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U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP)

Topical Resources

AIDS and Violent Conflict in Africa Web Links

Below are links by topical categories to resources primarily in English on issues regarding AIDS and HIV infection as they relate to violent conflict in Africa. For related web links and regional issues, see Regional Resources: Africa.

These links complement the Institute Special Report: AIDS and Violent Conflict in Africa.

Government Agencies and International Organizations

International Crisis Group (ICG)

United Nations

United States

Maps and Guides
Media and News Sources
Research Centers and Resources
  • HIV InSite: Sub-Saharan Africa
    HIV InSite is a web site developed by the University of California San Francisco. This extensive gateway site contains a knowledge base of HIV/AIDS information; coverage of medical, prevention and policy analysis resources, and "multidisciplinary research on and analysis of the context, impact and response to HIV/AIDS worldwide" in the countries and regions section. The section on Sub-Saharan Africa includes selected country profiles, a discussion of context, factors, and impact of the AIDS epidemic, statistics and comparative indicators, gender issues, conferences, and numerous links to related web sites.
Selected Documents

Updated: July 31, 2002

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