Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge
Alaska Region   

Icon of Blue Goose Compass. Click on the compass to view a map of the refuge (pdf)


Law Enforcement

The staff of the refuge has responsibilities to ensure public safety and to protect natural and cultural resources. Some refuge staff members are federally-trained refuge officers. To facilitate patrols, officers normally use aircraft and boats to monitor recreational activities in the summer and fall and subsistence hunting and fishing. Most illegal incidents are brought to our attention through reports from the public.

Refuge officers primarily focus on compliance with wildlife laws (state and federal). However, citations are issued for non-wildlife violations such as littering, trespass of cabins, and the destruction of government property. All visitors to the refuge are encouraged to know the rules before using refuge resources. Following are several sites that pertain to various laws, rules and regulations:

Alaska Department of Fish and Game
Office of Subsistence Management
General refuge regulations
Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act

Please contact the refuge if you have questions.

Last updated: July 22, 2008