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War-Related Illness and Injury Study Center (WRIISC-DC)

Clinical Care Program

Information for Veterans

Clinical Programs: Complementary and Alternative Therapy Programs:

Information for Clinicians

National Referral Program: Deployment Health:

doctor examining patient

The WRIISC-DC offers clinical care to combat veterans who have difficult-to-diagnose conditions and/or combat related injuries. The WRIISC-DC clinical program is designed to evaluate and provide consultative services to combat veterans who have difficult to diagnosis or medically unexplained symptoms. Our clinical program serves as a specialized second opinion for combat veterans who have post-deployment health concerns. The WRIISC-DC clinical evaluation is multidisciplinary and focuses on the individual health concerns of each veteran. Post-deployment health recommendations are reviewed with the veteran and his or her family members and communicated to the veteran’s primary care provider.

This section of our Web site offers information on the following:

  • WRIISC-DC clinical programs
  • Post-deployment health information for clinicians
  • Post-deployment health information for veterans
  • Information for clinicians interested in referring combat veterans to WRIISC

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