United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs

National Center for Health Promotion & Disease Prevention (NCP)

Resources for Clinicians

Picture of a health care team

This website provides healthcare resources for clinicians and others in healthcare.  On the site, you will find information for use in your practice and corresponding information for veterans and the public.  Links to other VA program offices and programs are also provided.

Information specific to VHA is located on the NCP intranet website.

What's New

The Monthly Prevention Topics for
January - Weight Management; February -  Healthy Heart; and March -  Colorectal Cancer are available for download.

Monthly Prevention Topics
All Monthly Prevention Topics include patient handouts to download and useful websites.  Many of the topics correlate with the National Health Observances.  You can have the handouts available in waiting rooms, health fairs and other educational forums.

NCP Pocket Guide to Patient Healthcare Communication
Developed as a companion to the regional conferences:  Promoting Behavioral Change:  Opportunities for Patients, Employees, and Organizations, the Pocket Guide to Patient Healthcare Communication is a useful tool for counseling patients in any stage of behavioral change.  The guide discusses steps to facilitate health behavior change, assessing patients readiness to change, tips on self-management plans and more.

Health resources for clinicians
Web-based and information for download on a variety of health topics.  Sites include the Department of Veterans Affairs, Federal Government and private sector organizations.

Health resources for veterans and the public
Patient focused information, websites, and brochures for download on a variety of health topics.  Sites include the Department of Veterans Affairs, Federal Government and private sector organizations.

Prevention Briefs
1-page resource on health promotion and disease prevention education topics.  Appropriate for use with veterans and staff.

Continuing education resources
Educational offerings on a variety of topics including, prevention, public health, heart disease, overweight and obesity, infectious diseases, immunizations, cancer, and tobacco uses cessation.

Journal Update has recent abstracts on health promotion and disease prevention topics.