to the adoption of a concurrent resolution on 
the budget, or any revision to such concurrent resolution, 
under the procedures set forth in rule XXVIII of the Rules of 
the House of Representatives shall reflect an increase in the 
statutory limit on the public debt of zero.
  (b) Statement.--The report of the Committee on the Budget on 
a concurrent resolution and the joint explanatory statement of 
the managers on a conference report to accompany such 
concurrent resolution shall
          (1) include the language of the joint resolution 
        described in rule XXVIII, which will reflect no 
        increase in the statutory limit on the public debt;
          (2) contain a clear statement that an increase in the 
        statutory limit on the public debt requires a separate 
        roll call vote of all Members of the House of 


   A report on a rule, joint rule, or the order of business may 
not be called up for consideration on the same calendar day, or 
less than 17 hours after that, it is presented to the House 
          (1) when so determined by a vote of two-thirds of the 
        Members voting, a quorum being present;
          (2) in the case of a resolution proposing only to 
        waive a requirement of clause 4 or of clause 8 of rule 
        XXII concerning the availability of reports; or
          (3) during the last three days of a session of 

                    THE HOUSE.

   It is not in order to consider a rule or order that waives--
          (1) the layover requirement of clause 8 of rule XXII 
        concerning the availability of reports;
          (2) clause 8(a)(1) of rule XXII;
          (3) the scope requirement of the last sentence of 
        clause 9 of rule XXII;
by a vote of less than two-thirds of the Members voting, a 
quorum being present.

                    ON THE INTERNET.

  (a) Availability of Committee Reported Measures.--Except as 
specified in subparagraph (2) of clause 4(a) of rule XIII of 
the Rules of the House of Representatives, it shall not be in 
order to consider in the House a measure or matter reported by 
a committee until the third calendar day (excluding Saturdays, 
Sundays, or legal holidays except when the House is in session 
on such a day) on which each report of a committee on that 
measure or matter has been available and until the third such 
calendar day on which the underlying measure or matter has been 
made available by the Committee on Rules on its Internet site.
  (b) Availability of Conference Reports.--Except as specified 
in subparagraph (2) of clause (a) of rule XXII of the House of 
Representatives, it shall not be in order to consider a 
conference report until--
          (1) the third calendar day (excluding Saturdays, 
        Sundays, or legal holidays except when the House is in 
        session on such a day) on which the conference report 
        and the accompanying joint explanatory statement have 
        been available, published in the Congressional Record 
        and until the third such calendar day on which such 
        conference report and joint explanatory statement have 
        been made available by the standing committee of the 
        House with subject matter jurisdiction over the 
        underlying legislation on its Internet site; and
          (2) copies of the conference report and the 
        accompanying joint explanatory statement have been 
        available to Members, Delegates, and the Resident 
        Commissioner for at least two hours,
  (c) Point of Order.--It is not in order to consider a rule or 
order which would waive subsections (a) or (b) by a vote of 
less than two-thirds of the Members voting, a quorum being 


   It shall not be in order to consider a conference report or 
an unreported bill or joint resolution unless an estimate of 
costs as described in clause 3(d)(2) of rule XIII has been 
printed in the Congressional Record at least one day before its 


   The yeas and nays shall be considered as ordered when the 
Speaker puts the question on passage of a bill or joint 
resolution, or on adoption of a conference report, for which 
the chairman of the Budget Committee has advised the Speaker 
that such bill, joint resolution or conference report 
authorizes or provides new budget authority of not less than 
$50,000,000. The Speaker may not entertain a unanimous consent 
request or motion to suspend this section.


  (a) Nondefense and Nonterrorism-Related Spending.--It shall 
not be in order to consider any supplemental appropriation 
measure that primarily provides funding for war-related defense 
needs and for the global war on terrorism, that also provides 
funding for domestic discretionary programs, projects or 
activities designated as emergencies.
  (b) Listing of Nondefense and Nonterrorism-Related 
Provisions.--Prior to the consideration of any appropriation 
bill or joint resolution referred to in subsection (a), the 
Committee on the Budget of the House shall transmit to the 
Speaker, the Majority Leader, the Minority Leader, and the 
Ranking Member of the Committee on the Budget, and, to the 
extent practicable, publish in the Congressional Record, a list 
of any nondefense and nonterrorism related provisions 
designated as emergency included in that bill or joint 


  (a) Congressional Budget Office Analysis of Proposals.--The 
Director of the Congressional Budget Office shall, to the 
extent practicable, prepare for each bill or joint resolution 
reported from committee (except measures within the 
jurisdiction of the Committee on Appropriations), or amendments 
thereto or conference reports thereon, an estimate of whether 
the measure would cause, relative to current law, a net 
increase in direct spending in excess of $5 billion in any of 
the four 10-year periods beginning in fiscal year 2016 through 
fiscal year 2055.
  (b) Direct Spending Limitation.--In the House, it shall not 
be in order to consider any bill, joint resolution, amendment, 
or conference report that would cause a net increase in direct 
spending in excess of $5 billion in any of the four 10-year 
periods beginning in 2016 through 2055.


