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 IHS Area Offices

Phoenix Area- Committed to Caring

Phoenix Area IHS Deployments to Aid Hurricane Katrina Survivors

September 06, 2005- The U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps Officers stationed in the Phoenix Area are in the midst of the first deployment to aid the Hurricane Katrina survivors. Out of the 159 officers in the deployment process who work within the Indian Health Service (IHS), approximately 23 are from the Phoenix Area IHS.

It is anticipated there will be ongoing deployments over the next several weeks. Physicians, physician's assistants, nurses, mental health staff, pharmacists, environmental health officers and engineers are needed for the next deployment. There is also a need for clinicians with pediatric skills at a Texas site.

Dr. Berkley at the Hurricane Katrina deployment site For more information, visit the Health and Human Services (HHS) Hurricane Katrina web site to find out more about the below topics:

Photo above left courtesy of the Federal Emergency Management Agency [slide show]

Photo right: PAIHS Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Vincent Berkley, deployed at the Hurricane Katrina site.

>> See the past feature articles.

Phoenix Area Indian Health Service
Two Renaissance Square • 40 North Central Avenue • Phoenix, AZ 85004-4424