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National Hepatitis C Program
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Hepatitis C Topics

Liver Biopsy

Suggested Reading

Liver biopsy is an important diagnostic tool in assessing the nature and severity of liver disease. Liver biopsy provides information concerning

bulletthe cause of the liver damage
bulletthe degree of ongoing liver injury
bulletthe extent of chronic liver damage

Liver biopsy provides the clinician with confirmation of the diagnosis of hepatitis C, as well as a determination of the amount of inflammation and fibrosis. In HCV infection, there is a poor correlation between symptoms or levels of alanine aminotransferase and histologic features of the liver. Thus, patients with HCV infection may have normal levels of liver enzymes and have significant fibrosis on biopsy. Conversely, patients may also have elevated serum ALT and trivial liver disease.(1)


Liver biopsy carries a small risk of complications. If performed correctly, most patients do not feel pain during the biopsy. Some of the risks include the following:

bullet Bleeding requiring
bullettransfusion in less than one per thousand biopsies
bulletsurgery in less than per thousand biopsies
bulletPenetration of other organs such as lung, kidney, gallbladder, intestine
bulletFatality in less than one per ten thousand biopsies

Because of the small risk of complications, liver biopsy should only be performed when the information will be useful for optimal patient care and only after written informed consent has been obtained. In hepatitis C, this would include

bulletprior to starting HCV treatment
bulletdetermination of extent of liver damage, particularly in patients with persistent, significant elevations in ALT


A liver biopsy can usually be safely performed as an outpatient procedure. A physician trained and experienced in the procedure should perform the liver biopsy. Prior to the procedure, patients should discontinue all anticoagulants (e.g., coumadin) for at least a week and should not take aspirin or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines for about a week (patients can take acetaminophen). Additional contraindications to percutaneous liver biopsy include the following:(2)

Absolute Contraindications

Relative Contraindications

  • Morbid obesity

  • Ascites

  • Hemophilia

  • Infection in the right pleural cavity or below the right hemidiaphragm

*Although these criteria are considered absolute contra-indications by most hepatologists, they can be corrected by transfusions of platelets or fresh-frozen plasma and are therefore not truly absolute.

For the procedure:

bulletPatients must provide written informed consent
bulletPatients are placed flat in bed and the liver is localized in the right mid-axillary line
bulletLocalization of the liver can be performed by percussion/palpation or by ultrasound
bulletSome physicians administer conscious sedation prior to the liver biopsy
bulletThe skin over the biopsy site is cleaned with betadine or another suitable antiseptic, and lidocaine is injected locally to anesthetize the skin and the capsule of the liver
bulletLiver biopsy is performed by quickly inserting and then withdrawing a 15 to 18-gauge needle into the liver. A successful biopsy obtains a piece of liver tissue approximately the diameter of the lead in a pencil and 1 inch long


bullet The patient lies on his/her right side for 1-2 hours and then on his/her back for 3-5 hours (total observation after liver biopsy is 4-6 hours)
bulletBlood pressure and heart rate are checked frequently during this time
bulletPatients are allowed to go home if they can follow instructions reliably and have easy access to a hospital should they develop bleeding or other complications
bulletPatients should remain off anti-coagulants, aspirin and NSAIDs for at least one week
bulletPatients should be advised to refrain from heavy lifting or strenuous exercise for one to two weeks following the procedure


Liver biopsy provides the best information available concerning the amount of hepatic fibrosis and the amount of ongoing inflammation and necrosis. Inflammation is characteristically predominantly located in the portal area and consists of a mixture of mononuclear cells and lymphocytes. In more severe cases, inflammation and necrosis of the lobular parenchyma is present. Fibrosis usually begins in the portal area in HCV and in the central vein in alcoholic liver disease. Bridging fibrosis refers to the presence of fibrosis that reaches from a portal area to another portal area. Cirrhosis consists of extensive bridging fibrosis in the presence of regeneration such that normal portal areas and normal central veins cannot be identified.

One grading system used for assessing inflammation and fibrosis is that of Batts and Ludwig.(3)

Inflammation (Grade)
GradeDescriptionPiecemeal NecrosisLobular Inflammation and Necrosis
0No activityNoneNone
1MinimalMinimal, patchyMinimal; occasional spotty necrosis
2MildMild; involving some or all portal tractsMild; little hepatocellular damage
3ModerateModerate; involving all portal tractsModerate; with noticeable hepatocellular damage
4SevereSevere; may have bridging fibrosisSevere, with prominent diffuse hepatocellular damage

Fibrosis (Stage)
Source: Batts and Ludwig (Am J Surg Pathol 1995) (Table)
0No fibrosisNormal connective tissue
1Portal fibrosisFibrous portal expansion
2Periportal fibrosisPeriportal or rare portal-portal septa
3Septal fibrosisFibrous septa with architectural distortion; no obvious cirrhosis

Other grading systems include Metavir and Histologic Activity Index (Knodell Score).


  1. Bravo AA, Sheth SG, Chopra S. Current Concepts: Liver Biopsy. N Engl J Medicine 2001; 344(7):495-500.

  2. Ibid., 498 (table 2).

  3. Batts KP, Ludwig J. Chronic hepatitis. An update on terminology and reporting. Am J Surg Pathol 1995;19(12): 1409-17.

Suggested Reading

  1. Ludwig J, Batts KP, Moyer TP, Poterucha JJ. Advances in liver biopsy diagnosis. Mayo Clin Proc 1994 Jul;69(7):677-8.