   In the House, it shall not be in order to consider any 
reconciliation bill, joint resolution, amendment, or conference 
report, in relation to, a reconciliation bill pursuant to 
section 310 of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974, that 
produces an increase in outlays, if--
          (1) the effect of all the provisions in the 
        jurisdiction of any committee is to create gross new 
        direct spending that exceeds 20 percent of the total 
        savings instruction to the committee; or
          (2) the effect of the adoption of an amendment would 
        result in gross new direct spending that exceeds 20 
        percent of the total savings instruction to the 


  (a) In General.--
          (1) In the House, except as provided in subsection 
        (b), an advance appropriation may not be reported in a 
        bill or joint resolution making a general appropriation 
        or continuing appropriation, and may not be in order as 
        an amendment thereto.
          (2) Managers on the part of the House may not agree 
        to a Senate amendment that would violate paragraph (1) 
        unless specific authority to agree to the amendment 
        first is given by the House by a separate vote with 
        respect thereto.
  (b) Advance Appropriation.--In the House, an advance 
appropriation may be provided for the fiscal years 2010 and 
2011 for programs, projects, activities, or accounts identified 
in the joint explanatory statement of managers accompanying 
this resolution under the heading ``Accounts Identified for 
Advance Appropriations'' in an aggregate amount not to exceed 
$23,565,000,000 in new budget authority in each year.
  (c) Definition.--In this section, the term ``advance 
appropriation'' means any new budget authority provided in a 
bill or joint resolution making general appropriations or any 
new budget authority provided in a bill or joint resolution 
making continuing appropriations for fiscal year 2009 that 
first becomes available for any fiscal year after 2009.


   It is the policy of this resolution that the United States 
Government must meet its responsibility in cleaning up nuclear 
waste sites created in the name of our Nation's defense by our 
World War II and Cold War era nuclear weapons production and is 
an obligation of the Federal Government, not an option. The 
Environmental Management program responsible for cleaning up 
these wastes requires a sufficient level of funding so as not 
to cause legal cleanup milestones and obligations to be missed.


  (a) Findings.--Congress finds that--
          (1) there are currently more than 183,000 troops in 
        the theater supporting Operations Iraqi and Enduring 
          (2) in February of 2007, the President submitted a 
        war request for supplemental funding to support these 
        troops and their ongoing operations in the global war 
        on terrorism;
          (3) more than a year later, Congress has only acted 
        to partially fund that request by providing less than 
        half of the funding required by the troops;
          (4) this policy assumes Congress will act on war 
        funding requests in a timely manner so as to avoid--
                  (A) not having sufficient funds to pay United 
                States soldiers, serving at home or abroad;
                  (B) not having sufficient funds to pay 
                civilian Army personnel;
                  (C) significant disruption in base budget 
                activities, which may result in delaying or 
                foregoing contracts and activities (e.g., 
                training) that ultimately may increase cost; 
                  (D) losing the ability to use the Commanders 
                Emergency Response Program, which is critical 
                to the success of United States and Coalition 
                Forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.
  (b) Policy of the House on War Funding.--It is the policy of 
the House that funding for troops in Operations Iraqi and 
Enduring Freedom should be provided in a timely manner so as 
not hinder their performance or needlessly place them in harms 


  (a) Findings.--Congress finds that--
          (1) medical liability and the resulting practice of 
        defensive medicine continue to plague the medical 
        profession in the United States, reducing access for 
        patients, increasing the cost of medical care 
        generally, and increasing the cost of government 
        programs such as Medicare and Medicaid for the United 
        States taxpayer; and
          (2) as the medical liability crisis grows, a large 
        fraction of these dollars will be spent on wasteful 
        health care services provided solely to shield 
        providers from a lawsuits.
  (b) Policy Statement on Medical Liability.--It is the policy 
of this resolution that it assumes effective medical liability 
reform which will contribute to the overall goal of domestic 
entitlement reform, constraining the growth of vital programs 
such as Medicare and Medicaid and helping to ensure their long-
term viability.


   This resolution assumes that the committees of jurisdiction, 
in complying with the reconciliation instruction set forth in 
section 20, will submit to the Committee on the Budget language 
that locks in any savings resulting from Medicare funding 
warning legislation designed to reduce the program's general 
revenue spending exceeding 45 percent. By directing savings 
solely to deficit reduction, this provision will help Medicare 
fulfill its mission for the long term.


  (a) Adjustments to Discretionary Spending Limits.--
          (1) Continuing disability reviews and supplemental 
        security income redeterminations.--In the House, prior 
        to consideration of a bill or joint resolution making 
        appropriations for fiscal year 2009 that appropriates 
        $264,000,000 for continuing disability reviews and 
        Supplemental Security Income redeterminations for the 
        Social Security Administration, and provides an 
        additional appropriation of up to $240,000,000, and the 
        amount is designated for continuing disability reviews 
        and Supplemental Security Income redeterminations for 
        the Social Security Administration, the allocation to 
        the Committee on Appropriations shall be increased by 
        the amount of the additional budget authority and 
        outlays resulting from that budget authority for fiscal 
        year 2009.
          (2) Internal revenue service tax compliance.--In the 
        House, prior to consideration of a bill or joint 
        resolution making appropriations for fiscal year 2009 
        that appropriates $6,997,000,000 to the Internal 
        Revenue Service and the amount is designated to improve 
        compliance with the provisions of the Internal Revenue 
        Code of 1986 and provides an additional appropriation 
        of up to $490,000,000, and the amount is designated to 
        improve compliance with the provisions of the Internal 
        Revenue Code of 1986, the allocation to the Committee 
        on Appropriations shall be increased by the amount of 
        the additional budget authority and outlays resulting 
        from that budget authority for fiscal year 2009.
          (3) Health care fraud and abuse control program.--In 
        the House, prior to consideration of a bill or joint 
        resolution making appropriations for fiscal year 2009 
        that appropriates up to $198,000,000 and the amount is 
        designated to the health care fraud and abuse control 
        program at the Department of Health and Human Services, 
        the allocation to the Committee on Appropriations shall 
        be increased by the amount of additional budget 
        authority and outlays resulting from that budget 
        authority for fiscal year 2009.
          (4) Unemployment insurance program integrity 
        activities.--In the House, prior to consideration of a 
        bill or joint resolution making appropriations for 
        fiscal year 2009 that appropriates $10,000,000 for in-
        person reemployment and eligibility assessments and 
        unemployment insurance improper payment reviews for the 
        Department of Labor and provides an additional 
        appropriation of up to $40,000,000, and the amount is 
        designated for in-person reemployment and eligibility 
        assessments and unemployment insurance improper payment 
        reviews for the Department of Labor, the allocation to 
        the Committee on Appropriations shall be increased by 
        the amount of additional budget authority and outlays 
        resulting from that budget authority for fiscal year 
  (b) Procedure for Adjustments.--
          (1) In general.--In the House, prior to consideration 
        of a bill, joint resolution, amendment, or conference 
        report, the chairman of the Committee on the Budget 
        shall make the adjustments set forth in subsection (a) 
        for the incremental new budget authority in that 
        measure and the outlays resulting from that budget 
        authority if that measure meets the requirements set 
        forth in subsection (a), except that no adjustment 
        shall be made for provisions exempted for the purposes 
        of titles III and IV of the Congressional Budget Act of 
        1974 under section 404 of this resolution.
          (2) Matters to be adjusted.--The adjustments referred 
        to in paragraph (1) are to be made to--
                  (A) the allocations made pursuant to the 
                appropriate concurrent resolution on the budget 
                pursuant to section 302(a) of the Congressional 
                Budget Act of 1974; and
                  (B) the budgetary aggregates as set forth in 
                this resolution.
  (c) President's Budget.--In determining whether an 
adjustments may be made pursuant to this section, the Chairman 
of the Committee on the Budget shall take into consideration, 
the recommendations made in President's budget related to such 


