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Personal Accountability

Along with our insurance and lending institutions, can we start an ad campaigm to encourage and suport personal accountability/responsibilty for our own health and circumstances?  Can we put more emphasise on prevention and positive haealth practices?  For example, no more organ transplants for drug abusers (smokers, alcoholics, etc).  No more bariatric surgery for obesity.  Instead, let's support accountability-based programs that help people correct their habits and get healthy so they will not need heroic measures.
End the practice of increaseing public funds to familes/individuals every time they have a child.  Members of the workforce do not get raises based upon proliferation, neither should others.  thank you for this opportunity to be heard
1 Comment  »  Posted by RuthG to Economy, Health Care on 1/13/2009 2:43 PM


1/13/2009 6:32 PM
I would agree with you but we already limit and put previous or addicted patients lower on transplant lists. Some people have conditions of thyroid glands that necessitate things such as bariatric surgery, diet and exercise are often not even options for the morbidly obese. And as for child bearing: As a nation we won't educate people on safe sex practices, supply them with access to affordable contraception, or means to end unwanted pregnancies. So many people are stuck in a rut where without governmental assistance, they and their children would be homeless or hungry.

I agree prevention is  a far better attitude than treatment options, but unless we address the underlying causes of these conditions we can't really get to that point. It's a fundamental shift in how we look at things.
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