Information Resource Management Problems in the Department of Commerce

CED-82-113 September 30, 1982
Full Report (PDF, 8 pages)  


Pursuant to a House committee request, GAO reported on the management of computer and information resources at the Department of Commerce. The report focused on Commerce's process for selection of computer contractors, the level of technology used in its automated systems, and the quality of internal controls in financial systems.

GAO found that Commerce's Office of Information Resource Management (OIRM), which is responsible for the department's overall information resource management, its bureaus, and other subordinate organizations, has been making significant progress toward its goal of paperwork reduction. However, GAO also found that OIRM has not issued, and is not enforcing, departmentwide policies for computer operations, software development, and word processing. GAO believes that OIRM needs to continue developing planning mechanisms initiated during 1982 and to separate oversight and operational responsibilities so that short-range projects do not deflect Commerce from long-range goals and policymaking.