  This resolution assumes that the Committee on Ways and Means, 
in complying with the reconciliation instruction set forth 
pursuant to section 201(b) of this resolution, will prepare 
legislative language which will phase out the alternative 
minimum tax.


  (a) Findings.--The Congress finds that--
          (1) Medicare's unfunded liability will grow from $34 
        trillion to $45 trillion in the next 5 years;
          (2) health care spending is expected to reach nearly 
        20 percent of GDP by 2017;
          (3) half of the Nation's $2.4 trillion in annual 
        health care spending comes from taxpayer dollars; and
          (4) the only way to ensure health care entitlement 
        programs survive and continue to fulfill their missions 
        in the 21st century is through fundamental reform.
  (b) Policy Statement on Health Care Spending.--This 
resolution assumes that the committees of jurisdiction over 
health care spending issues will report legislation to reduce 
health care costs and expand coverage, in part, by removing 
distortions in the health care market. The removal of these 
distortions may be accomplished by increasing personal 
ownership and improving health care quality and information 
through the sharing of information, including the passage of 
H.R. 1174 and H.R. 3370.



  (a) Nondefense Set Aside.--In the House:
          (1) Except as provided by subsection 506, if a bill 
        or joint resolution is reported, or an amendment is 
        offered thereto (or considered as adopted) or a 
        conference report is filed thereon, that provides new 
        discretionary budget authority (and outlays flowing 
        therefrom), and such provision is designated as an 
        emergency pursuant to this section, the chairman of the 
        Committee on the Budget shall make adjustments to the 
        allocations and aggregates set forth in this resolution 
        up to the amount of such provisions if the requirements 
        set forth in section 504 are met, but the sum of all 
        adjustments made under this paragraph shall not exceed 
        $7,300,000,000 for fiscal year 2009.
          (2) If a bill or joint resolution is reported or a 
        conference report is filed thereon, and a direct 
        spending or receipt provision included therein is 
        designated as an emergency pursuant to this paragraph, 
        the chairman of the Committee on the Budget may make 
        adjustments to the allocations and aggregates set forth 
        in this resolution.
  (b) Additional Adjustment Procedures.--In the House, before 
any adjustment is made pursuant to this section for any bill, 
joint resolution, or conference report that designates a 
provision an emergency, the enactment of which would cause the 
total amount of the set aside fund set forth in subsection 
(a)(1) for fiscal year 2009 to be exceeded:
          (1) The chairman of the Committee on the Budget shall 
        convene a meeting of that committee, where it shall be 
        in order, subject to the terms set forth in this 
        section, for one motion described in paragraph (2) to 
        be made to authorize the chairman to make adjustments 
        above the maximum amount of adjustments set forth in 
        subsection (a). If the Chairman does not call such a 
        meeting within 24 hours of a committee reporting such a 
        measure, any member of the Committee may call such a 
          (2) The motion referred to in paragraph (1) shall be 
        in the following form: ``I move that the chairman of 
        the Committee on the Budget be authorized to adjust the 
        allocations and aggregates set forth in the concurrent 
        resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2009 by the 
        following amount: $___,000,000 for fiscal year 2009.'', 
        with the blank being filled in with amount determined 
        by the chairman of the Committee on the Budget. For any 
        measure referred to in subsection (a)(1), such amount 
        shall not exceed the total amount for fiscal year 2009 
        designated as an emergency in excess of the applicable 
        amount remaining in the set aside fund.
          (3) The motion set forth in paragraph (2) shall be 
        open for debate and amendment, but any amendment 
        offered thereto is only in order if limited to changing 
        an amount in the motion.
          (4) Except as provided by paragraph (5), the chairman 
        of the Committee on the Budget may not make any 
        adjustments under subsection (a) or subsection (b) 
        unless or until the committee filing a report or joint 
        statement of managers on a conference report on a 
        measure including an emergency designation fulfills the 
        terms set forth in section 504.
          (5) The chairman of the Committee on the Budget shall 
        make any adjustments he deems necessary under this 
        section if he determines the enactment of the provision 
        or provisions designated as an emergency is essential 
        to respond to an urgent and imminent need, the chairman 
        determines the exceptional circumstances referred to in 
        rule 3 of the rules of the committee are met and the 
        committee cannot convene to consider the motion 
        referred to in this section in a timely fashion.
  (c) Application of Adjustments.--The adjustments made 
pursuant to subsection (a) or (b) shall--
          (1) apply while that bill, joint resolution, 
        conference report or amendment is under consideration;
          (2) take effect upon the enactment of that 
        legislation; and
          (3) be published in the Congressional Record as soon 
        as practicable.


