United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs
National Hepatitis C Program
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Patient Education Brochures

The Employee Education System, in collaboration with the Public Health Strategic Healthcare Office, VA Central Office, is pleased to announce a series of brochures on hepatitis C and related conditions. The series is designed to educate those veterans and their families infected with hepatitis C, and to provide prevention information to those veterans at risk for contracting the disease. Print copies are available from EES (order numbers appear below); ordering information (VA Intranet only).

To print brochures from your computer:

(The following PDFs require Acrobat Reader)

bulletAbout the Vaccine for Hepatitis A (#F60238)
bulletHepatitis A Virus (#F60239)
bulletAbout the Vaccine for Hepatitis B
bulletHepatitis B Virus
bulletClinical Trials and Hepatitis C Treatment (#F60220)
bulletCoping with Hepatitis C: Alternative Treatments (#F60221)
bulletCoping with Hepatitis C: Diet and Nutrition (#F60219)
bulletCoping with Your Diagnosis of Hepatitis C (#F60210)
bulletDo I Need To Be Tested for Hepatitis C? (#F60211)
bulletDo You Know a Vet Who Has Tested Positive for Hepatitis C? (#F60214)
bulletHepatitis C Quiz (#F60207)
bulletHIV and Hepatitis C (#F60209)
bulletIf You Have Hepatitis C Infection (#F60213)
bulletLaboratory Tests and Hepatitis C (#F60222)
bulletSex and Hepatitis C Virus (#F60212)
bulletTelling People You Have Hepatitis C (#F60208)
bulletDo You Know a Veteran Being Treated for Hepatitis C? (#F60229)
bulletSide Effects of Hepatitis C Treatments (#F60228)
bulletTreatments for Hepatitis C (#F60218)
bulletTreatment Challenges for People in Drug and Alcohol Recovery (#F60227)
bulletTreatment Series: I. Before You Start Hepatitis C Treatment (#F60217)
bulletTreatment Series: II. While You Are on Hepatitis C Treatment (#F60216)
bulletTreatment Series: III. Common Questions About Finishing Hepatitis C Treatment (#F60215)
bulletLiver Biopsy (#F60231)
bulletLiver Cancer (#F60232)
bulletLiver Transplant(#F60233)
bulletWhat Is Your Liver? (#F60230)