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NIH Observes Earth Day, Apr. 21

Photos by Rich McManus


NIH marked Earth Day on Apr. 21 with a tent fair outside Bldg. 31. Dana Arnold (r) of the Environmental Protection Agency talks with NIH staff about "green" procurement issues.


Ed Pfister (r), environmental compliance officer, Office of Research Services, updates NIDDK's Frank Shewmaker on plans for a stormwater management pond. Below, contractor Katrin Scholz-Barth (l) presents a poster on green roofs, which involve planting drought-resistant species of sedum on rooftops, to replace the traditional gravel ballast. A 3-inch bed of sedum weighs a tad more than gravel, but can absorb up to an inch of rainfall, looks attractive (particularly when in bloom) and never needs mowing. Green roofs are contemplated for several new structures at NIH, Pfister said.

Visitors learned about recycling, waste minimization, ride sharing, pollution prevention and intriguing modes of managing stormwater runoff. More than a dozen exhibitors had plenty of free handouts for tent visitors and were available to answer questions. Also on exhibit was a new Toyota Prius hybrid gas/electric car (above), which gets 60 miles per gallon in the city, 51 mpg on the highway.

Darryl Moore (r) of Clean Harbors discusses laboratory waste management issues with Jackie Dennis, Montgomery County Business Recycling Office.

Ed Rau of ORS mans a table explaining the "Mad as a Hatter" mercury-reduction campaign.

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