   As used in this title:
          (1) The term ``emergency'' means a situation that--
                  (A) requires new budget authority and outlays 
                (or new budget authority and the outlays 
                flowing therefrom) for the prevention or 
                mitigation of, or response to, loss of life or 
                property, or a threat to national security; and
                  (B) is unanticipated.
          (2) The term ``unanticipated'' means that the 
        underlying situation is--
                  (A) sudden, which means quickly coming into 
                being or not building up over time;
                  (B) urgent, which means a pressing and 
                compelling need requiring immediate action;
                  (C) unforeseen, which means not predicted or 
                anticipated as an emerging need; and
                  (D) Temporary, which means not of a permanent 


   In the House, as soon as practicable after the adoption of 
this resolution, the chairman of the Committee on the Budget 
shall, after consultation with the chairmen of the applicable 
committees, the Ranking Member of the Committee on the Budget, 
and the Director of the Congressional Budget Office, prepare 
additional guidelines for application of the definition of an 
emergency and shall issue a committee print from the Committee 
on the Budget for this purpose.


  (a) Committee Notification.--Whenever a committee of the 
House (including a committee of conference) reports any bill or 
joint resolution that includes a provision designated as an 
emergency pursuant to this title, the report accompanying that 
bill or joint resolution (or the joint explanatory statement of 
managers in the case of a conference report on any such bill or 
joint resolution) shall identify all provisions that provide 
amounts designated as an emergency and shall provide an 
explanation of the manner in which the provision meets the 
criteria set forth in section 502.
  (b) Congressional Record.--If such a measure is to be 
considered by the House without being reported by the committee 
of jurisdiction, then the committee shall cause the explanation 
to be published in the Congressional Record as soon as 


   The Committee on the Budget of the House shall publish in 
the Congressional Record up-to-date tabulations of amounts 
remaining in the set aside fund set forth in section 501, or 
authorized in excess thereof, as soon as practicable after the 
enactment of such amounts designated as emergencies.


  (a) Exemption of Contingency Operations Related to the Global 
War on Terrorism and for Unanticipated Defense Needs.--In the 
House, if any bill or joint resolution is reported, or an 
amendment is offered thereto or a conference report is filed 
thereon, that makes appropriations for fiscal year 2009 for 
contingency operations directly related to the global war on 
terrorism, and other unanticipated defense-related operations, 
then the new budget authority, new entitlement authority, 
outlays, or receipts resulting therefrom shall not count for 
purposes of titles III or IV of the Congressional Budget Act of 
  (b) Current Level.--Amounts included in this resolution for 
the purpose set forth in this section shall be considered to be 
current law for purposes of the preparation of the current 
level of budget authority and outlays and the appropriate 
levels shall be adjusted upon the enactment of such bill.



  (a) Proposed Cancellations.--If, within 45 calendar days 
after the enactment of any bill or joint resolution providing 
any discretionary budget authority, item of direct spending, 
limited tariff benefit, or targeted tax benefit, the President 
proposes, in the manner provided in subsection (b), the 
cancellation of any dollar amount of such discretionary budget 
authority, item of direct spending, or targeted tax benefit, 
such recommendation shall be introduced as a freestanding 
measure consistent with the terms of this title and shall be 
eligible for the expedited procedures set forth herein. If the 
45 calendar-day period expires during a period where either 
House of Congress stands adjourned sine die at the end of a 
Congress or for a period greater than 45 calendar days, the 
President may propose a cancellation under this section and 
transmit a special message under subsection (b) on the first 
calendar day of session following such a period of adjournment.
  (b) Transmittal of Special Message.--
          (1) Special message.--
                  (A) Contents of special message.--Each 
                special message shall specify, with respect to 
                the discretionary budget authority, items of 
                direct spending proposed, limited tariff 
                benefits, or targeted tax benefits to be 
                          (i) the dollar amount of 
                        discretionary budget authority, the 
                        specific item of direct spending (that 
                        OMB, after consultation with CBO, 
                        estimates to increase budget authority 
                        or outlays as required by section 
                        1017(9)), the limited tariff benefit, 
                        or the targeted tax benefit that the 
                        President proposes be canceled;
                          (ii) any account, department, or 
                        establishment of the Government to 
                        which such discretionary budget 
                        authority is available for obligation, 
                        and the specific project or 
                        governmental functions involved;
                          (iii) the reasons why such 
                        discretionary budget authority, item of 
                        direct spending, limited tariff 
                        benefit, or targeted tax benefit should 
                        be canceled;
                          (iv) to the maximum extent 
                        practicable, the estimated fiscal, 
                        economic, and budgetary effect 
                        (including the effect on outlays and 
                        receipts in each fiscal year) of the 
                        proposed cancellation;
                          (v) to the maximum extent 
                        practicable, all facts, circumstances, 
                        and considerations relating to or 
                        bearing upon the proposed cancellation 
                        and the decision to propose the 
                        cancellation, and the estimated effect 
                        of the proposed cancellation upon the 
                        objects, purposes, or programs for 
                        which the discretionary budget 
                        authority, item of direct spending, 
                        limited tariff benefit, or the targeted 
                        tax benefit is provided;
                          (vi) a numbered list of cancellations 
                        to be included in an approval bill 
                        that, if enacted, would cancel 
                        discretionary budget authority, items 
                        of direct spending, limited tariff 
                        benefit, or targeted tax benefits 
                        proposed in that special message; and
                          (vii) if the special message is 
                        transmitted subsequent to or at the 
                        same time as another special message, a 
                        detailed explanation why the proposed 
                        cancellations are not substantially 
                        similar to any other proposed 
                        cancellation in such other message.
                  (C) Duplicative proposals prohibited.--The 
                President may not propose to cancel the same or 
                substantially similar discretionary budget 
                authority, item of direct spending, limited 
                tariff benefit, or targeted tax benefit more 
                than one time under this Act.
                  (D) Maximum number of special messages.--The 
                President may not transmit to the Congress more 
                than 5 special messages under this subsection 
                related to any bill or joint resolution 
                described in subsection (a), but may transmit 
                not more than 10 special messages for any 
                omnibus budget reconciliation or appropriation 
          (2) Enactment of approval bill.--
                  (A) Deficit reduction.--Amounts of budget 
                authority, items of direct spending, limited 
                tariff benefit, or targeted tax benefits which 
                are canceled pursuant to enactment of a bill as 
                provided under this section shall be dedicated 
                only to reducing the deficit or increasing the 
                  (B) Adjustment of levels in the concurrent 
                resolution on the budget.--Not later than 5 
                days after the date of enactment of an approval 
                bill as provided under this section, the chairs 
                of the Committees on the Budget of the Senate 
                and the House of Representatives shall revise 
                allocations and aggregates and other 
                appropriate levels under the appropriate 
                concurrent resolution on the budget to reflect 
                the cancellation, and the applicable committees 
                shall report revised suballocations pursuant to 
                section 302(b), as appropriate.
                  (C) Trust funds and special funds.--
                Notwithstanding subparagraph (A), nothing in 
                this title shall be construed to require or 
                allow the deposit of amounts derived from a 
                trust fund or special fund which are canceled 
                pursuant to enactment of a bill as provided 
                under this section to any other fund.


