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war crimes

President Obama---you have repeatedly told the American public that you are looking forward rather than backward.  Well I too am looking forward when it is in regard to war crimes.  If Bush, Cheney et al are not called to answer to the crimes they have publicly committed, than I wonder who will be standing in the wings to repeat their distructive performance in the future.  Because someone is a politician in Washington, does that mean they are above our laws and world laws, but the rest of the world must face war crime trials when necessary?  The congress, media and law enforcement are lynching Rod Blogojevic for his "pay to play" act, while Bush's administration, having been responsible for thousands of deaths and a global meltdown, will comfortably retire with the millions and perhaps billions of dollars they have acquired at our nations expense.  
President Obama you must investigate these crimes to keep our nation safe from these kinds of leaders re-emerging in the future.
Barbara Szemenyei
9 Comments  »  Posted by b. szemenyei on 1/12/2009 11:00 AM


Andrew Scott Meiser
1/12/2009 11:14 AM
An interrogator in Iraq said most of the American causalties were inflicted by people who came to Iraq and joined the fray because of the torture policy.  The only way we will aviod more Americans killed this way in the future is to prosecute.  We should also get victim statments during the torture trials from victims who are known to be totaly innocent, as most of the victims were.  We have to stop this from happening in the future.  The right denied at Guantanamo could be denied to any of us.
Eric Robert Bottger
1/12/2009 12:44 PM
I wholeheartedly Agree.  We cannot allow those who ordered (and those who tried to cover up) the torture of Middle-Eastern prisoners to go unprosecuted.  No document or pardon can excuse a clear violation of U.S. federal and International law.  Even if this issue cannot be dealt with right away, it must be addressed soon.
1/12/2009 6:11 PM
Let's not forget all the arms testing on the head of innocent Iraqis.

Specially the so called "DEPLETED URANIUM SHELLS".


We will NEVER recover from Iraq.
1/12/2009 7:49 PM
Completely agree. The Obama-Biden team needs to consult with and actually listen to GW Law Prof. Jonathan Turley on the need to prosecute those who have committed crimes, including war crimes  (and on how ludicrous it would be to try to defend anyone charged with a crime in court by claiming that prosecution would be "looking backward").
1/12/2009 8:01 PM
 Since Bush and Cheney have both publicly admitted to ordering the torture of prisoners, President Obama will have to deal with that fact. Torture is a war crime and it must be prosecuted. It cannot be ignored by a President who says he is here to restore America's leadership in the world.
1/12/2009 8:37 PM
We, as a nation and as a people, must walk our own talk and hold those responsible for breaking not only our laws but the universal law of all free people....., we do not torture, we do not detain without cause, we do not listen in on our citizens without warrants, etc. etc..  We cannot begin to look forward until we make right and hold accountable those who have done so much to destroy the integrity and credibility of the American Constitution.  Bush swore to uphold the Constitution, but has done nothing but show disdain and disrespect for the rule of law.  We must begin this process immediately, as the Statute of Limitations is ticking, ticking away.
1/13/2009 12:32 PM
Prison is too good for Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld  - They should be disgraced, their retirement pay confiscated (should go to the families of those that lost sons and daughters in Iraq), and given the same treatment they gave Saddam Hussain.
The Progressive Logic Guy
1/13/2009 1:46 PM


Would Obama even try that?  No! 


Just anticipating Bush pardons infuriates and frustrates me.

Our only hope is to whisk him away to a country that is part of the International War Crimes treaty, or that prosecutes human rights violations.  And, the Secret Service won't allow that.


Phil, Federal Way, WA
1/13/2009 4:52 PM

Your administration has been handed one of the biggest messes possible thanks to the Bush administration. The economy is the worst it has been in my lifetime (I am 50 years old), the United States has little or no respect of the other industrialized nations, etc.

As such, I recognize that the Obama administration has a lot to do. However, do not let the people in the Bush administration get away with the crimes they have committed! They have almost destroyed our country. (At least morally.) 

First of all, I think they intentionally lied us into the Iraq war; knowing the WMD claims were trumped up. That in and of itself is an impeachable offense. 

But just as damaging is the Bush administration's approval of torture. Many of our soilders have been killed/targeted by Muslims joining to fight against the US due to the torture in Abru Ghab, etc..

I beg you; do not shrug your shoulders or give the Bushies a slap on the wrist. Torture cannot be condoned; ever! 

We should be guided by the Nuerumberg Trials. My point being even the Nazis commanders were given their day in court. (And were not tortured.)

We as a country cannot let Bush, Cheney, Rumsfield, etc. to get away with what they have done. To do so, weakens us morally as a country. However, to investigate/prosecute them shows the world we can achieve the high ground morally again.


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