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Acquisition Services Management Division: Property Management (ASM-PM), ECCO




About Ecco

Printable Brochure with Charter, Officers, and annual seminar info (pdf)

(Revised June 5, 2003)

Name: Export Control Coordinators Organization (ECCO)


  1. Share ideas and internal policies/procedures relating to the transactions of Department of Energy (DOE) contractors and subcontractors required to further the international aspects of DOE-sponsored programs.
  2. Provide a forum for annual awareness/training to keep up with the myriad of regulations, policies and guidelines that control exports, imports and high risk property.
  3. Monitor and report legislative, executive and judicial changes in laws, regulations and implementation directives affecting international transactions.
  4. Recommend policies and procedures that faciliate international transactions and minimize adverse programmatic impacts.
  5. Serve as a resource for evaluation.


DOE, DOE's contractors and subcontractors, and the companies that operate them, who are interested in international transactions arising from DOE activities and who have elected to participate.





The name of this organization is the DOE Export Control Coordinators Organization (ECCO)


Section 1

To provide a forum for the purpose of exchanging information, ideas, and lessons learned among Department of Energy (DOE) contractors regarding exporting, importing, and high-risk property matters.

Section 2

To provide awareness training to further the knowledge of DOE contractors and subcontractors with regard to the regulations, policies, and guidelines that control exports, imports, and high-risk property.

Section 3

To share sound business practices and procedures in order to implement the regulations in a cost-effective and efficient manner.

Section 4

To provide an assistance program for DOE contractors interested in participating in an annual assessment of their export control program.



Section 1

Membership in ECCO is open to any employee of DOE, a DOE contractor, subcontractor or a company operating a DOE contractor or subcontractor involved in exporting, importing, or high-risk property and relating activities.

Section 2

Federal employees will be "associate members." Associate members cannot hold office and are non-voting members.

Section 3

The number of members is not Tuesday, July 3, 2007 1:27 PM sp;



Section 1

Membership dues are not required for membership in ECCO.

Section 2

Registration fees are paid by the ECCO members each year to attend the ECCO seminar. The fees cover the cost of the conference facilities, rental of audio/visual equipment such as overhead projectors and microphones, food and beverage service, and materials such as paper, pencils, and folders.

Section 3

Time and labor charged against the ECCO registration funds is prohibited.

Section 4

Fees may be used to cover costs for a non-governmental professional paid speaker after careful analysis of the budget and, a two-thirds majority vote. ECCO members, DOE labs, sites, and employees are excluded in receiving any monies from the ECCO registration fund for speaking engagements at the ECCO seminar.

Section 5

Registration fees that are left over after the costs are paid for each seminar will carry over to be applied for use at the next year's seminar.


Section 1

The Chair shall schedule a training seminar annually in the Washington, DC area each year. The seminar will address "hot topics" and regulatory/policy/procedural changes that have occurred since the last seminar to improve the knowledge, skills and abilities of personnel involved in exporting, and importing and high risk property in the DOE complex. Invited speakers will include representatives from regulating agencies as well as other professionals in the fields of export, import, or high risk property in the DOE complex. Invited speakers will include representatives from regulating agencies as well as other professionals in the the fields of export, import, or high-risk property. Training certificates shall be provided to all attendees.

Section 2

The annual business meeting shall be a part of the seminar. The business meeting shall address changes to the Charter or Bylaws, contractor assessments, problems brought up at the seminar, and other appropriate topics. Attendance at the business meeting is encouraged.


Section 1

The officers of ECCO shall be a Chair, Vice-Chair, Communications Officer, and Treasurer.

Section 2

Each year elections shall be held for the position of Vice-Chair, who will be the chair-elect for the following year. The Communications Officer and Treasurer shall serve at the discretion of the chair.

Section 3

Nominations for the Vice-Chair may be made during the annual business meeting following the ECCO Conference. Nominations will be open for a period of one month following the business meeting. Elections shall be held after nominations have been closed and shall be completed by the end of the fiscal year. Members may vote by e-mail or other appropriate means of transmitting their vote. Biographies shall be provided to the Chair by the nominees and will be distributed to the membership before the voting process commences. Elections shall be ny majority or plurality of votes cast.


Section 1

The Chair shall be the executive head of ECCO and shall preside at all meetings of ECCO (see above). The Chair shall solicit ideas from members for the agenda, set the agendas, and arrange for speakers. The Chair shall also make all the arrangements for conference facilities, seek to obtain reduce-rate accommodations for members at a nearby hotel, and arrange for snacks. The Chair shall mentor the Vice-Chair. The Vice-Chair will assist in setting up the annual seminar, voting procedures, providing training certificates, and other administrative duties.

Section 2

The Vice-Chair shall assist the Chair and assume the duties of the Chair in his/her absence. The Vice-Chair shall be the chair-elect for the following year.

Section 3

The Treasurer shall collect and record registration dues and receipts for expenditures to be entered in a log. Detail of expenditures must accompany the receipts for auditing purposes. The treasurer will deposit all dues in the DOE Export Control Coordinators bank account. The treasurer will prepare the financial statement to be disclosed at the annual business meeting.

Section 4

The Communications Officer shall be responsible for the maintenance and content of the ECCO List Serve and Web Site as directed by the Chair.




Amendments to these Bylaws may be discussed and approved at the annual business meeting. The amendment shall be effective immediately if approved by a two-thirds vote of the those present at the business meeting, or when approved by a two-thirds vote of the ECCO membership. The Chair shall incorporate any amendment(s) into the Bylaws and distribute the revised Bylaws to ECCO members.


Date Last Modified/Reviewed: Tuesday, July 3, 2007 1:27 PM

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