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Office of Public Health and Environmental Hazards

Cold Injury

The Office of Public Health and Environmental Hazards develops and reviews policies and procedures relating to examination and treatment of cold-injured veterans. Thousands of U. S. service personnel have suffered from cold injuries including frostbite and immersion (trench) foot during World War II, in the Battle of the Bulge and Battle of the Chosin Reservoir.  Cold accounted for 16% of Army non-battle injuries requiring admission, and over 5000 U. S. casualties of cold injury required evacuation from Korea during the winter of 1950-1951.   VA is committed to providing thorough examinations and high quality medical care to veterans with long-term and late sequelae of cold injuries.

Program Director

Neil S. Otchin, M.D.

  • Resident Resources Information

For more information on Korean War veterans and their experience with cold injuries, visit the New Residents Pocket Card website, and click on Korean War. 

  • Forms
  • VA Form 10-0376
    Compensation and Pension Examination for Cold Injury Protocol Examination
    #1730 Worksheet
    April 1998
    (See Attachment A to IL 10-98-008)
  • VA Form 10-0374
    Protocol Examination History for Cold Injuries
    April 1998
    (See Attachment B to IL 10-98-008)