Sea Grant, NOAA fisheries and other partners removed 239 tons of derelict fishing gear from the fragile and unique coral reef ecosystems of the Northwestern Hawaiian islands. Clean-up efforts are underway.

More Sea Grant Impacts…

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Aquatic Invasive Species
Coastal Communities & Economies
Coastal Natural Hazards
Digital Ocean
Ecosystems & Habitats
Marine Aquatic Science Literacy
Seafood Science & Technology
Urban Coasts

National Priority Areas
Fisheries Extension
Harmful Algal Blooms
Oyster Disease Research

The Issue:
Growth along the nation's coasts has exacerbated coastal pollution and associated problems such as harmful algal blooms, “dead zones,” aquatic invasive species, coral reef die-offs and related effects.  Understanding coastal ecological processes, ocean dynamics and the impacts of natural and human-induced changes is fundamental to the management and restoration of coastal ecosystems and habitats.

Sea Grant:
Sea Grant determines these impacts and develops innovative approaches to protect these habitats from further degradation and reverse the changes that have occurred.  Sea Grant emphasizes the role of the land in determining the quality of coastal waters and provides coastal managers with the scientific and technological tools they need to address regional and local problems