Archival Research Catalog (ARC)

ARC Gallery: World War II

Military OperationsWartime ExperiencesNotable Individuals
Click on any image to find ARC search results related to that topic.  See more ARC Search Hints.
British Prime Minister Winston Churchill Gen. Benjamin O. Davis, Sr. Benajmin O. Davis and the Tuskegee Airmen French General Charles de Gaulle General Dwight D. Eisenhower
Letters from General Dwight D. Eisenhower Japanese Emperor Hirohito German Fuhrer Adolf Hitler General Douglas MacArthur Italian Duce Benito Mussolini
General George S. Patton President Franklin D. Roosevelt Roosevelt & Churchill Correspondence Soviet Leader Joseph Stalin President Harry S. Truman



Image Captions

First row:
ARC ID 197373 [President Franklin D. Roosevelt];
ARC ID 195299;
ARC ID 198863 [Prime Minister Winston Churchill];
ARC ID 305260 [Letter from Dwight D. Eisenhower];
ARC ID 77813 [General Dwight D. Eisenhower]

Second row:
ARC ID 195326 [General George Patton];
ARC ID 513210 [General Douglas MacArthur];
ARC ID 198958 [President Harry S. Truman];
ARC ID 531201 [Bejamin O. Davis, Sr., 1944];
ARC ID 535718 [Benjamin O. Davis, Jr., 1942]

Third row:
ARC ID 199187 [General Charles de Gaulle];
ARC ID 198678 [Joseph Stalin];
ARC ID 540180 [Adolf Hitler in Paris, France];
ARC ID 540151 [U.S. Poster Featuring Benito Mussolini];
ARC ID 534748 [U.S. Poster Mentioning Japanese Emperor Hirohito]

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