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Message from the Regional Manager

Energy security is on the minds of many Americans. Lately, it seems not a day goes by that we aren’t reminded of the far-reaching impact energy has in our daily lives and on our economy. Through close consultation and coordination with West Coast States, other government agencies, and key stakeholders, the MMS Pacific OCS Region is working to seek possible solutions to our Nation’s complex energy situation.

To date, the MMS Pacific OCS Region continues to diligently pursue its mission of effectively and responsibly managing America’s offshore energy resources on the Pacific OCS.  Led by a vision based on collaboration, the Pacific OCS Region carries out its day-to-day operations through a diverse and well-trained staff dedicated to working closely with State and local governments, ocean-users and other key stakeholders. Through these working relationships, the Pacific OCS Region obtains a greater appreciation of regional and local issues; this, in turn, provides the agency with insight to better understand and respond to issues of concern while pursuing the Region’s core principles of safety, science and sustainability.

The Region is committed to ensuring clean and safe energy and mineral operations on the OCS, and protecting coastal and marine environments potentially affected by the activities we regulate. This commitment is demonstrated by our impressive oil-spill record. Since 1970, a total of only 850 barrels of oil have been lost into the marine environment from Pacific OCS operations. This is less than the amount of oil seeping naturally into the ocean from cracks in the seafloor during any given week offshore California. 

Our inspectors are offshore 365 days a year, inspecting the 23 OCS platforms for compliance with MMS regulations and various other conditions of operation. Additionally, the Region’s inspection protocol includes engineers and environmental scientists, many of whom participate in systemic reviews of the facilities as well as in ongoing and regular inspections. The Region continues to improve its regulations and enforcement procedures to further ensure clean and safe management of OCS resources.

Scientific research and advancement are essential to the success of the Region.  From an operational perspective, technological improvements within the energy industry have the potential to increase access to resources while reducing associated adverse environmental impacts.  Moreover, since 1973, the MMS Regional Environmental Studies Program has cumulatively funded 189 studies addressing Pacific OCS issues at a value of almost $124 million. In many cases, these studies represent pioneering research for the entire California coastline. The scientific information obtained from these studies assists the Region in assessing the impacts of OCS operations on the marine and coastal ecology along California. Information from existing and future studies will become invaluable in understanding the effects of alternative energy development on the OCS.

Since energy consumption continues to increase, satisfying the Nation’s energy needs will require a sustainable approach to production and development of OCS resources. The Pacific OCS Region has been, and will continue to be, an important contributor to the domestic hydrocarbon inventory. Over the past 36 years, the Region has produced over 1.09 billion barrels of oil and 1.38 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. With 43 leases currently producing, it is estimated that almost 400 million barrels of oil and over 1 trillion cubic feet of natural gas remain to be recovered.

The Region emphasizes the importance of maximizing the ultimate recovery of those hydrocarbon resources to ensure that reservoirs are developed in a manner that prevents waste. Additionally, access to and uses of resources on the OCS continues to increase.  Diversifying the Nation’s energy portfolio with well-planned OCS alternative energy development, such as the harnessing of wind, wave and ocean current resources will provide a greater amount of domestically produced renewable energy. As these projects progress, MMS remains committed to ensuring that multiple uses do not conflict and that development on the OCS is orderly and sustainable.

The Pacific OCS Region is proud of the role it plays in satisfying the energy needs of the American people. However, we recognize that our success relies on maintaining an open dialog with those we serve. I encourage you to use this website as an active means of communicating with the Region. Visit often and offer us feedback. Whether you wish to track a specific project, learn more about ongoing environmental studies or find educational materials for teachers and students, the Pacific OCS Region's website has something for everyone. I hope you find this site both useful and informative.

The Region will continue to draw on its core principles – safety, science and sustainability – to manage the Nation’s offshore energy and mineral resources in a manner that is responsive to the country’s needs and sensitive to the public’s concerns.

Ellen G. Aronson
Regional Manager

OUR MISSION: We manage Federal offshore energy and mineral resources in a manner that is responsive to the public's concerns.

OUR VISION: To be recognized by the public as a Federal agency that is composed of knowledgeable and dedicated people who are trusted to manage Federal offshore energy and mineral resources in a responsible manner.

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Web Master: Nollie Gildow-Owens
Page content last updated 2/21/2008
Page last published 2/21/2008