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Phoenix Area- Committed to Caring

Southwestern Dietetic Internship Consortium Graduates First Native American Dietician

August 8, 2006- The Phoenix Area Indian Health Service announces the first dietetic intern graduate from the Southwestern Dietetic Internship Consortium at the Phoenix Indian Medical Center, Phoenix, AZ. On Friday, August 11, 2006, Ms. Kari Clark, and the Indian Health Service will celebrate this milestone on the campus of the Phoenix Indian Medical Center. The dietetic internship is a consortium between the Phoenix Indian Medical Center, Phoenix Area and the Kayenta Service Unit, Navajo Area, Indian Health Service.

The Southwestern Dietetic Internship Consortium was approved by the American Dietetic Association (ADA) in November 2005. Before this program was submitted to the ADA, there were no dietetic internship programs in the Indian Health Service. The rising rates of diabetes, obesity, childhood obesity, and other chronic health issues for which nutrition is an integral part of the treatment indicate the need for more qualified dietetics practitioners in Native American communities. The most recent demographic analysis completed by the ADA in 1999 showed that only 0.3% of all Registered Dietitians claim American Indian or Alaska Native as their ethnicity.

Kari Clark, a member of the Navajo Nation, from Crystal, New Mexico and an Arizona State University graduate, was the first dietetic intern selected for the program. Ms. Clark has completed all of the required training hours and rotations to successfully complete her internship and is now ready to take the registration examination to become a Registered Dietitian.

“Kari has done excellent work during her internship. The projects were all of the highest quality. Kari will make a great dietitian for the Indian Health Service,” said Edith Clark, Director of Southwestern Dietetic Internship Consortium.

The graduation ceremony will be held at the Phoenix Indian Medical Center, Phoenix, AZ, on August 11.

NOTE: Information courtesy of the Phoenix Area Indian Health Service Press Release, August 8, 2006. For additional information on the Southwestern Dietetic Internship Consortium, contact the Phoenix Area Public Information Officer at 602-364-7777, or go to the Arizona Dietetic Practicum Advisory Committee web site. Additional information about the IHS is available on the IHS website.

>> See the past feature articles.

Phoenix Area Indian Health Service
Two Renaissance Square • 40 North Central Avenue • Phoenix, AZ 85004-4424