  (a) Expedited Consideration.--
          (1) In general.--The majority leader or minority 
        leader of each House or his designee shall (by request) 
        introduce an approval bill as defined in section 1017 
        not later than the third day of session of that House 
        after the date of receipt of a special message 
        transmitted to the Congress under section 1011(b). If 
        the bill is not introduced as provided in the preceding 
        sentence in either House, then, on the fourth day of 
        session of that House after the date of receipt of the 
        special message, any Member of that House may introduce 
        the bill.
          (2) Consideration in the house of representatives.--
                  (A) Referral and reporting.--Any committee of 
                the House of Representatives to which an 
                approval bill is referred shall report it to 
                the House without amendment not later than the 
                seventh legislative day after the date of its 
                introduction. If a committee fails to report 
                the bill within that period or the House has 
                adopted a concurrent resolution providing for 
                adjournment sine die at the end of a Congress, 
                such committee shall be automatically 
                discharged from further consideration of the 
                bill and it shall be placed on the appropriate 
                  (B) Proceeding to consideration.--After an 
                approval bill is reported by or discharged from 
                committee or the House has adopted a concurrent 
                resolution providing for adjournment sine die 
                at the end of a Congress, it shall be in order 
                to move to proceed to consider the approval 
                bill in the House. Such a motion shall be in 
                order only at a time designated by the Speaker 
                in the legislative schedule within two 
                legislative days after the day on which the 
                proponent announces his intention to offer the 
                motion. Such a motion shall not be in order 
                after the House has disposed of a motion to 
                proceed with respect to that special message. 
                The previous question shall be considered as 
                ordered on the motion to its adoption without 
                intervening motion. A motion to reconsider the 
                vote by which the motion is disposed of shall 
                not be in order.
                  (C) Consideration.--The approval bill shall 
                be considered as read. All points of order 
                against an approval bill and against its 
                consideration are waived. The previous question 
                shall be considered as ordered on an approval 
                bill to its passage without intervening motion 
                except five hours of debate equally divided and 
                controlled by the proponent and an opponent and 
                one motion to limit debate on the bill. A 
                motion to reconsider the vote on passage of the 
                bill shall not be in order.
                  (D) Senate bill.--An approval bill received 
                from the Senate shall not be referred to 
          (3) Consideration in the senate.--
                  (A) Motion to proceed to consideration.--A 
                motion to proceed to the consideration of a 
                bill under this subsection in the Senate shall 
                not be debatable. It shall not be in order to 
                move to reconsider the vote by which the motion 
                to proceed is agreed to or disagreed to.
                  (B) Limits on debate.--Debate in the Senate 
                on a bill under this subsection, and all 
                debatable motions and appeals in connection 
                therewith (including debate pursuant to 
                subparagraph (D)), shall not exceed 10 hours, 
                equally divided and controlled in the usual 
                  (C) Appeals.--Debate in the Senate on any 
                debatable motion or appeal in connection with a 
                bill under this subsection shall be limited to 
                not more than 1 hour, to be equally divided and 
                controlled in the usual form.
                  (D) Motion to limit debate.--A motion in the 
                Senate to further limit debate on a bill under 
                this subsection is not debatable.
                  (E) Motion to recommit.--A motion to recommit 
                a bill under this subsection is not in order.
                  (F) Consideration of the house bill.--
                          (i) In general.--If the Senate has 
                        received the House companion bill to 
                        the bill introduced in the Senate prior 
                        to the vote required under paragraph 
                        (1)(C), then the Senate may consider, 
                        and the vote under paragraph (1)(C) may 
                        occur on, the House companion bill.
                          (ii) Procedures after vote on senate 
                        bill.--If the Senate votes, pursuant to 
                        paragraph (1)(C), on the bill 
                        introduced in the Senate, then 
                        immediately following that vote, or 
                        upon receipt of the House companion 
                        bill, the House bill shall be deemed to 
                        be considered, read the third time, and 
                        the vote on passage of the Senate bill 
                        shall be considered to be the vote on 
                        the bill received from the House.
  (b) Amendments Prohibited.--No amendment to, or motion to 
strike a provision from, a bill considered under this section 
shall be in order in either the Senate or the House of 


