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 IHS Area Offices

Phoenix Area- Committed to Caring

Phoenix Area Master Plan – Where are we now?

In partnership with the tribes of Arizona, Nevada and Utah, the Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, and the Phoenix Area Indian Health Service, the Phoenix Area Health Services Master Plan was developed over a period of two years and the final document was accepted on November 22, 2002.

The Master Plan document includes the following topics:

Peach Springs Health Center
  • Introduction
    • Points of Contact
  • Master Plan Summary
    • Visiting Professional Summary Plan
    • Contract Health Summary
    • Master Plan Priorities
  • Primary Service Areas
    • Summary & Priorities
    • Resource Allocation
    • Requirements and Delivery Plan
    • Market Assessment
    • Historical Utilization
  • Regional Analysis

For full details, please download the Master Plan [PDF] in its entirety.

In June, 2004, the Phoenix Area IHS Director endorsed the selection of Ms. Sandra Pattea as the Coordinator for the Integrated Services Delivery Network (ISDN) also known as the “Master Plan”. Over the past year, the Master Plan has been presented at various forums, such as: Construction site
  • Phoenix Area Health Steering Committee
  • Health Director’s meeting
  • Inter Tribal Council of Nevada’s Annual Convention
  • Colorado River Indian Tribal Health Board
  • Hopi Tribal Council
  • Fort Yuma Service Unit Leadership meeting
  • Public Health Nurse Director’s meeting
  • Chief Pharmacists meeting

Where Are We Now?

The Phoenix Area Health Services Master Plan is a living document. At the annual Office of Self Determination - Indian Health Service / Tribes / Urban (I/T/U) meeting in June, 2005, it was announced that updating the Master Plan to 2015 would begin. The updates will also include tribes and urban programs not currently included in the Master Plan. To gain appropriate local input in updating the Master Plan, the ISDN coordinator is identifying individuals who will serve as the point of contacts for the Phoenix Area Tribes, Urban Programs and Service Units.

We look forward to our continued work with all those who provide health care services to American Indians and Alaskan Natives.

Please contact the author, Sandra Pattea, Coordinator, Integrated Services Delivery Network (ISDN), at (602)364-5174 or by email at for additional information and if you wish to have a presentation of the Master Plan in your community.

>> See the past feature articles.

Phoenix Area Indian Health Service
Two Renaissance Square • 40 North Central Avenue • Phoenix, AZ 85004-4424