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This is a list of links to phonebooks and directories of High Energy Physics personnel around the world. These are listed by institution. Browse our Listings by Experiment to find a researcher with a particular collaboration.

You may add a site to the HEP Virtual Phonebook here.


To find a particular site in the HEP Virtual Phonebook, click on the first letter of that site.


Click on the site name to access the home page of that site, click on the directory name to access a specific directory.

Aachen University of Technology (RWTH)
Department of Physics - Department Directory
Experimental Elementary Particle Physics Group I - Faculty
Institutes for Theoretical Physics - Directory

Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) - Phonebook, E-mail Addresses
High Energy Group - Staff, Postdocs, Visitors

Abilene Christian University - Directory
Department of Physics - Faculty and Staff

Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Elementary Particle Physics - People

Alabama, University of - University Dirctory
Physics and Astronomy Dept. - Directory
HEP Group

Alberta, University of - Faculty and Staff Directory
Physics Department - Personnel
Centre for Subatomic Research - Directory

Andes, Universidad de los
Physics Department - People
High Energy Physics Group

Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) - Directory
High Energy Physics Division

Arizona State University - Directory
Physics and Astronomy Dept. - Directory
Experimental Nuclear & Particle Physics
Theoretcial Nuclear & Particle Physics

Arizona, University of - UA Online Phonebook
Department of Physics - Personnel
Experimental Elementary Particle Physics - UA Experimental HEP Group
Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics - Faculty Directory

Auburn University - Directory
Physics Department - Directory

Austrian Academy of Sciences
HEPHY - Institute for High Energy Physics - Members of HEPHY



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Revised: December 11, 2003
URL: http://www.hep.net/sites/directories.html