
Press Release
July 30, 1999
September Public Programs at the National Archives

Washington, DC . . . In September, the National Archives and Records Administration presents lectures, booksignings, and a special document display relating to a variety of subjects including World War II, the Civil War and the exhibition Picturing the Century: One Hundred Years of Photography from the National Archives.

The programs are free and open to the public and will take place at the National Archives Building, Pennsylvania Avenue between 7th and 9th Streets, NW. The public may verify times and dates by calling the National Archives public events line at (202) 501-5000. TDD users may call (202) 501-5404.

Thursday, September 9—World War II
Gregg Rickman will discuss his book, Swiss Banks and Jewish Souls, which shows how an investigative group took on the Swiss financial empire and achieved a measure of justice for Holocaust survivors and their heirs. The legislative director for former Senator Alfonse D'Amato, Mr. Rickman directed the Senate Banking Committee's "Swiss bank Inquiry" from 1995 to 1998. Noon and 7 p.m. Room 105.

Wednesday, September 15—Special Document Display
Hispanic Heritage Month
After the Mexican War ended in 1848, Mexico ceded huge amounts of territory in the American Southwest to the United States. In order to establish their title, landholders filed illustrated maps, known as "diseños," with the federal government. In celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, the National Archives will display one of these maps drawn by José Rafael Gonzales in 1852. Rotunda through October 17.

Wednesday, September 15—Abraham Lincoln series
Lincoln, Secession, and the Right of Revolution
In the decades prior to the Civil War, controversy arose over the use of revolution to resolve the struggle over the extension of slavery. From 1846 through the 1850s, in a variety of political contexts, Lincoln discussed the application of the right of revolution. Professor Herman Belz is professor of history at the University of Maryland and author of Abraham Lincoln, Constitutionalism, and Equal Rights in the Civil War Era. Co-sponsored by the Abraham Lincoln Institute of the Mid-Atlantic. Noon. Room 105.

Thursday, September 16—Eleanor Roosevelt
In Courage in a Dangerous World, a collection of Eleanor Roosevelt's political writings, Allida M. Black has gathered more than 200 columns, articles, essays, and speeches. The selections trace her development from timorous columnist to one of liberalism's most outspoken leaders. Noon. Room 105.

Tuesday, September 21—Civil War
Thomas and Beverly Lowry will discuss their book, Don't Shoot That Boy! Abraham Lincoln and Military Justice. In this ground-breaking study based on almost 600 documents in Lincoln's own hand, the authors tell the story of each life-or-death decision. Lincoln balanced sternness and compassion, deciding the fate of men sentenced to be hanged or shot for crimes including desertion, spying, sabotage, murder, and rape. Noon and 7 P.M. Theater.

Wednesday, September 22—Picturing the Century series
Bruce Bustard, curator of "Picturing the Century: One Hundred Years of Photography from the National Archives," will present an illustrated lecture entitled: "'Another Pleasant Valley Sunday?' Images of Suburbia in EPA's DOCUMERICA Project." Dr. Bustard will briefly introduce the 1970s DOCUMERICA project and highlight its photographs of the American suburbs. The audience may view the Circular Gallery exhibit, "Picturing the Century," following the lecture. Noon. Room 105.

Thursday, September 23—Journalism
Donald Ritchie will discuss his book American Journalists: Getting the Story. Associate historian of the U.S. Senate, Mr. Ritchie's compendium of biographical sketches details the personal and professional lives of American journalists from 1700 to the present. Sixty essays focus on American news reporters, editors, publishers, and broadcasters whose careers significantly advanced or symbolized major changes in journalism. Noon. Room 105.

Tuesday, September 28—Andrew Jackson
In 1815, Britain's crack troops were defeated near New Orleans by a rag-tag army of citizen soldiers under the fledgling commander nicknamed "Old Hickory." Robert Remini will discuss his book, Battle of New Orleans: Andrew Jackson & America's First Military Victory. Remini, whose three-volume biography, Andrew Jackson, won the National Book Award, is also the author of biographies of Henry Clay and Daniel Webster. 7 P.M. Room 105.

For additional PRESS information, please contact the National Archives Public Affairs staff at (301) 837-1700 or by e-mail. Visit the National Archives Home Page on the World Wide Web at


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