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Stop supplying Israel with weapons

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The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has become a one-sided war of attrition.  The actions of both sides are morally reprehensible, but Palestine does not have the means to protect itself sufficiently against superior technology.  There is no effective argument for supplying Israel with weapons, while Palestinian aid goes towards subsistence and meager weapons.  If left alone, Israel would surely do fine, and the blood would be on their and their enemies' hands and not ours.


CA Bill
1/13/2009 2:53 PM
Israel is surrounded by Arabs whose goal in life is to exterminate all Jews. Israel is our ally. If we do not stands with them, the "one-sided war " is against Israel, as it always has been.
Keith in Denver
1/13/2009 2:56 PM
Israel has not acted responsibly.  Their action are way out of line with the actions of Hammas and in my case have turned me off to the costant support we always give Israel.
1/13/2009 2:57 PM
Since '05, there have been 1290 (222) Palestinian deaths and 86 (8) Israeli deaths; 6297 (864) Palestinian injuries, 1183 (14) Israeli injuries.

The numbers in brackets represent children.
1/13/2009 2:58 PM
I find your stereotype of Arabs laughable. I also think diplomacy would go a lot further if Israel didn't have such a stranglehold on the region. Assuming that the only thing keeping Israel alive is the U.S. is silly. 
1/13/2009 2:59 PM
Note that I don't wish to take sides in the conflict.  That's the point, we've taken sides.  Food to one side, guns to the other.  It would be more humane to cut off the food supplies and hope they flee to Egypt or Lebanon than to give them hope and watch them suffer in a hopeless guerilla war.
take a stand
1/13/2009 3:35 PM
I totally agree. Why do we support Isreal anyway.?
1/13/2009 3:39 PM
Religious manifest destiny
1/13/2009 4:26 PM
To be clear, my vote is to stop arming the whole world. Though Israel is the #1 recipient of U.S. arms, Egypt, right next to it, is #2.

We are playing a dangerous game of trying to balance power with arms. It comes back to bite us, or as someone said, "our chickens are coming home to roost" when we send our military against forces we once armed, as in Afghanistan or Iraq.

We should instead be promoting peace initiatives.
1/13/2009 5:05 PM
Israel has a right to take reasonable and proportionate means to protect its civilian population from such attacks. However, the manner and scale of its operations in Gaza amount to an act of aggression and is contrary to international law, notwithstanding the rocket attacks by Hamas.  It is difficult to claim self defense in a confrontation which Israel themselves have sparked, but they are doing it anyway. Self-defense is reactionary, while the actions of Israel over the last two weeks have been clearly premeditated. It is misleading to claim self-defense in a conflict with such an overwhelming lop-sidedness of power. Israel is the LARGEST MILITARY FORCE IN THE REGION, AND THE FIFTH LARGEST IN THE WORLD. They are the FORTH LARGEST EXPORTER OF and have a military industrial complex rivaling that of the United States. In other words, Israel has always had a comprehensive monopoly over the use of force.  Missiles do not differentiate people by their political affiliation; they simply kill everyone in their path. Israel knows this, and so do Palestinians. What Israel also knows, but is not saying publically, is how much their recent actions will actually strengthen Hamas - whose message of resistance and revenge is being echoed by the angry and grieving.  The targets of the strike include police and not Hamas militants.  Israel’s actions will create anarchy in the Strip by removing the pillar of law and order.  It is time to speak up now to stop the violence and end the blockade of Gaza by Israel.

1/13/2009 6:23 PM
<!--{12318997551182}--> No country subjected to a barrage of rockets such as Israel has suffered since 2005 would have acted with less force and resolve. It is due to Hamas operating deliberately from built up areas, using hospitals and mosques as headquarters and arms stores, forcing people to act as human shields. The low number of Israeli casualties is not due to Hamas humanitarianism. Many deaths were averted only because residents managed to find shelter. It is not the fault of Israel that it provides shelters and a warning system for its civilians and try to keep them away from military operations. Hamas can do the same.
1/13/2009 7:43 PM
Israel is wrong--no matter what side one is on.  Shame on them and their tactics.  And shame on the U.S. for giving them so much aid--money they then use to buy American arms to kill women and children.

Have we lost all ability to reason?
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