Attachment A Short

EIT Commercial Non-Availability Certification


To be completed by the Requiring Official (Purchase Requestor) for purchase requests involving Electronic and Information Technology (EIT)

Answer the questions below as fully as possible, and follow directions as stated. Refer to the "Addendum, Section 508 Definitions and Technical Standards" as necessary.

I have determined and hereby certify that the product (s) that I require to have procured is not now available in a compliant version in the commercial marketplace, nor expected to become available in a compliant version in time to satisfy agency delivery requirements.


Signature Printed Name Date Phone Number

( ) Approved ( ) Concur:

________________________________ _______________________

Operating Unit Chief Information/Finance Officer Date


________________________________ ________________________

Chief Information/Finance Officer Date

Department of Commerce

*DOC CIO/CFO Approval required for NWS/NESDIS Acquisitions >$10,000,000 and NOS/NMFS/OAR/OMAO/OFA Acquisitions >$2,500,000

Attach this document to the "Section 508 Determination and Findings for Purchase Requests" form, and affix both to your procurement request.