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Export Import Bank of the United States




About Ex-Im | Reports

Competitiveness Report for 2002

Report to the U.S. Congress On Export Credit Competition and
The Export-Import Bank of the United States

For the Period
January 1, 2002 Through December 31, 2002

Introductory Sections
  1. Chairman's Letter
  2. The 2003 Advisory Committee's Statement
  3. Table of Contents
  4. Executive Summary
  5. Chapter I: Introduction
Chapter II: Competitiveness Framework
  1. Section A: Factors Influencing Export Finance
  2. Section B: ECAs' Mission and Place in Government
Chapter III: Core Business Policies and Practices
  1. Section A: Cover Policy and Risk-Taking
  2. Section B: Interest Rates
  3. Section C: Risk Premia
  4. Section D: Ex-Im Bank's Core Competitiveness
Chapter IV: Comparison of Major Program Structures
  1. Section A: Large Aircraft
  2. Section B: Project Finance
  3. Section C: Co-Financing "One-Stop-Shop"
  4. Section D: Foreign Currency Guarantees
  5. Section E: Ex-Im Bank's Major Program Competitiveness
Chapter V: Economic Philosophy and Competitiveness
  1. Section A: Trade-related Tied and Untied Aid
  2. Section B: Market Windows
  3. Section C: U.S. Philosophy and Ex-Im Bank Competitiveness
Chapter VI: Public Policies: Stakeholder Considerations
  1. Section A: Introduction
  2. Section B: Economic Impact
  3. Section C: Foreign Content
  4. Section D: Local Costs
  5. Section E: U.S. Shipping Requirements
  6. Section F: Ex-Im Bank's Public Policy Competitiveness
Chapter VII: Conclusion


  • A: Calculation of Ex-Im Bank Grade
  • B: Purpose of Ex-Im Bank Transactions
  • C: Exporter and Banker Survey Results
  • D: G-7 Export Credit Institutions
  • E: State of Play in the OECD
  • F: Ex-Im Bank Foreign Content Support
  • G: Tied Aid Report
  • H: Human Rights and Other Foreign Policy Considerations
  • I: Equal Access for U.S. Insurance
  • J: Trade Promotion Coordinating Committee (TPCC)
  • K: Efforts to Promote Renewable Energy Exports
2003 Competitiveness Report
2001 Competitiveness Report




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