United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs
National Hepatitis C Program
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Hepatitis C Quicknotes

Hepatitis C Quicknotes
[Word doc]

The Hepatitis C Quicknotes constitute an abbreviated version of the most recent VA Hepatitis C Treatment Recommendations (October 2006) developed by the Department of Veterans Affairs Hepatitis C Resource Center Program and the National Hepatitis C Program Office.

The Hepatitis C Quicknotes provide bottom-line recommendations regarding screening and testing for hepatitis C, anti-HCV posttest strategies, antiviral treatment eligibility (including necessary pretreatment assessment and contraindications), endpoints of anti-HCV treatment, and antiviral treatment strategy (including dosages and dose modification guidelines).

Where appropriate, they provide links to the documents for using erythropoietin and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor for hepatitis C treatment-related anemia and neutropenia, from the VHA Pharmacy Benefits Management Strategic Health Care Group and Medical Advisory Panel

The Hepatitis C Quicknotes will soon be available in the form of an algorithm and will be downloadable to a PDA.