Office of Procurement
Previous Acquisition Projects

DOC-52-PAPT-08-01013 CIO Help Desk Tier 1 Services (HDT1-SS) - Cancelled

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has a requirement for Information Technology Help Desk Tier 1 Support Services for the Chief Information Officer (CIO) of the USPTO.

DOC-52-PAPT-08-01014 CIO Help Desk Tier 2 & 3 Services (HDT2&3-SS) - Cancelled

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), an organization with an employee base of approximately 7,000, has a requirement for Information Technology Help Desk Tier 2 and 3 Support Services for the Chief Information Officer (CIO) of the USPTO.

DOC52PAPT0501010 Search File Reclassification Services - Cancelled

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) seeks to award a Fixed Price Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity type contract to acquire search file reclassification services.

DOC52PAPT0701001 Information Resources and Instructional Services (RFI) - Closed, RFP issued.
See Information Resources and Instructional Services RFP Solicitation

The US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is interested in conducting market research through the release of a Request for Information (RFI) for the recompetition of USPTO’s Information Resources and Instructional Services (IRIS), formerly known as Information, Research, and Facilities Services, contract 50PAPT101019.

RFQ274P0750483 Web-based Help Desk Software - Cancelled

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) intends to issue a fixed price order to a Vendor of web-based software for our Facility Help Desk. The USPTO requires that the web-based software system be specifically designed for facilities help desk work orders.

DOCRFIPAPT0600000 Patent Examination Training Methods (RFI) - Closed, no further action taken

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is interested in conducting market research through the release of a Request for Information (RFI) concerning methods to improve the training of its newly hired Patent Examiners.


DOCRFQ0700012 Broadband Management Services Award Ribbon

The USPTO intends to procure Broadband Management Services on a firm fixed price basis.

DOC52PAPT0601010 Pre-Grant Publication Classification Services Award Ribbon

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) seeks to award a contract for Pre-Grant Publication Classification Services on patent applications submitted for processing to the USPTO in Alexandria, Virginia.

DOC52PAPT0601021 Desktop Microcomputer Equipment and Peripherals Award Ribbon

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) seeks to award a single Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract to acquire a variety of state-of-the-art microcomputers, laptops and peripheral equipment.

PROC0600172 Translation of Patent and Non-Patent Documents Award Ribbon

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) intends to procure translations services (all languages) involving the translation of patent and non-patent documents from any foreign language into Standard American English.

DOC52PAPT0601015 Intake Operations Support for Trademarks Award Ribbon

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) seeks to award a contract for Intake Operations Support for Trademarks for the USPTO in Alexandria, Virginia. This requirement is for support services to handle initial examination intake operations (mailroom operations, fee processing, scanning, data entry) and proofreading in connection with assignment of Trademark Official Gazette issue dates for the Trademark Office.

DOC52PAPT0601014 Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) Search Services Award Ribbon

The US Patent and Trademark Office anticipates awarding multiple indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity (IDIQ) type contracts for PCT search services.

DOC52PAPT0601007 Expert Advice and Assistance Award Ribbon

The USPTO seeks to award a labor-hour type contract to secure expert advice & assistance in support of the Commissioner for Patents.  This advice and assistance will focus on rule package changes, quality improvements and related areas.

DOC52PAPT0601003 Public Search Facility Library Support Services Award Ribbon

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) seeks to award a Fixed Price Type Contract to acquire on-site Public Search Facility Library Support Services.

DOC52PAPT0610002 Automated Biotechnology Sequence Search (ABSS) Award Ribbon

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office is interested in acquiring software and maintenance for the purpose of Gene Sequence Searches.

DOC52PAPT0601001 Search File Reclassification Services Award Ribbon

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) seeks to award a Fixed Price Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity type contract to acquire search file reclassification services.

You are here Previous Projects (Cancelled):

DOC52PAPT0801013 CIO Help Desk Tier 1 Services (HDT1-SS)

DOC52PAPT0801014 CIO Help Desk Tiers 2 & 3 Services (HDT2&3-SS)

DOC52PAPT0501010 Search File Reclassification Services

• DOC52PAPT0701001 Information Resources and Instructional Services (RFI)

RFQ274P0750483 Web-based Help Desk Software

• DOCRFIPAPT0600000 Patent Examination Training Methods (RFI)

You are here Awarded:

DOCRFQ0700012 Broadband Management Services

• DOC52PAPT0601010 Pre-Grant Publication Classification Services

• DOC52PAPT0601021 Desktop Microcomputer Equipment and Peripherals

• PROC0600172 Translation of Patent and Non-Patent Documents

• DOC52PAPT0601015 Intake Operations Support for Trademarks

• DOC52PAPT0601014 Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) Search Services

• DOC52PAPT0601007 Expert Advice & Assistance

• DOC52PAPT0601003 Public Search Facility Library Support Services

• DOC52PAPT0610002 Automated Biotechnology Sequence Search

• DOC52PAPT0601001 Search File Reclassification Service

Important Notice Arrow Patent and Trademark Acquisition Guidelines (PTAG)
Adopted March 10, 2003
PTAG Federal Register Final Rule [PDF]

KEY: e Biz=online business system fees=fees forms=formshelp=help laws and regs=laws/regulations definition=definition (glossary)
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