Cash Management Branch

Branch Chief : Richard Noll
Grantee Cash Management Section

Section Head: Michael Howe
Grant Accountant Contact Information and State Assignments
Michael Howe - 703-292-8285 IL, NC, USP & Foreign Grantees
Dorothy Battle - 703-292-4440 AL, AR, CO, DE, FL, ID, IN, KY, MA, MD, MS, NH, OH, OK, OR, RI, SC, SD, UT, WI, WV and all SBIR Phase II awards
Denise Robinson - 703-292-8293 AZ, CT, DC, GA, MI, MN, MO, NJ, PA, TN, TX, VA, VT, and all SBIR Phase I awards
Ilene Caruso - 703-292-8334 AK, CA, HI, IA, KS, LA, ME, MT, ND, NE, NM, NY, WA, WY
- Manages the NSF grant payment and financial reporting processes
- Administers the FastLane Financial Functions
- Reconciles grantee payment and expenditure reporting processes to the NSF Award System and NSF Financial Accounting System, and
- Maintains all assigned organizational grant accounts
NSF Grant Payment Links
FastLane Financial Functions
Other Federal Grant Payment Systems:
Treasury Automated Standard Application for Payments (ASAP)
HHS Payment Management System
Education G5
Frequently Asked Questions
- Question: Who can reset my FastLane Financial Function password?
Answer: Contact your Authorized Organizational Representative (within your organization) to have your password reset.
- Question: How can gantees obtain a grant's CFDA Number?
Answer: CFDA numbers are included at the end of all of all NSF Award letters.
- Question: How can grantees get copies of all NSF Award letters?
Answer: Access OMB circulars via the website at: OMB Circulars.
- Question: What do I do with my A-133 Audit report?
Answer: Send two copies of the audit to Federal Audit Clearinghouse, Bureau of the Census, 1201 East 10th Street, Jeffersonville, IN 47132.
- Question: Where do I get information concerning specific requirements for payment and reporting?
Answer: See the NSF Grant Policy Manual.
Commercial Cash Management  Section Head: Kathleen Carpenter
Please contact the correct person associated with the question or comment you may have regarding Accounts Payable:
Kathleen Carpenter - (703) 292-4442 Section Head
Christine Bowles - (703) 292-4571
Travel Vouchers
Ethel L. Brown - (703) 292-4441
Travel Card Program, GSA SmartPay2 Program
Tiffany Longmire - (703) 292-4450 Flat Rate, MORs, Standard From 1164
LaShanda Minor - (703) 292-4463 Purchase Orders (Including Training) and Contracts

- Processes payments for purchase orders, contracts,training and interagency agreements.
- Process receiving reports associated with purchase orders.
- Processes reimbursements for NSF staff, Invitational Travelers, IPA's and Flat Rate Participants.
- SF1099's.
- Process and reporting of SF1311's.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Question: How do I know if my expense report has been paid? How do I know if a Purchase Order has been paid?
Answer: Check the Financial Accounting System by following these instructions:
- Select "Financial Systems" & enter user ID & ITAS Password. Click "OK"
- From the Explorer Window, double-click on the folder called "Inquiries"
- Double-click on the icon called "Obligations"
- Enter the Obligation Number (i.e. Travel Authorization Number or Purchase Order Number) and press "Enter"
- If there are Amendments to the Obligation, you will see the Arrow Buttons are review screens (Amendments) one at a time, OR, go to "Last" to see the ending balance of the Obligation.
- Question: What kinds of meetings fall under the flat rate reimbursement of $280 (Travel Day) and $480 (Meeting Day)?
Answer: Those individuals serving on Advisory committees, panelist reviewing proposals, and COVs (Committee of Visitors). For further information related to reimbursement and appropriate funding, see Financial Management Policy Manual No. 17 (Chapter 1, paragraph 170).
- For Travel Policies and Procedures, see the NSF Travel Web Page at http://www.inside.nsf.gov/travel/ (This link will only work if you are dialed into NSF VIA the RSL Connection or if you are within the NSF network)