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This page last updated:
July 14, 2008

Environmental Compliance

Government Performance and Results Act

The Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA), passed in 1993, requires that agencies of the federal government consider how to measure their performance and how to use those measurements to make improvements.  GPRA forces a shift in the focus of agencies away from such traditional concerns as staffing and activity levels and toward a single overriding issue - results.  The act requires agencies to set goals, measure performance, and report on their accomplishments.  We accomplish this through the Strategic Plan and the budget process. 

The Strategic Plan identifies three goals to help the agency achieve its mission.   The goal directly applicable to environmental performance is, “Provide for safe and environmentally sound mineral development of the OCS, and ensure that the public receives fair value.”  To that end, the MMS will strive to show a decrease in the number of adverse environmental impacts per OCS mineral development activity. 

For more information, contact Archie Melançon.

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