  (a) Statement.--The chairman of the Committee on Ways and 
Means of the House of Representatives and the chairman of the 
Committee on Finance of the Senate acting jointly (hereafter in 
this subsection referred to as ``the chairmen'' shall review 
any revenue or reconciliation bill or joint resolution which 
includes any amendment to the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 
that is being prepared for filing by a committee of conference 
of the two Houses, and shall identify whether such bill or 
joint resolution contains any targeted tax benefits. The 
chairmen shall provide to the committee of conference a 
statement identifying any such targeted tax benefits or 
declaring that the bill or joint resolution does not contain 
any targeted tax benefits. Any such statement shall be made 
available to any Member of Congress by the chairmen immediately 
upon request.
  (b) Statement Included in Legislation.--
          (1) In general.--Notwithstanding any other rule of 
        the House of Representatives or any rule or precedent 
        of the Senate, any revenue or reconciliation bill or 
        joint resolution which includes any amendment to the 
        Internal Revenue Code of 1986 reported by a committee 
        of conference of the two Houses may include, as a 
        separate section of such bill or joint resolution, the 
        information contained in the statement of the chairmen, 
        but only in the manner set forth in paragraph (2).
          (2) Applicability.--The separate section permitted 
        under subparagraph (A) shall read as follows: Section 
        1021 of the Congressional Budget and Impoundment 
        Control Act of 1974 shall ``_________'' apply to 
        ``_________.'' with the blank spaces being filled in 
                  (A) in any case in which the chairmen 
                identify targeted tax benefits in the statement 
                required under subsection (a), the word 
                ``only'' in the first blank space and a list of 
                all of the specific provisions of the bill or 
                joint resolution in the second blank space; or
                  (B) in any case in which the chairmen declare 
                that there are no targeted tax benefits in the 
                statement required under subsection (a), the 
                word ``not'' in the first blank space and the 
                phrase ``any provision of this Act'' in the 
                second blank space.
  (c) Identification in Revenue Estimate.--With respect to any 
revenue or reconciliation bill or joint resolution with respect 
to which the chairmen provide a statement under subsection (a), 
the Joint Committee on Taxation shall--
          (1) in the case of a statement described in 
        subsection (b)(2)(A), list the targeted tax benefits in 
        any revenue estimate prepared by the Joint Committee on 
        Taxation for any conference report which accompanies 
        such bill or joint resolution, or
          (2) in the case of a statement described in section 
        13(b)(2)(B), indicate in such revenue estimate that no 
        provision in such bill or joint resolution has been 
        identified as a targeted tax benefit.
  (d) President's Authority.--If any revenue or reconciliation 
bill or joint resolution is signed into law--
          (1) with a separate section described in subsection 
        (b)(2), then the President may use the authority 
        granted in this section only with respect to any 
        targeted tax benefit in that law, if any, identified in 
        such separate section; or
          (2) without a separate section described in 
        subsection (b)(2), then the President may use the 
        authority granted in this section with respect to any 
        targeted tax benefit in that law.


