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Smallpox Vaccine Injury Compensation Program

Official Documents

  • UPDATE - Amendment To Extend for One Year the January 24, 2003, Declaration Regarding Administration of Smallpox Countermeasures, as Amended on January 24, 2004, January 24, 2005, January 24, 2006 and January 24, 2007. Federal Register Notice
  • Payments received by eligible individuals for covered injuries are excluded from gross income for Federal income tax purposes (except for amounts attributable to, and not in excess of, deductions allowed under § 213 (relating to medical, etc. expenses) for any prior taxable year). Additionally, such payments do not constitute wages and are not subject to withholding for FICA, FUTA, and Federal income tax withholding purposes, and do not constitute net earnings from self-employment for SECA purposes. IRS Notice