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July 14, 2008

Environmental Studies

Coastal Marine Inst.

Environmental Studies Program Partnerships

The MMS Coastal Marine Institute (CMI) initiative run by the Environmental Studies Program, was proposed in 1991 as an MMS-State partnership to strengthen relationships with coastal states where OCS oil and gas activities take place, and to improve the information flow to the affected States and the public. It accomplishes this by using highly qualified researchers at State institutions of higher education to conduct research on issues of mutual concern to both the State and MMS. This research is focused on environmental and socioeconomic aspects of OCS oil and gas and marine mineral development activities. Through the CMI's, increasing numbers of students and faculty are engaging in OCS related research, developing new skills, and developing new information and approaches to solving management issues.

In recognition of the mutual need for critical scientific information for resource management decisions the CMI program leverages MMS funds with State funds so that more research can be done than if MMS funded all the work itself. The first cooperative agreement under the CMI program was signed in 1992 with the State of Louisiana and Louisiana State University. A second cooperative agreement was signed with the State of Alaska and the University of Alaska in 1993. A third agreement was signed with the University of California at Santa Barbara in 1994.



Strengthen relationships with States where OCS activities take place


Equal cost-sharing partnerships


Improve information flow to the States and the public


Address MMS and State OCS information needs

For more information, contact James Cimato.

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