  (a) Definitions.--
          (1) Appropriation law.--The term ``appropriation 
        law'' means an Act referred to in section 105 of title 
        I, United States Code, including any general or special 
        appropriation Act, or any Act making supplemental, 
        deficiency, or continuing appropriations, that has been 
        signed into law pursuant to Article I, section 7, of 
        the Constitution of the United States.
          (2) Approval bill.--The term ``approval bill'' means 
        a bill or joint resolution which only approves proposed 
        cancellations of dollar amounts of discretionary budget 
        authority, items of new direct spending, limited tariff 
        benefits, or targeted tax benefits in a special message 
        transmitted by the President under this part and
                  (A) the title of which is as follows: ``A 
                bill approving the proposed cancellations 
                transmitted by the President on ________,'' the 
                blank space being filled in with the date of 
                transmission of the relevant special message 
                and the public law number to which the message 
                  (B) which does not have a preamble; and
                  (C) which provides only the following after 
                the enacting clause: ``That the Congress 
                approves of proposed cancellations: ________,'' 
                the blank space being filled in with a list of 
                the cancellations contained in the President's 
                special message, ``as transmitted by the 
                President in a special message on ________,'' 
                the blank space being filled in with the 
                appropriate date, ``regarding ________.'' the 
                blank space being filled in with the Public Law 
                number to which the special message relates;
                  (D) which only includes proposed 
                cancellations that are estimated by CBO to meet 
                the definition of discretionary budgetary 
                authority or items of direct spending, or 
                limited tariff benefits, or that are identified 
                as targeted tax benefits pursuant to section 
                  (E) if any proposed cancellation other than 
                discretionary budget authority or targeted tax 
                benefits is estimated by CBO to not meet the 
                definition of item of direct spending, then the 
                approval bill shall include at the end: ``The 
                President shall cease the suspension of the 
                implementation of the following under section 
                1013 of the Legislative Line Item Veto Act of 
                2006: ________,'' the blank space being filled 
                in with the list of such proposed 
                cancellations; and
                  (F) if no CBO estimate is available, then the 
                entire list of legislative provisions proposed 
                by the President is inserted in the second 
                blank space in subparagraph (C).
          (3) Calendar day.--The term ``calendar day'' means a 
        standard 24-hour period beginning at midnight.
          (4) Cancel or cancellation.--The terms ``cancel'' or 
        ``cancellation'' means to prevent--
                  (A) budget authority from having legal force 
                or effect;
                  (B) in the case of entitlement authority, to 
                prevent the specific legal obligation of the 
                United States from having legal force or 
                  (C) in the case of the food stamp program, to 
                prevent the specific provision of law that 
                provides such benefit from having legal force 
                or effect;
                  (D) a limited tariff benefit from having 
                legal force or effect, and to make any 
                necessary, conforming statutory change to 
                ensure that such limited tariff benefit is not 
                implemented; or
                  (E) a targeted tax benefit from having legal 
                force or effect, and to make any necessary, 
                conforming statutory change to ensure that such 
                targeted tax benefit is not implemented and 
                that any budgetary resources are appropriately 
          (5) CBO.--The term ``CBO'' means the Director of the 
        Congressional Budget Office.
          (6) Direct spending.--The term ``direct spending'' 
                  (A) budget authority provided by law (other 
                than an appropriation law);
                  (B) entitlement authority; and
                  (C) the food stamp program.
          (7) Dollar amount of discretionary budget 
                  (A) Except as provided in subparagraph (B), 
                the term ``dollar amount of discretionary 
                budget authority'' means the dollar amount of 
                budget authority--
                          (i) specified in an appropriation 
                        law, or the dollar amount of budget 
                        authority or obligation limitation 
                        required to be allocated by a specific 
                        proviso in an appropriation law for 
                        which a specific dollar figure was not 
                          (ii) represented separately in any 
                        table, chart, or explanatory text 
                        included in the statement of managers 
                        or the governing committee report 
                        accompanying such law;
                          (iii) required to be allocated for a 
                        specific program, project, or activity 
                        in a law (other than an appropriation 
                        law) that mandates the expenditure of 
                        budget authority from accounts, 
                        programs, projects, or activities for 
                        which budget authority is provided in 
                        an appropriation law;
                          (iv) represented by the product of 
                        the estimated procurement cost and the 
                        total quantity of items specified in an 
                        appropriation law or included in the 
                        statement of managers or the governing 
                        committee report accompanying such law; 
                          (v) represented by the product of the 
                        estimated procurement cost and the 
                        total quantity of items required to be 
                        provided in a law (other than an 
                        appropriation law) that mandates the 
                        expenditure of budget authority from 
                        accounts, programs, projects, or 
                        activities for which budget authority 
                        is provided in an appropriation law.
                  (B) The term ``dollar amount of discretionary 
                budget authority'' does not include--
                          (i) direct spending;
                          (ii) budget authority in an 
                        appropriation law which funds direct 
                        spending provided for in other law;
                          (iii) any existing budget authority 
                        canceled in an appropriation law; or
                          (iv) any restriction, condition, or 
                        limitation in an appropriation law or 
                        the accompanying statement of managers 
                        or committee reports on the expenditure 
                        of budget authority for an account, 
                        program, project, or activity, or on 
                        activities involving such expenditure.
          (8) Item of direct spending.--The term ``item of 
        direct spending'' means any provision of law that 
        results in an increase in budget authority or outlays 
        for direct spending relative to the most recent levels 
        calculated consistent with the methodology used to 
        calculate a baseline under section 257 of the Balanced 
        Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 and 
        included with a budget submission under section 1105(a) 
        of title 31, United States Code, in the first year or 
        the 5-year period for which the item is effective. Such 
        item does not include an extension or reauthorization 
        of existing direct spending, but only refers to 
        provisions of law that increase such direct spending.
          (9) Limited tariff benefit.--The term ``limited 
        tariff benefit'' means any provision of law that 
        modifies the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United 
        States in a manner that benefits 10 or fewer entities 
        (as defined in paragraph (12)(B)).
          (10) OMB.--The term ``OMB'' means the Director of the 
        Office of Management and Budget.
          (11) Omnibus reconciliation or appropriation 
        measure.--The term ``omnibus reconciliation'' or 
        ``appropriation measure'' means--
                  (A) in the case of a reconciliation bill, any 
                such bill that is reported to its House by the 
                Committee on the Budget; or
                  (B) in the case of an appropriation measure, 
                any such measure that provides appropriations 
                for programs, projects, or activities falling 
                within 2 or more section 302(b) suballocations.
          (12) Targeted tax benefit.--
                  (A) The ``term targeted tax benefit'' means 
                any revenue-losing provision that provides a 
                Federal tax deduction, credit, exclusion, or 
                preference to ten or fewer beneficiaries 
                (determined with respect to either present law 
                or any provision of which the provision is a 
                part) under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 
                in any year for which the provision is in 
                  (B) For purposes of subparagraph (A)--
                          (i) all businesses and associations 
                        that are members of the same controlled 
                        group of corporations (as defined in 
                        section 1563(a) of the Internal Revenue 
                        Code of 1986) shall be treated as a 
                        single beneficiary;
                          (ii) all shareholders, partners, 
                        members, or beneficiaries of a 
                        corporation, partnership, association, 
                        or trust or estate, respectively, shall 
                        be treated as a single beneficiary;
                          (iii) all employees of an employer 
                        shall be treated as a single 
                          (iv) all qualified plans of an 
                        employer shall be treated as a single 
                          (v) all beneficiaries of a qualified 
                        plan shall be treated as a single 
                          (vi) all contributors to a charitable 
                        organization shall be treated as a 
                        single beneficiary;
                          (vii) all holders of the same bond 
                        issue shall be treated as a single 
                        beneficiary; and
                          (viii) if a corporation, partnership, 
                        association, trust or estate is the 
                        beneficiary of a provision, the 
                        shareholders of the corporation, the 
                        partners of the partnership, the 
                        members of the association, or the 
                        beneficiaries of the trust or estate 
                        shall not also be treated as 
                        beneficiaries of such provision;
                  (C) For the purpose of this paragraph, the 
                term ``revenue-losing provision'' means any 
                provision that is estimated to result in a 
                reduction in federal tax revenues (determined 
                with respect to either present law or any 
                provision of which the provision is a part) for 
                a period of the--
                          (i) first fiscal year for which the 
                        provision is effective; or
                          (ii) five fiscal years beginning with 
                        the first fiscal year for which the 
                        provision is effective;
                  (D) the ``term targeted tax benefit'' does 
                not include any provision which applies 
                uniformly to an entire industry; and
                  (E) the terms used in this paragraph shall 
                have the same meaning as those terms have 
                generally in the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, 
                unless otherwise expressly provided.


