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Give us the money!

The state of affairs has become so uncertain that I have taken to watching CNN in the mornings, something I admittedly did not do in the past. I have been hearing much about the $350 billion left from the bailout money and what should be done with it. I admit that there is a lot I do not know about the workings of government and economy but I am confused about something. Because of the actions of some in power, my family and millions of others are now left to struggle and make decisions such as "Do I pay that bill or buy formula and diapers for my baby?" Not much of a choice really. In watching the squabbling about what should be done with the money, I have yet to hear anything about just giving it back to the taxpayers. I realize that throwing cash at a problem does not solve it. We saw that with the first $350 billion. I am all for programs tocreate new jobs and I like the idea of doing that by making a more "green" America. But what about a stimulus package that gives every married, taxpaying couple $100,000.00. A lot of money yes, but I can tell you what my family would do with it. First of all, pay off all court fines. My husband and I are both drug addicts who have been in recovery for about five years now. We are under the burden of many court fines that, due to interest, plan on paying for the rest of our lives. We could pay that off. Next, we would pay off our vehicles. That is $500 month in payments that we cannot afford. Next, pay off all debt. That would be a dream come true. After that, we would put a nice sized down payment on our house so that we are actually working toward ownership. And yes, I would love to do a little shopping. Looking back on that, it seems to me that just our little effort would do a great deal to stimulate the economy. And we are just one little family of five. People like us are the ones that are most greatly affected by the economic crisis. Why can't the American people be given the money to directly stimulate the economy? Yes we need more jobs and stability in employment. My husband has been through three jobs in the past six months because of layoffs. I definitely understand. I just feel that if money is going to be thrown out there, shouldn't the people who need it be able to use it to rebuild and better their lives?
1 Comment  »  Posted by britt on 1/13/2009 10:04 AM


1/13/2009 10:53 AM
I always thought the mortgage bailout was BACKWARDS, it would have been less to just pay the Past Due amounts on the homes so people would be caught up and have a chance again.

They would certainly do things diffferently. 

Look at the situation, money spent, people still forclosed and HOMELESS.... 

  Think of the SMILES that approach would have brought to people's faces!
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