United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs
National Hepatitis C Program
Providers' Home > Resources > Patient Education Materials > Wallet CardsEnlarge Text Size:Small Font SizeMedium Font SizeLarge Font Size


Patient Education Wallet Cards

Sample wallet card

Sample wallet card (front)

These two-sided cards provide useful tips on ways for hepatitis C patients to take care of their health. About the size of credit cards, they fit nicely into patients' wallets for easy reference. We recommend displaying these cards in waiting rooms and other places where patients can easily see them. They are also good supplements as handouts to presentations and classes on hepatitis C.

These two-sided cards provide useful tips on ways for hepatitis C patients to take care of their health. About the size of credit cards, they fit nicely into patients' wallets for easy reference. We recommend displaying these cards in waiting rooms and other places where patients can easily see them. They are also good supplements as handouts to presentations and classes on hepatitis C.

To print wallet cards from your computer:

The following PDFs require Acrobat Reader. Print the pages back-to-back, and cut along the indicated lines. It's helpful to print each topic on a different color of card stock. For best results, laminate the cards. For detailed instructions with illustrations, see How To Make Wallet Cards.


bulletHepatitis A Virus (black and white)
bulletHepatitis A Virus (color)
bulletHepatitis B Virus (black and white)
bulletHepatitis B Virus (color)
bulletTesting for Hepatitis C (black and white)
bulletTesting for Hepatitis C (color)
bulletIf You Have Hepatitis C, DO (black and white)
bulletIf You Have Hepatitis C, DO (color)
bulletIf You Have Hepatitis C, DON'T (black and white)
bulletIf You Have Hepatitis C, DON'T (color)
bulletWays You CAN Get Hepatitis C (black and white)
bulletWays You CAN Get Hepatitis C (color)
bulletWays You CAN'T Get Hepatitis C (black and white)
bulletWays You CAN'T Get Hepatitis C (color)
bulletHepatitis C and Alcohol (black and white)
bulletHepatitis C and Alcohol (color)
bulletDiet and Medication Tips (black and white)
bulletDiet and Medication Tips (color)
bulletExercise Makes a Difference (black and white)
bulletExercise Makes a Difference (color)
bulletTips for Good Sleep (black and white)
bulletTips for Good Sleep (color)
bulletRelaxation Tips (black and white)
bulletRelaxation Tips (color)