Top ten journals in which Los Alamos articles appeared during 1995-1999

Journal TitleRank of Journal
Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society111112
Astrophysical Journal----8-
Biophysical Journal--10---
Fusion Technology----9-
Geophysical Research Letters10-5--7
Journal of Applied Physics-9----
Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics444845
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section55-764
Physica B-7-6--
Physica C------
Physical Review B-Condensed Matter233221
Physical Review C-Nuclear Physics669956
Physical Review E887579
Physical Review Letters322333
Physics Letters B7-64108
Physics of Plasmas9108---
Review of Scientific Instruments---10-10


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Rev. 29 June 2000 FK(FK)