   The President, or any executive branch official, should not 
condition the inclusion or exclusion or threaten to condition 
the inclusion or exclusion of any proposed cancellation in any 
special message under this title upon any vote cast or to be 
cast by any Member of either House of Congress.

                        TITLE VII--PAY-AS-YOU-GO


  (a) Limitation.--In the House, in determining the effect of a 
bill, joint resolution, amendment or conference report on the 
deficit or surplus for purposes of clause 10 of rule XXI of the 
Rules of the House of Representatives, the Committee on the 
Budget shall disregard provisions that are impermissible 
  (b) Definition of Impermissible Offsets.--A provision is an 
``impermissible offset'' if the Committee on the Budget 
determines that it--
          (1) is the same or substantially the same as a change 
        in law reducing the deficit included in a bill, joint 
        resolution, or conference report previously passed by 
        the House but not enacted;
          (2) causes a decrease in outlays within the first 
        time period set forth in clause 10 of such rule XXI, 
        but causes no change in outlays over the second time 
        period included in the clause; or
          (3) causes an increase in revenue within the first 
        time period set forth in clause 10 of such rule XXI, 
        but causes no change in revenues over the second time 
        period included in the clause.
  (c) Treatment of Direct Spending Provisions.--In the House:
          (1) For purposes of enforcing clause 10 of rule XXI 
        of the Rules of the House of Representatives, a 
        provision included in a bill, joint resolution, or 
        conference report increasing direct spending in any 
        year may be deemed by the chairman of the Committee on 
        the Budget to be structured such that it artificially 
        disguises an increase in entitlement spending by use of 
        expiration dates or reductions in entitlement or 
        beneficiary levels.
          (2) The chairman of the Committee on the Budget shall 
        cause a clear statement for any bill, joint resolution 
        or conference report as to whether a provision 
        increasing mandatory budget authority or outlays has or 
        has not been structured as described in paragraph (1), 
        to be inserted in the Congressional Record if requested 
        by the Speaker, the Majority Leader, the Minority 
        Leader or the Ranking Member of the Committee on the 
  (d) Strengthen Pay-as-You-Go.--It shall not be in order to 
consider any bill, joint resolution, or conference report that 
increases the deficit in the budget year or the five-fiscal 
year period following the second period of fiscal years set 
forth in clause 10 of rule XXI of the Rules of the House of the 
House Representatives. The effect of such measure on the 
deficit or surplus shall be determined on the same basis as set 
forth in such clause.



  (a) Application.--Any adjustments of allocations and 
aggregates made pursuant to this resolution shall--
          (1) apply while that measure is under consideration;
          (2) take effect upon the enactment of that measure; 
          (3) be published in the Congressional Record as soon 
        as practicable.
  (b) Effect of Changed Allocations and Aggregates.--Revised 
allocations and aggregates resulting from these adjustments 
shall be considered for the purposes of the Congressional 
Budget Act of 1974 as allocations and aggregates contained in 
this resolution.
  (c) Budget Committee Determinations.--For purposes of this 
          (1) the levels of new budget authority, outlays, 
        direct spending, new entitlement authority, revenues, 
        deficits, and surpluses for a fiscal year or period of 
        fiscal years shall be determined on the basis of 
        estimates made by the appropriate Committee on the 
        Budget; and
          (2) such chairman may make any other necessary 
        adjustments to such levels to reflect the timing of 
        responses to reconciliation directives pursuant to 
        section 201 of this resolution.


  Upon the enactment of a bill or joint resolution providing 
for a change in concepts or definitions, the appropriate 
chairman of the Committee on the Budget shall make adjustments 
to the levels and allocations in this resolution in accordance 
with section 251(b) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency 
Deficit Control Act of 1985 (as in effect prior to September 
30, 2002).

                    OF 1990.

  (a) In General.--In the House and the Senate, notwithstanding 
section 302(a)(1) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 and 
section 13301 of the Budget Enforcement Act of 1990, the joint 
explanatory statement accompanying the conference report on any 
concurrent resolution on the budget shall include in its 
allocation under section 302(a) of the Congressional Budget Act 
of 1974 to the Committee on Appropriations amounts for the 
discretionary administrative expenses of the Social Security 
  (b) Special Rule.--In the House, for purposes of applying 
section 302(f) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974, 
estimates of the level of total new budget authority and total 
outlays provided by a measure shall include any discretionary 
amounts provided for the Social Security Administration.


  Congress adopts the provisions of this title--
          (1) as an exercise of the rulemaking power of the 
        Senate and the House, respectively, and as such they 
        shall be considered as part of the rules of each House, 
        or of that House to which they specifically apply, and 
        such rules shall supersede other rules only to the 
        extent that they are inconsistent therewith; and
          (2) with full recognition of the constitutional right 
        of either House to change those rules (so far as they 
        relate to that House) at any time, in the same manner, 
        and to the same extent as in the case of any other rule 
        of that House.
